so what's your general sourcing strategy now?

The website does not show a catalog of products for sale for some reason.
The website does not show a catalog of products for sale for some reason.
I signed up with them yesterday. Right now they are offering nothing I'm looking for right now. But if they do I will try them.

Add your address to your profile... it will offer only products in your region.

null is not a region.

it's also weirdly difficult to find the "shop" so I usually just add /shop to the URL to save myself the headscratching.
I thought I was solid for several years with my ASC stash but all of a sudden I have family coming out of the woodwork that I kinda need to support and when you're handing out multiple T30 vials to multiple people it's starting to feel like it's going fast. And they're moving up in mg. I need to go shopping and this feels all risky again now that my beloved ASC has failed so hard. Definitely on board with Nexaph but I'm starting to like the idea of several kits of T60 at a great price from CN that I can just test and be done for a bit. I'd like off this rollercoaster. I think? Maybe I love the drama... and I have another 45 pounds to drop before I start thinking about maintenance. Boo!
Thanks everyone. Question: am I seeing them have Survo or I’m I hallucinating? Understand most of the “codes” but a little confused.
I'm slightly worried just because if grey slows down atm because of what's happening in the US, Canadians don't have many domestic options (like 2??) and they're both overpriced. But I do have over a year of reta available at my current dose, and 50mg of cagri I haven't started. And we do have a lovely Canadian peptide community with people who have US addresses/PO boxes who have offered to organize getting things sent to them so we have that option too (like, if we really needed to, we could order from cain i guess - he doesn't seem to be going anywhere). but I am hopeful it won't come to that.

That being said, SSA seems to be doing okay without many issues so as long as they stick around, I'll probably stick to them. There are no issues shipping to Canada (other than the regular seizure issue) so long as grey sticks around.
don't worry you'll be a united state in no time
I'm not denying the experiences of anyone who has used SRY, however, I have used them three times recently. All three times I received my order in less than 4 weeks. Most recently, I ordered eight days ago and received my reta yesterday. My sales rep is Hailey. Is she better than their other reps? Or have I just been lucky? I don't know. I will point out that I have not yet tested anything that I received from SRY.
i have no doubt that if you can actually place an order, it will be delivered. my issue is that every time i inquire about an order, i get shifting answers about whether it's in the US or china, and whether it's actually available for purchase at all, and which one of the US warehhouses it is in, and how much I have to buy to get an order placed, etc.

but yeah if i could get through all these obstacles i'm sure they'd deliver the package.

although it seems like they've shut down all orders for now, as of today.
Thanks everyone. Question: am I seeing them have Survo or I’m I hallucinating? Understand most of the “codes” but a little confused.
they do have survo. $190 for a kit of 10. i am considering splitting with another buyer
I have just under a year worth of sema if I was at full dose- I'm currently at the equivalent of .5/week, so I have 252 weeks sema. Just started cagri as an experiment, I have ~500 weeks at .125 cagri if I stick with it, and I took .04 today so I've got over 1000 weeks. I also have two kits of tirz30. I joined a GB for another 5mg sema kit, a reta kit, a survo kit, and glow (which I expect to be ~6-8 weeks before arrival. And if it doesn't arrive it sucks but I'm still good for quite a bit.) So I'm set for now. When amo comes back I'll probably consider them, but we'll see how things are. I was debating ordering sry while they have domestic.... but I have enough. I assume that even if things suck for 6mo to a year, I'll be set, and when things calm down I'll get more. Worst case, I trust Skye, and even worse case, I'm a member of like 20 discords, 10 telegrams, and a bunch of forums- I'll be able to find SOMETHING. I panic bought when the new political stuff and tariffs were announced and took the risk on the GB knowing I may be out the money.

Even if it gets hard, I'm pretty confident I'll still be able to get my hands on it- just maybe more expensive. It'll still be less than name brand. I'm bummed, but I'll live. It may end up sucking for people who are losing compound and want to go grey but their only option is domestic for a few months, but I'll be ok to wait it out.
I found that I am having to steadily go up on cagri to keep the same effect. It’s getting kinda expensive, fyi.

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