Newcomer Pemvidutide

I definitely don't have a degree in pharmacology and I agree that it would be generally useful in conversations like this which are quite complex.

The reason I mentioned the lack of labels is because in addition to binding affinity (strength of attraction between a drug and the receptor it targets) drug efficacy (strength of the reaction a drug causes after binding to a receptor) is also important.

It is possible to have a drug with great affinity but poor efficacy, or great efficacy but poor affinity, and that particular chart tells tells us nothing about the efficacy of those specific drugs.
The gold standard for efficacy is a randomised controlled trial. Not lab reports …
For efficacy you also have side effects to factor in as well …
Some drugs previously made were highly effective until they conducted clinical trials and were later abandoned due to intolerable side effects…
Just food for thought …
How much of this is also based on how a person reacts to a particular peptide? Won’t some people have more receptor density in different areas than others?
The gold standard for efficacy is a randomised controlled trial. Not lab reports …
For efficacy you also have side effects to factor in as well …

I agree, I just wanted to make sure that when we talk about receptor affinity we're not using it as a proxy for efficacy which is what often happens when people pull out that particular table. It's interesting information but doesn't tell the whole story.
How many people do you need to make this affordable?
Are you guys interested in Pemvidutide?
I’ll ask elbis and see what is his minimum order quantity.

This is the same guy that made reta30 and tirz30 for JohnnyD’s group buy


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Are you guys interested in Pemvidutide?
I’ll ask elbis and see what is his minimum order quantity.

This is the same guy that made reta30 and tirz30 for JohnnyD’s group buy
People understand that Pemvidutide, unlike other GLP-1's, has no effect on HbA1C right?

Pemvidutide incorporates the EuPort™ domain, a proprietary technology that increases its serum half-life for weekly dosing. I wonder if this makes it harder to synthesize? I know XCEL was going to offer Pemvidutide for sale a few months ago, but appears to have abandoned it's plans and removed references to it on their website?
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It has a very minimal effect on A1c, but not intended for glucose reduction. Intended for blood cholesterol and lipids reduction. At that it does a wonderful job of approx 70% reduction of fatty liver and others.
Encontrei um fornecedor que está disposto a fazer um lote de Pemvidutide para nós,

ZYH (em inglês).

Podemos entrar em contato com Elvis e ele criará um lote personalizado para nós. Alguém interessado?
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