SRY fucked up, sold T60 to costumers, however they accidentally swapped it with a batch of T45

does it ever concern anyone that none of these photos ever look like a lab or warehouse of any kind, just like someone's kitchen or living room floor?
Most companies are just shipping your order. No one of them has a real lab. They have just offices and buy your stuff to ship it to you
Well, you've read about the one fuckup, are you ready for the possible double fakeout fuckup?

since i haven't seen anyone post it in here yet, figured i'd share. someone with a gold cap T40/T60 sent their vial off to vanguard for a test and it came back at 64mg. it would be my recommendation that folks don't use these vials yet until more testing can be done to confirm whether or not we've got a big problem on our hands or not.

So at least some of the T60 is actually T60.

So it’s a chance that some are really 60 and others 40!😬
I bought the t60 deal, it was sent out, but now that i spoke to alan, he credit me 140 and applied it to the t12 promo.
2 kits of t12 for 220.. ended up paying 80 extra,
i have plenty of t15/t30/t10 dont need t5 thats laughable...
but i opted for the t12 deal because their last t12 was actually pretty good. and had 0 issues.
actually felt it was very potent when i was starting my injections.

guess ill go back to making some t12 labels and t45 labels... -.-
Been over 12 hours and it's night now in China. SRY hasn't addressed the issue and just casually chatting with people on telegram lol.
Why would they, it's money out of their pocket to rectify it. Only thing that will fix it is a significant drop in sales. Until they lose sales and people stop accepting their shitty customer service, nothing will change.

CN vendors only care about Ben Franklin.
alan moments ago.


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Messaged them and they just stop replying in email for an order. I guess they suck and will go on my black list.
and now they're selling that T45 (plus 3mg overfill so T48) as a T40 promo for 220 lol. honestly kind of an incredible deal. idk about buying future stuff from them but as a last one out the door kinda thing, might be a good one to jump on.
I'm trying to find a post on this to jump in on the deal. Do you know how to do that? Or do I just contact Lucy?
I'm trying to find a post on this to jump in on the deal. Do you know how to do that? Or do I just contact Lucy?
That sale was over within 3 hours of starting. Given all of the weird issues SRY has had the last few weeks I would look elsewhere. Not saying you should buy from them but GYC has a killer deal on Tirz right now. T40 for 245 free shipping.