Nexaph Tirz 30 preorder

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New Member
Dec 21, 2024
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Hi all, I’ve been using prime but trying to make a switch since we are ordering for myself and my husband and prime is $$$. Can anyone give feedback on Nexaph tirz30 before I do their preorder that ships in like a week? Their prices and everything looks great but I’m hoping someone can give some reviews on previous testing and quality. Also any refs on NAD+ or GHK-cu resources? My skin is so loose after already losing 65lbs(about 40 to go) and I’m also dealing with a lot of inflammation from an accident that needed a bunch of surgeries. Thanks!!
Go to the tirzepatide help reddit and join the telegram. T30 kits are going for $140 now and nexa is selling them for $260.
I’m already on there but found this site too. It’s hard to weed through what sources are reliable and good quality. So you’re saying I can find better prices than nexa?
That’s what I’m trying to do now. Get feedback on a source that I found and like. It’s not the cheapest which is fine but just looking for other people
Who have use them
I’m already on there but found this site too. It’s hard to weed through what sources are reliable and good quality. So you’re saying I can find better prices than nexa?
They have an excel document with vendor reviews and recommendations as well as payment methods accepted. If you cant do crypto then just pick someone like ASC who accepts alipay so you can pay via cc.

When in any doubt just go for the most popular option, which usually happens to be the cheapest. It'll always be QSC.
Nexaph overpriced and vendor has done some shady shit, plenty of discussion, also the other forum is ridiculous, they gave a platform to this clown who epitomizes the opposite of harm reduction and never takes responsibility for his decisions.
Your comment isn’t necessary.
Kind of is, but out of curiosity which part did you take issue with? Where I called out a vendor for being deceptive or where I called out a forum for promoting anti harm reduction?
Kind of is, but out of curiosity which part did you take issue with? Where I called out a vendor for being deceptive or where I called out a forum for promoting anti harm reduction?
The comment about the other forum. Many here frequent both forums. No need to pin one against another. And I disagree with your interpretation of Cocodrie.
The comment about the other forum. Many here frequent both forums. No need to pin one against another. And I disagree with your interpretation of Cocodrie.
I’m not pitting one against the other I’m advocating for harm reduction which the other forum fails at. They have a whole sub forum for person who tried to make their own lemon bottle and burned a hole in their stomach.
I’m already on there but found this site too. It’s hard to weed through what sources are reliable and good quality. So you’re saying I can find better prices than nexa?
You can find better prices than Nexa by buying from CN.

But cheaper is rarely better.

IME, Nexa has the best customer service and speed, and great testing. There’s a dedicated TG where his products are third-party tested (vials are randomly selected and sent directly to the lab), this is on top of his own testing.

I started with domestic single vial sellers, which are quite expensive. But their service was fantastic. I don’t have the patience nor the tolerance for dealing with CN nonsense, crypto, slow deliveries, customs, none of that. So I’m willing to spend a wee bit more.
I’m not pitting one against the other I’m advocating for harm reduction which the other forum fails at. They have a whole sub forum for person who tried to make their own lemon bottle and burned a hole in their stomach.
He’s given an entire forum so that he’s isolated and not running amok, as he does here.
If only there was another solution that didn’t involve giving him a platform for his nonsense. All it did was encourage him. Don’t buy the grift, we can do better.
Sure, but you should take issue with the forum you’re typing in who gives him free reign instead of one that takes some measures to protect the community from him by essentially making a point of how crazy he is by giving him a swamp to live in.
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