Newbie here!

I don't use whatsapp so I have no idea how it works or why an account might get locked, but I'm wondering if maybe someone tried to get into her account and failed the authentication, so they locked it. She requested a review, so hopefully it gets sorted out tomorrow. Just freaky for that to happen right after a buy.
Yes, a few times. Not common but have heard of it. I have WA for other personal uses and won’t risk it for peptides. I don’t think it’s as private as it’s supposed to be.
interesting...I see most of the vendors listing WA numbers and saying to contact them there. I dont have it so I used DM through discord for Annie.
Just contact them,it was blocked because of a new account contacting number overseas, their AI detect it as suspicious or spam and block it. If you contact them (the email address should be written there, if not got to their website) After explanation they will re-activate within 2-3 days, maybe faster if you lucky. Just tell them you contact chinese seller, no need to mention what exactly you wanted to order ...
Just contact them,it was blocked because of a new account contacting number overseas, their AI detect it as suspicious or spam and block it. If you contact them (the email address should be written there, if not got to their website) After explanation they will re-activate within 2-3 days, maybe faster if you lucky. Just tell them you contact chinese seller, no need to mention what exactly you wanted to order ...
THANKS!! She did contact them, said they will respond in 24 hours, but was just trying to figure out why and she is a bit concerned because it was closed before she could give annie her address.
Thank you everyone! They DID reopen my account this morning after I challenged the closing!
Welcome Pharmgirl!
You will find the people here friendly and helpful.
I’m following this thread too, due to getting WA myself after the crackdowns, but have never used it myself. Appreciate milos’ knowledge here as well.
I much prefer a direct old-school email communication and am glad he provided that info, as well as Dionysus’ nice compilation of vendor info.
Welcome welcome, Pharmgirl! I think you’ll enjoy it here. The folks are super friendly always ready to share what they know, and the sense of humor here is amazing!
Also there just happens to be lots of links and connections to peptides too, that definitely helps as well🤗
Welcome welcome, Pharmgirl! I think you’ll enjoy it here. The folks are super friendly always ready to share what they know, and the sense of humor here is amazing!
Also there just happens to be lots of links and connections to peptides too, that definitely helps as well🤗
yeah, but still have just a few members really active here, I hope this forum will become more alive in the future, most of us here are still new members only

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