Out of Lurkerdom

Jul 4, 2024
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I've been enjoying the intelligent discourse on this forum, and hope to contribute.
I've been using research Tirzepatide for 10 months and have reached my goal weight range, more or less, so my interest right now is in making a plan on where to go from here. Thank you for setting this up Zip.
I've been enjoying the intelligent discourse on this forum, and hope to contribute.
I've been using research Tirzepatide for 10 months and have reached my goal weight range, more or less, so my interest right now is in making a plan on where to go from here. Thank you for setting this up Zip.
Good stuff man! What are you dosing at now on Tirz?
I've been enjoying the intelligent discourse on this forum, and hope to contribute.
Intelligent Discourse?
What? You mean here? There have been rumours about that but scant evidence... /s

Welcome Derby! I and my Research Alligator are very pleased you've come.
Now you can lead the discussion regarding Maintenance, that undiscovered country
Good stuff man! What are you dosing at now on Tirz?
Right now, I'm at 2mg every 3.5 days (Tuesday AM & Friday PM). I discovered early on that q7d didn't work for me at all, so I tried q5d for a while, but 2x/w has been optimal for me. My peak dose ever was 3.3mg 2x/w.

Intelligent Discourse?
What? You mean here? There have been rumours about that but scant evidence... /s

Welcome Derby! I and my Research Alligator are very pleased you've come.
Now you can lead the discussion regarding Maintenance, that undiscovered country
I've been slowing increasing my calorie intake, and I've also just started creatine supplementation, which can have an effect on weight, so I'm going to continue my 4mg/week for a little bit to let things settle and see where they go, then make adjustments. I'd love to experience the semi-mythical body recomposition wherein you lose fat and gain LBM, so the scale weight remains the same but the body fat percentage drops.

For maintenance, I see a lot of people who decrease the frequency of their dosing (i.e. 1 shot q 10d), but I'm thinking that I might go for decreasing the dose instead (i.e. 1.0 - 1.5 mg q3.5d). We're all an experiment of n=1 here!
Right now, I'm at 2mg every 3.5 days (Tuesday AM & Friday PM). I discovered early on that q7d didn't work for me at all, so I tried q5d for a while, but 2x/w has been optimal for me. My peak dose ever was 3.3mg 2x/w.

I've been slowing increasing my calorie intake, and I've also just started creatine supplementation, which can have an effect on weight, so I'm going to continue my 4mg/week for a little bit to let things settle and see where they go, then make adjustments. I'd love to experience the semi-mythical body recomposition wherein you lose fat and gain LBM, so the scale weight remains the same but the body fat percentage drops.

For maintenance, I see a lot of people who decrease the frequency of their dosing (i.e. 1 shot q 10d), but I'm thinking that I might go for decreasing the dose instead (i.e. 1.0 - 1.5 mg q3.5d). We're all an experiment of n=1 here!
Hi @Derby, I haven't found many posts yet about maintenance here, yours might be the first one! And I'm interested to know how your maintenance has been going. What your schedule has been. If you've stayed at 4mg 2x a week and increased calories... anything you're willing to share would be greatly appreciated!
Hi @Derby, I haven't found many posts yet about maintenance here, yours might be the first one! And I'm interested to know how your maintenance has been going. What your schedule has been. If you've stayed at 4mg 2x a week and increased calories... anything you're willing to share would be greatly appreciated!
Welcome Derby.
To Derby, Ming, and all.....I started T in late March and did 3 weeks at 2.5 loading dose (not 4 weeks), then did 5.0 mg for 3 weeks (not 4), then have been at 7.5 mg ever since for the last 17 weeks. Never felt the need to go up to 10, 12.5, or 15. Lost weight slowly and steadily, and now rate of weight loss is much slower, perhaps at a plateau. I'm well below my goal weight now and very happy. I guess I'm at maintenance dose? Might try to drop back to 5.0 mg at some point in the future. Might even go a whole month or so off T to reset the receptors and try maintenance at 2.5 or 5.0.
I haven't tried any split-dosing, but might consider it if my research takes me there now that I'm at goal weight.
Dionysos, your reta story is intriguing (thanks for sharing) and has me wanting to switch over (get rid of T fatigue), but I'm sitting on a sizeable stash of T. I see myself trying R in the future for maintenance. Plus there is newer stuff coming out....I may have overbought T, but I am comforted by all the great research study outcomes that T is involved in.
Following this with anticipation :)

I'm sorely lacking on data when it comes to maintenance since more or less all my customers and acquaintances using glp-1s are still at therapeutic does or titrating up.

Coming from a powerlifting/bodybuilding background I'm a firm believer that this medication is a support to be used while getting into new habits and making lifestyle changes - And that the only way to truly maintain the losses without medication is to make sustainable changes over time.

That said, I also believe that there are large individual differences - And I have learned the hard way that my preconceived notions are not always correct :)
Maintenance has been going pretty well. I had dropped to 2mg q7d, and my weight seemed to stabilize around a certain number. I still kept a rough mental calorie count daily in my head, but stopped weighing or logging foods. I was still eating the same things more or less, but was adding in an extra serving of rice or an english muffin, or adding more cheese or butter occasionally. And if I ate out (which I rarely do anyway), I'd be a little stricter the following day.

I use a weight trending/averaging tracker, so it helps me not to get bothered by daily fluctuations.

Having said all that, LOL, I just got back yesterday from a 2 week trip to Japan, where I neither tracked, weighed, nor used tirzepatide. I'll weigh myself tomorrow after giving my body a chance to equilibrate and dump all the water weight from an 11 hour flight, then see how my experiment went. I suspect that at the most I probably gained 1-2 lbs (of real weight, not including water weight), which I have no worries about being able to lose easily over 2 to 3 weeks.

It's great to feel like I cracked the code, and to not have any anxiety over a couple of pounds.

@MingHenry @Bacchus @G Vice
So glad you're here! Can't wait for your insight on maintenance and CONGRATULATIONS on reaching your goals! You provide hope to those of us who are just beginning
Thanks for sharing! Daydreaming about having to worry about maintenance over here.. a ways away, so helpful to have context and something to look forward to :)

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