Simple Rules

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Staff member
Aug 1, 2023
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These are some simple rules I hope everyone can follow. We're all here to freely share information and help each other learn about GLP-1 agonists. Let's try to do it with the least amount of drama.

1. Don't be an asshole. Witty sarcasm and healthy, meaningful debate are one thing, but there's no reason for intentional arguing, harassment, name-calling, etc. I expect everyone to act like adults. If you don't like someone or something they're saying, just move along peacefully. You can disagree without being disagreeable. Being nice is usually a lot easier and less stressful than being a jerk.

2. No shilling. Discussing various vendors including personal experiences and reviews in the appropriate sections is fine, but any usernames or posts which the mods or admins determine to be shilling will be deleted and you risk being banned.

3. Vendors are welcome and currently there is no official paid sponsor system, but all vendors must first contact me via PM to introduce themselves and obtain approval before trying to conduct any business via this forum. This policy will be subject to ongoing review and modification depending on how things go. Vendors please read the following link before making any posts: Vendor Requirements

4. Don't mess with the mods. If you have an issue with a mod or something they did, DM me and I will look into it.

5. No unsolicited DM's offering to sell anything to anyone. Please report anyone who does this.

6. Discussion of research chemicals is limited to the "Research Lab" section of the forum. To gain access to that section, please read the sticky in that section and follow the instructions therein.

7. No doxxing. Revealing any kind of personal information about anyone (member or otherwise) will not be tolerated. Personal privacy is paramount in this hobby and there will be zero tolerance for violations of this policy.

8. OPSEC. This hobby requires a degree of "Operational Security" with regard to certain information. Please do not post pictures containing packaging, labeling, shipping/tracking, banking/payment details, or any PII (personally identifiable information) about yourself or other parties (including vendors).

9. Promoting other sites. We welcome the sharing of links to other sites as long as that's not the only reason you've joined, and that those sites are not primarily commercial in nature (i.e. rule #2 No shilling). This is a large community with numerous sites dedicated to harm reduction, education, testing, and information sharing and we believe there is room for all of them.

10. No politics. There are plenty of other places to discuss how you feel about politics, and this isn't one of them. Discussion about government involvement with big pharma and regulations/access/availability/pricing concerning these life-changing medications is permitted as long as it doesn't stray into talk about parties or politicians. Please walk this fine line carefully.

This is a free-speech zone with regard to open, civilized discussions about GLP-1 agonists and associated substances, but we will act against content that we find violates that simple tenet. While the free exchange of information and ideas may appear messy at times, we prefer to let most situations that aren't in violation of these rules work themselves out so please try to approach everything here with that understanding.

If you believe that someone is violating any of these rules, there is a "Report" button on every post that can be used to report such behavior.
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