Lowering LDL and raising HDL


Oct 9, 2024
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What are some tried and true strategies for raising HDL and lowering LDL cholesterol? What are your go to snacks or meals for low cholesterol?

I’ve read that whey protein and extra fiber like psyllium husk can move the needle for people. What else?
What are some tried and true strategies for raising HDL and lowering LDL cholesterol? What are your go to snacks or meals for low cholesterol?

I’ve read that whey protein and extra fiber like psyllium husk can move the needle for people. What else?
Glad you asked this question ⁉️
Tirz+statin decimated my cholesterol (which wasn't super high to begin with)... to the point where i am concerned it'll be too low.. stopped taking the statin since.. (as it appears to be unnecessary at this point)
I got my blood drawn today after three months on Tirz, down 30+ pounds with a MUCH healthier diet I am hoping I can ditch the statin I'm on.
I got some blood work done yesterday and the results are what prompted me to make this post lol. I’ve been on tirz for 3 months and lost 30 pounds and my diet is healthier as well, but I think my diet is still bad, just comparatively better. I find myself leaning too hard on the appetite suppression instead of making healthy meals. My LDL is in the borderline high range. Unfortunately I don’t have a recent baseline to compare against to see if things improved so using this most recent test as the baseline
I got some blood work done yesterday and the results are what prompted me to make this post lol. I’ve been on tirz for 3 months and lost 30 pounds and my diet is healthier as well, but I think my diet is still bad, just comparatively better. I find myself leaning too hard on the appetite suppression instead of making healthy meals. My LDL is in the borderline high range. Unfortunately I don’t have a recent baseline to compare against to see if things improved so using this most recent test as the baseline
On my end I'm thinking laying back off the sweets🤷🏽‍♀️
Aerobic exercise minimum 120 min per week (40 min x 3 days per week).
Omega 3 supplements (EPA and DHA).
Vitamin B complex supplements.
More fiber through whole grains, beans, legumes, oat meal, psyllium husk supplements.
Avoid polyunsaturated fats.
This is not an exhaustive list, but a good start.
Mine blood was last test in June during my annual physical so I will have some recent comps. Did you have ask to get your thyroid levels tested? I thought on GLP-1's it is important to monitor but if I didn't ask my doc wouldn't have added it.
Weight loss can raise your cholesterol temporarily. Mine improved a lot after my weight stabilized post-loss, but I also take red yeast rice and that's helped. Note that it shares a same main active ingredient as statins, so if you're trying to avoid statin side effects you may need to pay attention with these, too. Otherwise, exercise, less alcohol, more sleep (less cortisol). Peri/menopause also often raises cholesterol, so if that's a factor for you and you also have other symptoms then hormone replacement might be a thing to think about.
Minimum 25g fiber if you’re a woman 35g men, scientifically proven to lower ldl and more is beneficial. Each 5g lowers by 5.5mg/dl. That alone will help adopt improved nutritional quality for yourself and also aid weight loss.
Minimum 25g fiber if you’re a woman 35g men, scientifically proven to lower ldl and more is beneficial. Each 5g lowers by 5.5mg/dl. That alone will help adopt improved nutritional quality for yourself and also aid weight loss.
Studies please 🧐
Studies please 🧐

Meta of 181 RCT’s, full text is available
Red yeast rice is effectively a statin - it's the same active ingredient ( monacolin K ) as in some statins. Except now you're taking something that isn't regulated by the FDA. At that point, I'd probably just take a statin.

Nattokinase has some mixed study results on improving LDL/HDL levels. If it's beneficial, it looks like it's better at higher doses (8000 or so IU). Similarly, some interesting results in reversing atherosclerosis at these higher levels as well. Talk to your doctor if you're on blood thinners or have health risks around blood thinning.
So when I started tirz I did labs at the same time. I had LDL of 117, Triglycerides of 219. I immediately started a complete diet change, clean eating, low-ish carb with healthy macros, exercise, and tirz, but I also added what I think was a cheat-code.... I used this stuff "Cholestoff Complete" and took 3 pills twice a day after meals as per the instructions for 1 month. I drew labs again (only 1 month later) and my LDL was 79, Triglycerides 111. Unfortunately my HDL also dropped 42 to 35 in that time too. I haven't taken those pills since then, this post actually reminds me to order labs again, it's been about 3 months since that last check.

Anyways, if you want to take drastic measures, you may want to check out that cholestoff complete stuff. Specifically the "complete" version as it apparenly not only lowers cholesterol but also inhibits the creation of excess cholesterol in the liver. Active ingredients are Plant Stenols and Pantethine. The healthy eating and meds of course play their role but with only 1 month for that high impact I have to give some credit to the supplement.

As far as raising HDL though.... that's where I really need to focus. I've been taking omegas for years, already exercise, and already eating clean so I'm not sure what else I can do there so I'm hoping for some tips here.
Reta will definitely help you. It is the fact that Glucagon works on inhibiting PCSK9 which in turn lowers cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL you name it.

Look at Mazdutide and Survodutide and see how much cholesterol numbers have dropped since ppl started taking it.

These both are dual agonist Glp1 and Glucagon with a much stronger affinity towards Glucagon. Try it and see for yourself. Also this is one of the reasons why they are testing it for fatty liver reduction with amazing results so far in clinical trials. It like melts the liver fat.

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