

Sep 24, 2023
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Anyone else have experience with this one?

I trialled for 2 weeks as my weight loss on tirz had been stalled for a couple of months.

It raises BMR by around 5-7%, appetite suppression by other routes not related to GLP1. I dosed starting at 0.5mg, then upped it to 1mg daily.
Side effects can include nausea (Reported by others but didn't happen for me), skin tanning (very noticeable for me), and erections in the absence of stimulation (very common for me and quite annoying).

I stopped after the first vial was finished as after 15 days the tanning was getting a little too dark and people were starting to make comments. I lose 1.5kg in that time.
Which is that colloquially known as -- Melanotan? or Melanotan 2?

Iirc M2 has some safety questions around heart arrythmias, so I'm a bit cautious on that one. But bumping up BMR is interesting -- I wonder if it stays up after.

If so I wonder this could be cycled for a decent result without persistent side effects.

If suddenly tanning mid-fall doesn't get me comments, sudden erections sure might...
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Anyone else have experience with this one?

I trialled for 2 weeks as my weight loss on tirz had been stalled for a couple of months.

It raises BMR by around 5-7%, appetite suppression by other routes not related to GLP1. I dosed starting at 0.5mg, then upped it to 1mg daily.
Side effects can include nausea (Reported by others but didn't happen for me), skin tanning (very noticeable for me), and erections in the absence of stimulation (very common for me and quite annoying).

I stopped after the first vial was finished as after 15 days the tanning was getting a little too dark and people were starting to make comments. I lose 1.5kg in that time.
Did the tanning occur without being in the sun? I take MT2 so wondering how comparable that effect is.
Which is that colloquially known as -- Melanotan? or Melanotan 2?

Iirc M2 has some safety questions around heart arrythmias, so I'm a bit cautious on that one. But bumping up BMR is interesting -- I wonder if it stays up after.

If so I wonder this could be cycled for a decent result without persistent side effects.

If suddenly tanning mid-fall doesn't get me comments, sudden erections sure might...
It's neither of them, but somewhat related as it also acts on the melanocorntin pathway.
Setmelanotide is FDA approved under the brand name imcivree. I beleive this one doesn't have the heart concerns, as studies showed it raises BMR without increasing hear rate.
The main weight loss mechanism is related to appetite suppression however through the leptin pathway.
Did the tanning occur without being in the sun? I take MT2 so wondering how comparable that effect is.
It's springtime here, so I copped some casual sun exposure walking between my office and the train station etc. But no more than 10-20 minutes of sun per day.
Oh nice, thank you, had no idea this existed, will check it out!

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