ONE-derland: A Rediscovered Country


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2024
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SoHIP Dallas

57 pounds lost in 60 weeks using GLP-1s

I'm trying to catch up. 37lbs more to go to get <200 for me.

What's your target? For my height they say 163lbs is top of the ideal healthy weight range, but anything below 175 I look like a chemo patient. The two times I've lost large amounts of weight before I've found ~185-190 to be my most comfortable zone.
Congratulations on doing what you've done,
and getting to where you've gotten, Zippity!

It's About Progress, Not Perfection - Larry North, Dallas gym owner

Zip, my goals have evolved as this adventure has progressed.
New thinking has emerged as I have slowly lost the pounds.

My initial Hopes, I won't say 'targets', were in the context of desperation and hopelessness.

As the pounds dropped my hopes turned into short term goals and then later
into realistic possibilities that drew me forward as I imagined them becoming true.

Targets based on scale weight have only motivated me as indicators of something else.

A big one was 214lbs. That's where I stopped being "Obese" and became simply Overweight. Only a word, I know, but an important one to me.

Now that I'm revisiting One-derland another single word exists as a possibility for me: Normal, as in Normal Weight.

Now THAT is motivational!

BMI charts and scale numerals say 179 is maximum normal weight for me. Expressed as a number, Zippity, that's my target: 179.

But the real GOAL that gets me and my alligator up in the morning is
The Possibility of Being Normal Weight.
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Congratulations!! I know that’s a wonderful feeling.🎉🎉🎉

I’m one pound from being just overweight instead of obese (bmi). And three pounds from losing 100 from my highest.

Having multiple goals helps the motivation.
That is an AWESOME place to be MrsR, Congratulations !
Thank you!!! It’s bizarre to be at my current weight. It’s been 30 years. But I’m enjoying the process.
Truthfully I can’t remember when I last weighed under two hundred pounds. Thirty years seems about right, possibly longer.
Oh yes, I am enjoying it too!

One of the NonScaleVictories recently was attending the spontaneous pool party at my nephew’s graduation. I wore a (new alligator 😂 ) swimsuit all day without the slightest embarrassment or self-consciousness.

THAT has never happened before!


Full Disclosure: that’s my new swimsuit but that’s not actually my new torso 😬
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Truthfully I can’t remember when I last weighed under two hundred pounds. Thirty years seems about right, possibly longer.
Oh yes, I am enjoying it too!

One of the NonScaleVictories recently was attending the spontaneous pool party at my nephew’s graduation. I wore a (new alligator 😂 ) swimsuit all day without the slightest embarrassment or self-consciousness.

THAT has never happened before!

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Full Disclosure: that’s my new swimsuit but that’s not actually my new torso 😬
Lol! That’s great!!
Congrats! I’m a ways away but can’t wait to get there too!
It has happened for me at 0.13 pounds per day for over a year.
You are losing at TWICE that rate; it is MOS DEF happening for you, and QUICKLY TOO !!!

I just looked at my scale pic up above and had a realization.
It takes far longer to cure my left big toenail of fungus than to lose 58 pounds 😳
GlLP1s are amazing, amazing drugs.

ANOTHER EDIT: No, it was only my left toe that had fungus. My RIGHT toenail was destroyed a year ago when my iPhone dropped like a very dull knife edge-on to the bed of my right toenail. And THAT takes longer to heal than losing 58 pounds!
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Thank you!!! It’s bizarre to be at my current weight. It’s been 30 years. But I’m enjoying the process.
I believe I know a bit about how you feel MizzR.
As the pounds have dropped so has my mood lifted.

No longer so serious, focused on weighty problems,
and how I appear to others, I've gotten less and less 'mature'.
There are times I feel lighthearted, almost giddy, and as immature as an adolescent.

As I am seventy-two - nearer my end than my beginning - that's astonishing to me.
GLP-1s have Transformed my life.
I’m approximately half the weight I was, top weight is a ? but def well over 300 lbs. Lost the weight on high protein, IF, and resistance exercise years ago. Like bodybuilders do. GLP-1 started for unresolved diabetes, which has gotten worse as I’m getting older now and burned out my beta cells after decades of being diabetic. I never expected to hear my diabetes was going to get worse after my Herculean weight loss, but it did. My guess is that high protein is just as hard on the pancreas as carbs are, since you have to release insulin to deal with protein (like carbs, just without the glucose response) but if I say that in the low carb community, they would stone me to death. So here I am. I had to start shooting insulin too. The GLP-1 has reduced my need for insulin and taken away my obsession with food since I don’t have to do obsess every moment of the day how I’m going to eat to maintain my weight loss anymore. It’s been a great relief.
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57 pounds lost in 60 weeks using GLP-1s
That is an amazing result! If you aren’t very large, it might be going too rapid. I did lose almost 30 pounds in my first month of hitting it hard, but I was really big and it was mostly water. Be sure to get in your protein and do some strength training to hang on to muscle (and keep your hair from falling out too).