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I deleted any servers related to the sale of peptides. I kept my testing servers. I also sent a request to Discord to reinstate me to good standing.
Ya, I can’t decide if I want to leave these servers or not. They all seem to have backups in one platform or another.
@iamedbile did you get a ban and can still post in the Peptide Test Server? I'm just looking at your post in the general chat.

@Cndmk you were joined to the QSC server but didn't get a ban? WTF.
I can't give you a reason why, I just joined to look around, never put in an order. Did people who got banned post on any part of the server? I guess it's just perks of being an FBI informant, by the way, I DEFINITELY wouldn't order that new microwave you and your partner were discussing, that model is terrible. Go with the GE model you mentioned on Tuesday.
Noticed my posts here are now needing moderator approval... did I do something to receive this new restriction?
For peptide servers, especially ones involved with sourcing, I would use a throwaway Discord account tied to a unique, unshared email address and whatever other contact info they wanted to allow me to create one. New Gmail, new Google Voice, whatever is needed to get an account not tied to any other email/phone/Discord account I wanted to keep. Keep joining servers, presume account will eventually get banned, then when banned reconstitute :D with a new Gmail/GV/Discord account. I have a primary Discord account for other things that is approaching 6 or 7 years old, and I'm never joining a peptide-related server with it, losing that account would suck.
I can't give you a reason why, I just joined to look around, never put in an order. Did people who got banned post on any part of the server? I guess it's just perks of being an FBI informant, by the way, I DEFINITELY wouldn't order that new microwave you and your partner were discussing, that model is terrible. Go with the GE model you mentioned on Tuesday.
I never interacted with anything on their server and I’m “very limited” or whatever. Never been suspended before this either. No rhyme or reason.
For peptide servers, especially ones involved with sourcing, I would use a throwaway Discord account tied to a unique, unshared email address and whatever other contact info they wanted to allow me to create one. New Gmail, new Google Voice, whatever is needed to get an account not tied to any other email/phone/Discord account I wanted to keep. Keep joining servers, presume account will eventually get banned, then when banned reconstitute :D with a new Gmail/GV/Discord account. I have a primary Discord account for other things that is approaching 6 or 7 years old, and I'm never joining a peptide-related server with it, losing that account would suck.
I made another acct, tried to use my Google voice number, but it kicked out back saying no VoIP allowed
OMG - you're right! Mine says it affects it for two years...does that mean it's like a demerit, or a point on your license, and if they accumulate, you're Perma banned? It seems to say that limits to servers/dms etc. will be restored tomorrow.
You are on probation. Me too.
I’ve gone through every one of my Discords and accepted invites to TG and the rapidly growing peptide.chat. That, by the way, looks like a winner. Also, I left vendor servers. Reducing my peptide footprint on Discord.
Noticed my posts here are now needing moderator approval... did I do something to receive this new restriction?
Yes. That has happened to me here too. 🤷🏼‍♀️. Wasn’t sure if it was because I’ve only been a member on here for a couple months??
For peptide servers, especially ones involved with sourcing, I would use a throwaway Discord account tied to a unique, unshared email address and whatever other contact info they wanted to allow me to create one. New Gmail, new Google Voice, whatever is needed to get an account not tied to any other email/phone/Discord account I wanted to keep. Keep joining servers, presume account will eventually get banned, then when banned reconstitute :D with a new Gmail/GV/Discord account. I have a primary Discord account for other things that is approaching 6 or 7 years old, and I'm never joining a peptide-related server with it, losing that account would suck.
QSC had an anti-alt account check. Also making a discord alt is harder than it looks due to requiring a non voip phone number. If you use the same one on two accounts you need to change your phone number every time you switch accounts.
@iamedbile did you get a ban and can still post in the Peptide Test Server? I'm just looking at your post in the general chat.
I was a dummy and had been using my “real” discord account for peptide server memberships. That account did get a temp ban. I’m slowly moving all my peptide discords to a dedicated account.
Ya, I can’t decide if I want to leave these servers or not. They all seem to have backups in one platform or another.
I've seen 2 servers so far saying we can make an alternate discord account to use for peptides, to protect main account. But until everyone allows that, I don't see the point.

I feel like I need to buy 3 more monitors and can only "do peptide stuff" on my PC... 5 monitors, split screen - 8 platforms + email and Google.

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