Did you have to mail it? Sending a shipping label is the least they can do.
GYC got a lot of backlash and they ended up reshipping, I would just refuse to ship it, say its a safety issue for your own address, and the other persons address.
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Wasn't me, I just remember seeing people talking about it. I'm 90% sure the discussion was here but I'd have to go looking. Maybe someone else can step in, it was recent. Otherwise I'll go digging in a bit. I probably shouldn't be saying sry specifically without pulling up the threads, so you should disregard me until there's proof. That's how rumors start.
It was John at GYC.
cock bombs are 50mg Sildenafil and 20mg tadalafil. Cheap and plentiful. Domestic is like $2/pill, CN is.. less.
Name brand tadalafil is $80 per 20 mg pill. I can get generic tadalafil for about $35 for 90 pills (days) of 20 mg tadalafil. SSA sells 20 mg tadalafil pills for $13 per 100 pills; you'd still have to pay shipping.
I take 5mg every morning before going to the gym and it doesn’t do anything for me. But a lot of weightlifters swear that 20mg does the trick.
does it have to be taken everyday and let it accumulate in the body for it to work? Or can a person just take it on days they work out and still get the desired effects?
does it have to be taken everyday and let it accumulate in the body for it to work? Or can a person just take it on days they work out and still get the desired effects?
Weightlifters take 20mg on workout days only and get the benefits. It’s used as a pre-workout so taken 30-60 minutes before hitting the gym allows time for it to kick in.
Feedback so far from my first order with QST.

I ordered from Michelle to Europe on January 10th (a Friday night) from her latest 'Snake Year' promo - she got back to me that night confirming my order and the postage. Her prices were $335 for 2 x 30mg Tirz and and $246 for 20mg Reta - fairly reasonable (especially since QSC is dead). I ordered quantities of both.

I paid via Paypal with a fee, since it was my first order I wanted the protection.

I ordered to the EU, it was $50 for postage (including a $40 discount as part of the promo)

I got my tracking code through on 16th January, which was a little delayed but I live on an island so logistics are often more difficult to organise. I received the package today, the 20th of Jan - so super fast delivery to the EU vs others I've used. There is a caveat though in that they used FedEx which I think was an express service and not the normal sneaky line to Europe that other vendors have used - it meant that I had to pay €25 custom fees - which I'll not cry over, but there's a chance this would be more risk than the special line for custom inspections. Anyway it got here safe, which is what matters.

In terms of testing I'm not going to send any vials off personally and if I'm honest there's not a huge amount of Jano tests available on their Telegram/Discords or posts (I can't see any for what I ordered)- I think they're leaving this completely up to the users to do their own research. If that's beyond your risk tolerance then they might not be for you.

Here's pics of the blue tops I got (for both) for others who might be getting from the same batch. I'll likely try the product in the coming week and will report back if all is right. Would appreciate others experience too if they've made human guinea pigs of themselves.

Yknow my junk works pretty well, is there much point in using erectile stimulants if you dont have a problem with erections?

PT 141 actually enhances your senses, but cialis and viagra as far as I can tell just increase your ability to keep a boner.
So does molly and way more fun.

Man, what I’d pay for some good old 1992 mdma. 🤪🤪
Feedback so far from my first order with QST.

I ordered from Michelle to Europe on January 10th (a Friday night) from her latest 'Snake Year' promo - she got back to me that night confirming my order and the postage. Her prices were $335 for 2 x 30mg Tirz and and $246 for 20mg Reta - fairly reasonable (especially since QSC is dead). I ordered quantities of both.

I paid via Paypal with a fee, since it was my first order I wanted the protection.

I ordered to the EU, it was $50 for postage (including a $40 discount as part of the promo)

I got my tracking code through on 16th January, which was a little delayed but I live on an island so logistics are often more difficult to organise. I received the package today, the 20th of Jan - so super fast delivery to the EU vs others I've used. There is a caveat though in that they used FedEx which I think was an express service and not the normal sneaky line to Europe that other vendors have used - it meant that I had to pay €25 custom fees - which I'll not cry over, but there's a chance this would be more risk than the special line for custom inspections. Anyway it got here safe, which is what matters.

In terms of testing I'm not going to send any vials off personally and if I'm honest there's not a huge amount of Jano tests available on their Telegram/Discords or posts (I can't see any for what I ordered)- I think they're leaving this completely up to the users to do their own research. If that's beyond your risk tolerance then they might not be for you.

