Never trust a skinny chef!

Broken Chef

Senior Member
Jun 11, 2024
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
Well, hopefully I'll eventually be a skinny chef that you can trust!

I'm 53yo, disabled from multiple spine surgeries, and have packed on the pounds the last 10 years since I was disabled.

I was on Ozempic for 6 months before Medicare figured out I don't have diabetes and stopped paying for it. In my search for affordable compounding pharmacies, I ran across people talking about peptides on Reddit. So I spent about 35-40 hours over the last week learning, asking questions, and talking to people. Which led me here!

I'm currently 5'8" and 255#. Was up to 280 before I started Ozempic, dropped to 240, but have put 15# back on since the Ozempic ran out 2 months ago. I'm a bit desperate to get back on it, but not at the risk of losing money or getting sick from garbage, so I've been full force researching peptides the last 7 days or so.

I'm finding the options a bit overwhelming so I am hoping to learn more in order to make an educated choice in a supplier. I'll probably be pretty quiet for a while while I search and read, but will chime in with questions.

If there are any lists going around of good/bad suppliers or other things that you know I'll probably be asking about, please don't hesitate to direct me.

I'm not easily offended, and am a bit of a long winded jabber jaw, so I apologize in advance because once I open up, I'm like a 18yo girl on cocaine. blah, blah blah, blah blah

Did I mention I'm a chef... oh yeah... Never trust a skinny chef, lol It's a lot like going to see a physical therapist who doesn't fit on the big/tall chair and tells you to exercise more, lol No offense to anyone who might be that guy/girl!

I'm gen X! We played tag with bb guns, would fist fight one day and be best friends the next, a string of 18 cuss words was a compliment, we bought cigarettes from the store at 12 years old just by saying my mom sent me, carried knives to school, and had rifles and shotguns in our cars to go hunting after school... My how times have changed!

I am from a small town in PA where everyone knew who I was because my dad owned the primary HVAC business and my uncle owned the primary insurance business. My dad was a "greaser/motor head" in his younger days and all his friends worked in the car dealerships/repair shops in town. So wherever I went, I was busted before I even did anything. But that just taught me to be clever, because I got away with more 'things' than kids these days even dream about.

Oh, I have 2 kids and 2 grand kids (wait, what? when tf did that happen?) I feel old! But rightly so - when I was 40, my dr told me I had the spine of a 65 year old. From ages 14-30, I played and partied like it was my last day on earth. My motto was... this might take 5 minutes off my life, but it's 5 minutes at the end, when I'm decrepit so who cares... oops, I blinked, now I'm decrepit.

I suffer from chronic pain so I'm hoping weight loss will help with that. Once I get going on Ozempic, I will be looking into other peptides that might help with pain, so I'm not here for just the magic fat man powder.

If you made it to the end of my rant you have more patience than me! But if you did, or if you share my strengths, weaknesses, or common interests, lets chat. I'm an open book and always happy to chat with anyone about anything.

Metal head til the day I die.... What do you wanna do with your life?

Some of my favorite quotes, from the funniest man who ever lived... RIP!!

Religion is like a pair of shoes... Find one that fits for you, but dont make me wear your shoes!
The reason I talk to myself is becasue I'm the only one whose answers I accept...
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups...
I dont have pet peeves - I have major psychotic f'ing hatreds...
Farewell... May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house...

If you dont know who said these things, you are seriously missing out!
Well, hopefully I'll eventually be a skinny chef that you can trust!

I'm 53yo, disabled from multiple spine surgeries, and have packed on the pounds the last 10 years since I was disabled.

I was on Ozempic for 6 months before Medicare figured out I don't have diabetes and stopped paying for it. In my search for affordable compounding pharmacies, I ran across people talking about peptides on Reddit. So I spent about 35-40 hours over the last week learning, asking questions, and talking to people. Which led me here!

I'm currently 5'8" and 255#. Was up to 280 before I started Ozempic, dropped to 240, but have put 15# back on since the Ozempic ran out 2 months ago. I'm a bit desperate to get back on it, but not at the risk of losing money or getting sick from garbage, so I've been full force researching peptides the last 7 days or so.

