Stacking Tirz w/ CagriSema

That’s the beauty of doing our own research. What works for one won’t work for another. And we have many tools with more on the way. Sounds like what you’re doing is working for you. The main thing is to do the research safely.
Those are my thoughts exactly!
I am a researcher by nature and obsessed with data analysis ( I swear I'm not as boring as that sounds, lol), not only with this but with everything in general. I am forever seeking answers and alternative truths. I genuinely enjoy hearing others' experiences, reasoning, and critiques. I might not always wholeheartedly agree with someone initially, but I always apply that information to the bigger picture.
After reading what I just wrote, I realize I sound like a total nutjob lol. But yes, that's what makes this whole group so intriguing- everyone on their own path, figuring out what works best for them, and the shared experiences.
What people are on today is irrelevant. Phentermine is a "dead" drug today because there are better options but everyone was on in back in the day. Orlistat is a "dead" drug today because there are better options. None of us are shitting all over ourselves today but you can still buy it. Atripla saved hundreds of thousands of people from AIDS but is a "dead" drug today because there are better options with fewer side effects. History will say if I'm right or wrong, but I do believe that as soon as CagriSema and others is approved everyone will flock to it just like they did to Tirzepatide. The phase 3 studies are mind-blowing.

Finally, staying on the lowest possible dose so you can stack two totally different drugs is never "preferential."
I said I didn't agree with it personally. I'd much rather be on 2.5mg of tirz and .25 of cagri than on 15mg of tirz, because the side effects of that much tirz would be completely unmanageable.

There are also plenty of opinions in the medical community that remaining at the lowest effective dose is ideal, and that the dosing of these compounds is way too high; high doses are where the worst negative sides and potential complications occur.

Stacking is controversial no matter what, because no one knows how the peps are interacting with each other, so that's a personal research choice everyone has to make for themselves.

Sure in 10 years from now, there may be better options and all the current peps will be obsolete. Cagrisema is not going to replace tirz, just in the same way tirz has not replaced sema. In part because each individual will have a different response to each, and in part because these are manufactured by different pharmas who are not just going to roll over and let their competitor win.
Hello all!
I'm open to hearing different perspectives, so please feel free to share your experiences, opinions, and any words of caution you might have.
I had been on Tirz 2.5 for a while, and the loss was slow but happening. I wasn't feeling much hunger suppression, and while food noise had decreased, I felt it hadn't reduced enough. I titrated up to 3.5mg (about 5 weeks into treatment) and, after doing some heavy research, ordered a vial of Cagri and a vial of Sema.
Starting weight of 313 lbs, down to around 292-ish as of today.
Not sure I'm tracking your timeline correctly based on your post, so please correct me if this is wrong, but it looks like you've been taking tirz for 5 weeks and your starting weight was 312 and are now 292? If that's correct, then that's a 20 lb loss in 5 weeks with an average of 4 lb per week, which is fantastic! So congrats!

As someone else mentioned, the tirz studied titration schedule is 2.5/5/7.5/10/12.5/15, and ideally one would be on each for 4 full weeks before moving up. The studied recommended maintenance doses are 5/10/15. I understand the hunger and food noise coming back early, as I also had that which is when I moved up in the doses and then starting splitting later. But I'm curious why at only 5 weeks into treatment, and with no side effects yet, what influenced your decision to increase to 3mg instead of the 5mg? Or why not move up to the 5mg after one week at 3mg wasn't working? Just trying to understand what went into your decision to go with stacking with another peptide before attempting the studied titration schedule (or splitting or 5 day schedule), especially with such great results already and no side effects.

For context on my experience with tirz, I started at 320lb, now at 257lb after 38 weeks. I am averaging 1.6 lbs lost per week. My schedule was 2.5mg for 4 weeks, 5mg for 8 weeks, 7.5mg for 4 weeks, 10mg for 16 weeks, now at 12.5mg for 6 weeks. I did start splitting my 10mg dose after 8 weeks in and that helped immensely to even out appetite and food noise suppression that was waning after 5 days. I probably could have moved to a 5 day schedule also, but splitting was working. After moving up to 12.5mg, I've continued splitting my dose and that's working well for me with no side effects either. I am looking at the possibility of stacking with cagri only if after being on 15mg it is no longer effective alone, even with splitting doses or going every 5 days. I have also been very lucky with zero side effects on tirz, and I worry that adding something else or switching completely my luck on that will run out. Tirz has been good to me :)
I like tirz every 6 days. I like to feel it wear off a little to know it's still working.

If you need more appetite suppression then adding a little cagri is an alternative to increasing dosage/frequency. Since cagri is a completely different mechanism there is low chance of complicated interactions. Taking both tirz and sema interfere with each other in unknown and very complicated ways. Or trade out the tirz for reta.
I recommend Shotsy!
I don't need anymore apps. I get too distracted every time I pick up my phone as it is. I can't even log my water without absent mindedly opening other apps and getting distracted for 30 minutes 😂

I do plan on getting this peptide journal soon though!

ETA: Looked it up and it's not on Android (which I'm likely never leaving)
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(1) mg everyday vs (7) mg once a week. Definitely has a difference.
That is really interesting…. I wonder why daily isn’t a thing? It is so much more consistent in how much your body has to work with.
Studies often mention the term "medication adherence", which is much better with once-weekly vs. once-daily administration.

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