Here's pics of the blue tops I got (for both) for others who might be getting from the same batch. I'll likely try the product in the coming week and will report back if all is right. Would appreciate others experience too if they've made human guinea pigs of themselves.

View attachment 5240
Good luck! PLs keep us updated! I just got a bunch from Michelle as well!
Does anyone know anything about the vendor QST (Michelle King)? I’ve never heard of this vendor. There are things on their price list that seem too cheap to be true. I email them a couple days ago out of pure curiosity asking about this one AAS product price and whether it’s a single vial or a kit. It says kit but the price would be competitive if it was just a single vial. Plus I asked for testing results. So far no response.

Anyone know anything about them and how they popped up here? I’m on a lot of GLP and AAS forums and this is the only place I’ve seen them.
As of last week, QST messaged me that they cannot ship to the US right now. I don’t know why or what that means just “they hope to have it resolved soon.”
As of last week, QST messaged me that they cannot ship to the US right now. I don’t know why or what that means just “they hope to have it resolved soon.”
I wonder if that’s due to the CNY and the shipping companies are closed. Or due to increased seizures once packages arrive. Two of my sources are essentially dropshipping businesses (which most sources are) and get their products from the same sources. One is accepting orders and shipping with ease, the other is claiming the same as QST. After 2/5 I think we will know more.
Feedback so far from my first order with QST.

I ordered from Michelle to Europe on January 10th (a Friday night) from her latest 'Snake Year' promo - she got back to me that night confirming my order and the postage. Her prices were $335 for 2 x 30mg Tirz and and $246 for 20mg Reta - fairly reasonable (especially since QSC is dead). I ordered quantities of both.

I paid via Paypal with a fee, since it was my first order I wanted the protection.

I ordered to the EU, it was $50 for postage (including a $40 discount as part of the promo)

I got my tracking code through on 16th January, which was a little delayed but I live on an island so logistics are often more difficult to organise. I received the package today, the 20th of Jan - so super fast delivery to the EU vs others I've used. There is a caveat though in that they used FedEx which I think was an express service and not the normal sneaky line to Europe that other vendors have used - it meant that I had to pay €25 custom fees - which I'll not cry over, but there's a chance this would be more risk than the special line for custom inspections. Anyway it got here safe, which is what matters.

In terms of testing I'm not going to send any vials off personally and if I'm honest there's not a huge amount of Jano tests available on their Telegram/Discords or posts (I can't see any for what I ordered)- I think they're leaving this completely up to the users to do their own research. If that's beyond your risk tolerance then they might not be for you.

Here's pics of the blue tops I got (for both) for others who might be getting from the same batch. I'll likely try the product in the coming week and will report back if all is right. Would appreciate others experience too if they've made human guinea pigs of themselves.

View attachment 5240

They sell the same product as Tuk Angel.... same source, different salesperson.
QST shipped me somebody’s Reta. Michelle wanted me to mail it to somebody, which seems sketchy already. I told Michelle 10 times that I will mail the package if she sends me a shipping label for FedEx, UPS, or USPS. She wouldn’t do it and instead asking me to mail it myself.
If you ordered 20 mg Reta, I have it. But I am not sending it with my name on the box
I'll send you a label and take it lmao
I wonder if that’s due to the CNY and the shipping companies are closed. Or due to increased seizures once packages arrive. Two of my sources are essentially dropshipping businesses (which most sources are) and get their products from the same sources. One is accepting orders and shipping with ease, the other is claiming the same as QST. After 2/5 I think we will know more.
The text says “we currently cannot shipped to the United States. If that changes we will let you know“
They sell the same product as Tuk Angel.... same source, different salesperson.

So I've heard. It's different packaging and vials (the flipped lid sticks) from QSC and a different supplier I also used in the past. It was also posted from Hong Kong for some reason. I never used Tuk so can't compare.

In other feedback - I've taken the Tirz and it's effective. I'm stacking a low 2mg dose of the Reta and I've no idea if it's doing anything since it's only been 2 weeks, but I do have a sudden urge to eat sour gummy bears...
In other feedback - I've taken the Tirz and it's effective. I'm stacking a low 2mg dose of the Reta and I've no idea if it's doing anything since it's only been 2 weeks, but I do have a sudden urge to eat sour gummy bears...

The Tirz I've bought from Tuk has been excellent. I don't doubt that the product is doing everything you'd expect.