I'm finding the options a bit overwhelming so I am hoping to learn more in order to make an educated choice in a supplier. I'll probably be pretty quiet for a while while I search and read, but will chime in with questions.

If there are any lists going around of good/bad suppliers or other things that you know I'll probably be asking about, please don't hesitate to direct me.

I'm not easily offended, and am a bit of a long winded jabber jaw, so I apologize in advance because once I open up, I'm like a 18yo girl on cocaine. blah, blah blah, blah blah

Did I mention I'm a chef... oh yeah... Never trust a skinny chef, lol It's a lot like going to see a physical therapist who doesn't fit on the big/tall chair and tells you to exercise more, lol No offense to anyone who might be that guy/girl!

I'm gen X! We played tag with bb guns, would fist fight one day and be best friends the next, a string of 18 cuss words was a compliment, we bought cigarettes from the store at 12 years old just by saying my mom sent me, carried knives to school, and had rifles and shotguns in our cars to go hunting after school... My how times have changed!

I am from a small town in PA where everyone knew who I was because my dad owned the primary HVAC business and my uncle owned the primary insurance business. My dad was a "greaser/motor head" in his younger days and all his friends worked in the car dealerships/repair shops in town. So wherever I went, I was busted before I even did anything. But that just taught me to be clever, because I got away with more 'things' than kids these days even dream about.

Oh, I have 2 kids and 2 grand kids (wait, what? when tf did that happen?) I feel old! But rightly so - when I was 40, my dr told me I had the spine of a 65 year old. From ages 14-30, I played and partied like it was my last day on earth. My motto was... this might take 5 minutes off my life, but it's 5 minutes at the end, when I'm decrepit so who cares... oops, I blinked, now I'm decrepit.

I suffer from chronic pain so I'm hoping weight loss will help with that. Once I get going on Ozempic, I will be looking into other peptides that might help with pain, so I'm not here for just the magic fat man powder.

If you made it to the end of my rant you have more patience than me! But if you did, or if you share my strengths, weaknesses, or common interests, lets chat. I'm an open book and always happy to chat with anyone about anything.

Metal head til the day I die.... What do you wanna do with your life?

Some of my favorite quotes, from the funniest man who ever lived... RIP!!

Religion is like a pair of shoes... Find one that fits for you, but dont make me wear your shoes!
The reason I talk to myself is becasue I'm the only one whose answers I accept...
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups...
I dont have pet peeves - I have major psychotic f'ing hatreds...
Farewell... May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house...

If you dont know who said these things, you are seriously missing out!
If health is important to you, control your diet! Step by step!
Well, hopefully I'll eventually be a skinny chef that you can trust!

Some of my favorite quotes, from the funniest man who ever lived... RIP!!

Religion is like a pair of shoes... Find one that fits for you, but dont make me wear your shoes!
The reason I talk to myself is becasue I'm the only one whose answers I accept...
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups...
I dont have pet peeves - I have major psychotic f'ing hatreds...
Farewell... May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house...

If you dont know who said these things, you are seriously missing out!
Welcome BrokenChef!
George Carlin is a favorite of mine too:
" When someone is impatient and says, 'I haven't got all day,'
I always wonder, How can that be? How can you not have all day? "

Let me know if I can help you Chef 🐊
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If health is important to you, control your diet! Step by step!
That's what Sema is for... The sugar cravings I have from the Remeron are intense. It's one of those things that you can't imagine until you experience it. If I was able to control it, I wouldn't be overweight.

When I was on Ozempic, it removed the cravings, like magic! It's not a matter of will power, it's a matter of not being entirely miserable every waking minute while trying to fend off the cravings.

Not trying to be a d, but just as a way to describe this... Telling me to control my diet is like telling a crack head to control his crack consumption. Without some kind of help, it's just not going to happen. Sema is the help!

