Nexaph Tirz 30 preorder

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I don’t get the cult label or following. To me, y’all are saying we’re obsessed with Cocodrie and his forum, like a worship. That’s nuts to me. If I had to walk away from the forum, I could. But I enjoy the people there, who many or most are here as well. It’s the peptide community that I enjoy throughout the various media.

I can admit that I worship the mythical great gator. He's made it harder to worship him since banning me, but I'm no quitter. Every great love story has it's hiccups.

P.S. tell Asombro I miss them 😭
I can admit that I worship the mythical great gator. He's made it harder to worship him since banning me, but I'm no quitter. Every great love story has it's hiccups.

P.S. tell Asombro I miss them 😭
What was the crime that earned you the hammer? Sorry, just being nosey
What was the crime that earned you the hammer? Sorry, just being nosey
I'm not sure, honestly. It could of been a bunch of things, but it came at a weird time, so I can't say for sure. I was accused of doxxing, which I didn't do, for adding myself and oyster into a Taylor Swift concert picture. I think Big Daddy gator just got tired of the 3 day long argument me and oyster were involved in and gave me the boot, because I was the meaner of the two during that argument. I deserved it.
I'm not sure, honestly. It could of been a bunch of things, but it came at a weird time, so I can't say for sure. I was accused of doxxing, which I didn't do, for adding myself and oyster into a Taylor Swift concert picture. I think Big Daddy gator just got tired of the 3 day long argument me and oyster were involved in and gave me the boot, because I was the meaner of the two during that argument. I deserved it.
Don't you go blaming Taylor Swift!

Don't blame him, tirz made him crazy, if it doesn't you ain't doing it right....
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I can admit that I worship the mythical great gator. He's made it harder to worship him since banning me, but I'm no quitter. Every great love story has it's hiccups.

P.S. tell Asombro I miss them 😭
I was wondering where you were! I didn't get on there for a couple of weeks due to a surgery and when I did, I noticed your absence. What a bummer, you were the fun one over there. I should air my grievances to the croc, but will probably get banned as well😁

I agree with @MrsRoper_1977 on everything she said. The pepper community is wonderful and I love interacting with everyone on all forums. I joined the forums after being a researching lurker for months due to everyone being so nice and helpful.
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For fucks sake you said he deleted and locked your account. That's not TRUE. Being banned via IP is different, if you're banned via IP say that instead. The account literally wasn't deleted,
Yea, not much for semantics, as far as I'm concerned, I was banned. IP address or Account, no difference to me. As far as not getting the cult label, thats what happens with cult followers, THEY cant see what everyone else can! DONT DRINK THE KOOLAID
Yea, not much for semantics, as far as I'm concerned, I was banned. IP address or Account, no difference to me. As far as not getting the cult label, thats what happens with cult followers, THEY cant see what everyone else can! DONT DRINK THE KOOLAID
But I LIKE Kool aid. That's why I'm on a glp forum, sugary drinks are bad for my waist.
Wonder why the weight loss reptilian appreciation forum drama always spills over into here.

Maybe the 50 yo women there got tired arguing with the same people
Wonder why the weight loss reptilian appreciation forum drama always spills over into here.

Maybe the 50 yo women there got tired arguing with the same people
Because every time Nexa is brought up someone accuses the other forum of having a boner for Cain, and it always devolves from there. 🤷‍♀️
I don’t get the cult label or following. To me, y’all are saying we’re obsessed with Cocodrie and his forum, like a worship. That’s nuts to me. If I had to walk away from the forum, I could. But I enjoy the people there, who many or most are here as well. It’s the peptide community that I enjoy throughout the various media.
I'm lost on the "cult" insult attempt too. They're here which in their inaccurate definition of what a cult is puts them in one too. A "cult" of McDonald's vs Burger King yet both are public places and people are free to visit or not. Are people pledging their income, labor and daughters to it? A guy took grief here for what he may have felt was an effort to help the community and created his own site instead of endlessly debating and justifying his motives. Just like any asshole (who wasn't presented an answer sheet 2 minutes after joining a forum before even scrolling down the Table of Contents to the Vendor section) would have told him to do. Took his ball and went home.

Do you think the Glp-1 Forum or Qualligator or Stairmaster's Whatsapp would hang on if the gray market went away? Do y'all think we'll still check in as often here if we had nothing to inject or swallow or slather?

Peptides... What can I get? What will it do for me? What are the risks? What is the cost? What did it do for others? Etcetera. That's why we're here not "who do I serve?" Owner, Moderator, Research Enthusiast, Egg or Gator IDGAF

Maybe there's a cult of tangential self professed assholes who should start their own forum. I'd check in.
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Do you think the Glp-1 Forum or Qualligator or Stairmaster's Whatsapp would hang on if the gray market went away? Do y'all think we'll still check in as often here if we had nothing to inject or swallow?

I think me and chmuse would still be here, but that's about it. We would both be derailing each other's threads 🤣

I have taken zero non Eli Lilly injections over the past two months and still come here everyday looking for peptides to buy. WTF is wrong with me?
Is that a Taylor Swift lyric.? I'm so bad with lyrics and go for beats (of which she has few... Except for that "Reputation" album. But I'm not starting nothing)
Yep. Reputation album. 😃

"Don't blame me, love made me crazy. If it doesn't you ain't doin' it right.
Lord save me, my drug is my baby, I'll be using for the rest of my life"
I don’t get the cult label or following. To me, y’all are saying we’re obsessed with Cocodrie and his forum, like a worship. That’s nuts to me. If I had to walk away from the forum, I could. But I enjoy the people there, who many or most are here as well. It’s the peptide community that I enjoy throughout the various media.
I can quit anytime I want! I swear!
I think me and chmuse would still be here, but that's about it. We would both be derailing each other's threads 🤣

I have taken zero non Eli Lilly injections over the past two months and still come here everyday looking for peptides to buy. WTF is wrong with me?
I'd definitely be looking at other peps. I had a whole list I was going to buy, but now I have to wait since I have to buy a car. 🤦‍♀️ Glad I stocked up on sema and tirz, I don't know when I'll have my savings back up enough to spend frivolously again.
I don’t get the cult label or following. To me, y’all are saying we’re obsessed with Cocodrie and his forum, like a worship. That’s nuts to me. If I had to walk away from the forum, I could. But I enjoy the people there, who many or most are here as well. It’s the peptide community that I enjoy throughout the various media.
Mrs. Roper, when in Portland, please allow me to take you to lunch. merry Christmas.
Mrs. Roper, when in Portland, please allow me to take you to lunch. merry Christmas.

Don't fall for it, Roper!!! This is how I lure all of my victims too. I promise free food then 12 injections later they are officially my newest research subject!
I'm not sure, honestly. It could have been a bunch of things, but it came at a weird time, so I can't say for sure. I was accused of doxxing, which I didn't do, for adding myself and oyster into a Taylor Swift concert picture. I think Big Daddy gator just got tired of the 3 day long argument me and oyster were involved in and gave me the boot, because I was the meaner of the two during that argument. I deserved it.
You did. However, on my more patient days I miss you. WHY can’t you come back and restrain yourself a bit? Move into a way of being which allows you to just function? Or, more simply behave a bit. Do the BS less, or somewhere else. I am sure you can do it. merry Christmas.
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