Question about customs clearance


Mar 13, 2025
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I am waiting on the arrival of a package from LSPL, and I was wondering what the general approach is with these peptide companies for how they prepare the package for customs. I live in the UK, so i'm not worried about it being seized atall, i'm pretty sure peptides are perfectly ok to buy for research purposes here, but I still don't want my package getting caught up in a customs delay.

I imagine they prep all packages the same regardless of where it's going, in terms of declarations and such, and getting through US customs easily must require something like declaring the package contains something it doesn't, plus a low item value so as not to levy extra duties (or maybe that's more a UK thing)

Anybody know how this sort of thing works?
From what I have seen they are typically packaged as skincare products. I have no idea what they are putting on the commercial invoice or other customs documentation.
I'm the US and figure there's a bulk drop shipment where it's split up and mailed individually. While the bulk shipment is enroute to the US it's contents are considered "domestic" which accounts for lags between a "label created" (to appease a buyer inquiry) and actual movement of the package.

No idea how it works in the UK. I remember reading years ago that UK Postal Svc sold cell phone time, phone cards and the like keeping them fluid while the USPS continued to lose money. Not relevant but I digress...
Hello Nikon. I'm in the UK and have received my second order from my vendor at lunchtime today. So highly experienced 😅Both orders flew through customs. No customs charges. Don't give it a thought. I feel wary of putting what the vendors are doing on a public forum but you'll see for yourself once you receive one! This latest one (sitting happily in my fridge and waiting to be readied for the freezer) was in customs for slightly over an hour according to 17 track. The vendors are experienced in such matters. Well, the good ones anyway....

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