Back before I was disabled, I went to the gym, camping, hiking, mountain biking, rock hounding, canoeing, rafting.. all kinds of activities. I was in shape, around 180#, and muscular. But the chronic pain and muscle weakness from impinged nerves prevents me from doing any of that. I have severe intense pain from my neck to my toes, every day for over 10 years. There are times it's so bad, that I can barely crawl to the bathroom... Sometimes the intense burning pain shooting down my leg is so bad that I can't even stand. It feels like my leg is on fire.

A little research of Remeron will reveal that most people who take it gain a lot of weight and have uncontrollable sugar/carb cravings. You just can't even imagine how bad it is unless you experience it. Add in constant severe pain from 8 herniated discs, and there are times I wish I would just die. 10 years of that wears on you, and beats you down, makes you feel worthless and helpless.

These glp1's have given me a renewed hope that I can drop some weight, not be miserable all day trying to fight off cravings, and feel better. When I've been so miserable for so long, a little bit of hope goes a long way.

When I was on Ozempic, I felt better, had more energy, wasn't constantly thinking about what I can eat next, and after dropping 40#, I had better mobility. I'm very much looking forward to seeing a 1 as the first number on the scale!
We give remeron to patients to help them put on weight. I would ask for something besides remeron.
We give remeron to patients to help them put on weight. I would ask for something besides remeron.
Except it is the only med that has ever helped with anxiety and depression. I've tried at least 2 dozen meds over 40 years.. most made things worse, some made me suicidal, many had worse withdrawal symptoms than when I quit drinking. I had given up and stopped taking anything for anxiety/depression. Then my Dr prescribed Remeron for sleep, and suddenly my anxiety and depression vanished. I'll fight til my last breath before I give up Remeron, lol.

Ozempic erased the cravings, so the solution seems simple to me.
That's what Sema is for... The sugar cravings I have from the Remeron are intense. It's one of those things that you can't imagine until you experience it. If I was able to control it, I wouldn't be overweight.

When I was on Ozempic, it removed the cravings, like magic! It's not a matter of will power, it's a matter of not being entirely miserable every waking minute while trying to fend off the cravings.

Not trying to be a d, but just as a way to describe this... Telling me to control my diet is like telling a crack head to control his crack consumption. Without some kind of help, it's just not going to happen. Sema is the help!

Back before I was disabled, I went to the gym, camping, hiking, mountain biking, rock hounding, canoeing, rafting.. all kinds of activities. I was in shape, around 180#, and muscular. But the chronic pain and muscle weakness from impinged nerves prevents me from doing any of that. I have severe intense pain from my neck to my toes, every day for over 10 years. There are times it's so bad, that I can barely crawl to the bathroom... Sometimes the intense burning pain shooting down my leg is so bad that I can't even stand. It feels like my leg is on fire.

A little research of Remeron will reveal that most people who take it gain a lot of weight and have uncontrollable sugar/carb cravings. You just can't even imagine how bad it is unless you experience it. Add in constant severe pain from 8 herniated discs, and there are times I wish I would just die. 10 years of that wears on you, and beats you down, makes you feel worthless and helpless.

These glp1's have given me a renewed hope that I can drop some weight, not be miserable all day trying to fight off cravings, and feel better. When I've been so miserable for so long, a little bit of hope goes a long way.

When I was on Ozempic, I felt better, had more energy, wasn't constantly thinking about what I can eat next, and after dropping 40#, I had better mobility. I'm very much looking forward to seeing a 1 as the first number on the scale!
This brings me to what I have always felt about food addiction. No one is asking someone in recovery from crack to use it 3 times a day "sparingly" and maintain control. We need food to live 🤷‍♀️
Welcome, Chef. I can relate to many things you said. Gen X'er here too. My husband was just telling me a story this evening from his teen years about one of his neighbors, who would regularly send his kid on a bicycle to the corner store to buy cigarettes and beer. One day, while my husband was in the store, the kid came in and asked for a pack of cigarettes. The owner, Frank, gave him a look. "They're for my dad," kid said. Frank responded, "that's not his brand, boy!" and shut him down. LOLOL!

On other subjects, I came around to DIY peptides in a similar way as you, but I didn't have the Ozempic to start with. It was prescribed to me, but my insurance wouldn't pay for it. Many breadcrumbs (and many, many, many hours of reading and digging) later, I found myself on a slow boat to China. And I'm so glad I did. I also take a medication that helps keep me sane, but made it darn near impossible to lose weight. The quieting of food noise and alcohol noise has been so, so helpful. I take sema now, but am adding Tirz shortly to see if it will help me get past a bit of a stall.

Do be aware that there are folks here on the board who may not be average researchers, but vendors in disguise. There are also vendors not in disguise. Just take odd comments with a grain (or a pound) of salt. Also, if you get DMs heartily recommending a particular vendor.... do some digging.

I'm glad you found your way here! I am grateful to Reddit for giving me a jumpstart, but really grateful to have a sane community here to talk to!
Welcome, Chef. I can relate to many things you said. Gen X'er here too. My husband was just telling me a story this evening from his teen years about one of his neighbors, who would regularly send his kid on a bicycle to the corner store to buy cigarettes and beer. One day, while my husband was in the store, the kid came in and asked for a pack of cigarettes. The owner, Frank, gave him a look. "They're for my dad," kid said. Frank responded, "that's not his brand, boy!" and shut him down. LOLOL!

On other subjects, I came around to DIY peptides in a similar way as you, but I didn't have the Ozempic to start with. It was prescribed to me, but my insurance wouldn't pay for it. Many breadcrumbs (and many, many, many hours of reading and digging) later, I found myself on a slow boat to China. And I'm so glad I did. I also take a medication that helps keep me sane, but made it darn near impossible to lose weight. The quieting of food noise and alcohol noise has been so, so helpful. I take sema now, but am adding Tirz shortly to see if it will help me get past a bit of a stall.

Do be aware that there are folks here on the board who may not be average researchers, but vendors in disguise. There are also vendors not in disguise. Just take odd comments with a grain (or a pound) of salt. Also, if you get DMs heartily recommending a particular vendor.... do some digging.

I'm glad you found your way here! I am grateful to Reddit for giving me a jumpstart, but really grateful to have a sane community here to talk to!
Thanks!! Not sure how I missed this reply..

I've noticed one of the vendors sniping new member intro's. Considered reporting it. Seems a bit much - both the sniping and reporting, lol

That's funny about the beer/cigs!

The corner store started telling us we needed a note from our mom to buy cigs, so my sister (5 years older) would write a note, then wait by the phone while I went to the store.

I started smoking cigs and weed at 9... My sisters friends thought it would be funny to get me high, much to their dismay, I liked it. I had ADHD long before it was considered an illness. The treatment for ADHD in the 70's - 80's was a thorough ass whipping - often at school, then again when dad got home. We even made the paddles in 8th grade shop class!
Welcome Chef. I see your from Charleston. I lived in West Ashley for a few years than moved to James Island. Finally left there after my divorce in 1994. I have been on the peptide journey for over a year now, mainly using triz for weight loss. Wish you luck in your journey..
Thanks!! Not sure how I missed this reply..

I've noticed one of the vendors sniping new member intro's. Considered reporting it. Seems a bit much - both the sniping and reporting, lol

That's funny about the beer/cigs!

The corner store started telling us we needed a note from our mom to buy cigs, so my sister (5 years older) would write a note, then wait by the phone while I went to the store.

I started smoking cigs and weed at 9... My sisters friends thought it would be funny to get me high, much to their dismay, I liked it. I had ADHD long before it was considered an illness. The treatment for ADHD in the 70's - 80's was a thorough ass whipping - often at school, then again when dad got home. We even made the paddles in 8th grade shop class!
You just explained my childhood only it was my mother writing the not. I started smoking at 10. I stopped when I turned 18. Not a fan of pot but I like red wine. 😉
Welcome Chef. I see your from Charleston. I lived in West Ashley for a few years than moved to James Island. Finally left there after my divorce in 1994. I have been on the peptide journey for over a year now, mainly using triz for weight loss. Wish you luck in your journey..
Thanks. Actually from PA, but have lived in Chas longer than I lived in PA. After 24 years here, I'm still not sure which is worse - Summers in Chas, or winters in Pittsburgh! Am considering moving to southwestern Virginia. Little bit of snow, and not hot AF in summer.
You just explained my childhood only it was my mother writing the not. I started smoking at 10. I stopped when I turned 18. Not a fan of pot but I like red wine. 😉
I don't drink or smoke weed anymore.. had my fill of both.. probably definitely smoked your share of weed for you, lol

Smoked for 25 years then switched to vaping. Can't believe I smelled like a dirt ashtray for 25 years. So nasty!
Welcome, Chef. I can relate to many things you said. Gen X'er here too. My husband was just telling me a story this evening from his teen years about one of his neighbors, who would regularly send his kid on a bicycle to the corner store to buy cigarettes and beer. One day, while my husband was in the store, the kid came in and asked for a pack of cigarettes. The owner, Frank, gave him a look. "They're for my dad," kid said. Frank responded, "that's not his brand, boy!" and shut him down. LOLOL!

On other subjects, I came around to DIY peptides in a similar way as you, but I didn't have the Ozempic to start with. It was prescribed to me, but my insurance wouldn't pay for it. Many breadcrumbs (and many, many, many hours of reading and digging) later, I found myself on a slow boat to China. And I'm so glad I did. I also take a medication that helps keep me sane, but made it darn near impossible to lose weight. The quieting of food noise and alcohol noise has been so, so helpful. I take sema now, but am adding Tirz shortly to see if it will help me get past a bit of a stall.

Do be aware that there are folks here on the board who may not be average researchers, but vendors in disguise. There are also vendors not in disguise. Just take odd comments with a grain (or a pound) of salt. Also, if you get DMs heartily recommending a particular vendor.... do some digging.

I'm glad you found your way here! I am grateful to Reddit for giving me a jumpstart, but really grateful to have a sane community here to talk to!
I am stalled as well.. that is why I am here. My insurance is paying for Oz. I have done about 50 hours of research between Reddit, FB groups, asking questions... and I wanted to add Tirz to see if it will help. Have you added it yet and, if so, has it helped?

Thank you in advance.
I am stalled as well.. that is why I am here. My insurance is paying for Oz. I have done about 50 hours of research between Reddit, FB groups, asking questions... and I wanted to add Tirz to see if it will help. Have you added it yet and, if so, has it helped?

Thank you in advance.
I think it was on here that I saw a couple people mention they are using both... And switching to tirz after stalling on Sema seems to be fairly common, and is my plan... Hoping tirz prices come down by the time I get there, though with all this cease and desist crap going on, I fear the prices might actually rise.
I am stalled as well.. that is why I am here. My insurance is paying for Oz. I have done about 50 hours of research between Reddit, FB groups, asking questions... and I wanted to add Tirz to see if it will help. Have you added it yet and, if so, has it helped?

Thank you in advance.
@yelloeyes If you have been on Ozempic at 2.0mg dosage for some months you may not get appetite suppression at the starting doses of Tirz. I certainly did not when I stalled after 10 months on Sema; I needed 10mg or more of Tirzepatide to obtain relief from my cravings.

If insurance will pay for Monjorno at 10 or 12mg then go for it. If you must do research peptides the cost will be 3-4X for Tirzepatide vs Semaglutide. That may not matter much to you but you should be aware of it yelloweyes.
@yelloeyes If you have been on Ozempic at 2.0mg dosage for some months you may not get appetite suppression at the starting doses of Tirz. I certainly did not when I stalled after 10 months on Sema; I needed 10mg or more of Tirzepatide to obtain relief from my cravings.

If insurance will pay for Monjorno at 10 or 12mg then go for it. If you must do research peptides the cost will be 3-4X for Tirzepatide vs Semaglutide. That may not matter much to you but you should be aware of it yelloweyes.
Thank you. I just took advantage of Aminos Research's sale that is going on now. I am going to try 1mg Oz Sunday and 2.5 Tirz Weds to start and go from there. Thank you so much for responding.

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