

New Member
Mar 2, 2025
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Just took my first Tirz 15mg dose on Tuesday, was on 12.5 for the last 6 months. I increased cause the food noise was coming back and I was in a stall losing and gaining the same 5-8 lbs. My question is this, should I just go back to 12.5 and supplement it with Rybelsus (the once a day Ozempic pill) to help with the food noise? Or see how the 15mg goes and use the Ozempic pill if the food noise comes back? I’ve been on this journey for almost 2 years and have lost 90lbs started at 315lbs. I feel great but I still have about 25lbs to lose.
losing and gaining the same 5-8 lbs.
This happened to me when I tested whether I could freely eat carbs while on tirzepatide (after my first several weeks of steadily losing ~1.5 pounds per week on tirz + carb-consciousness).

I gained 3.8 lbs. I immediately went back to low carbs, and by a week later had lost 5 lbs. I'm pretty sure it's mostly water retention and then water-flushing.

I also wouldn't be surprised if the carbs push food noise through the tirz, as they do very loudly without GLP-1s... for me anyway.
I am by no means an expert, I haven't long started my investigations in GLP-1s, but I have been an avid experimenter of pharmacological supplmentation for various cognitive and physiological goals for decades, and I am thinking about stacking my Tirz with Sema, so here's what i've learned so far.

Everyone seems to be aware that Tirz has a dual action at GLP-1 and GIP receptor sites, but what's interesting to note is that it's affinity at GLP-1 is about 5 times weaker than Sema. From what I gather the majority of the appetite suppressing effects are from GLP-1 activation, where as GIP is associated with anti-emetic/anti-nausea effects, along with effects that are neuroprotective, increases bone formation, decreases stomach acid secretion, increases insulin release, stimulates fatty acid synthesis, and it's activity at GLP-1 seems to be strong enough to promote the weight loss effect.

My reasoning is, adding Sema to Tirz (Sema low dose, be careful starting off to avoid nausea) should give the stack that boost in appetite suppression that folks like us feel is a little lacking with Tirz only, while also still providing a lot of the benefits that I listed above that tirz provides.

I've seen people recommend stuff like Cagri to stack for suppression, but with grey Sema being so cheap, I don't see any advantages to justify the extra cost personally, although I am still learning.

I've just bought some Sema to add to my Tirz. My dose of Tirz is only 5mg, I plan to keep both drugs as low as possible for as long as possible, when I add in sema, it'll be at 0.25mg and I will titrate up as required for the appetite suppression i'm seeking.
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I am by no means an expert, I haven't long started my investigations in GLP-1s, but I have been an avid experimenter of pharmacological supplmentation for various cognitive and physiological goals for decades, and I am thinking about stacking my Tirz with Sema, so here's what i've learned so far.

Everyone seems to be aware that Tirz has a dual action at GLP-1 and GIP receptor sites, but what's interesting to note is that it's affinity at GLP-1 is about 5 times weaker than Sema. From what I gather the majority of the appetite suppressing effects are from GLP-1 activation, where as GIP is associated with anti-emetic/anti-nausea effects, along with effects that are neuroprotective, increases bone formation, decreases stomach acid secretion, increases insulin release, stimulates fatty acid synthesis, and it's activity at GLP-1 seems to be strong enough to promote the weight loss effect.

My reasoning is, adding Sema to Tirz (Sema low dose, be careful starting off to avoid nausea) should give the stack that boost in appetite suppression that folks like us feel is a little lacking with Tirz only, while also still providing a lot of the benefits that I listed above that tirz provides.

I've seen people recommend stuff like Cagri to stack for suppression, but with grey Sema being so cheap, I don't see any advantages to justify the extra cost personally, although I am still learning.

I've just bought some Sema to add to my Tirz. My dose of Tirz is only 5mg, I plan to keep both drugs as low as possible for as long as possible, when I add in sema, it'll be at 0.25mg and I will titrate up as required for the appetite suppression i'm seeking.
Im on the same path as you
I am by no means an expert, I haven't long started my investigations in GLP-1s, but I have been an avid experimenter of pharmacological supplmentation for various cognitive and physiological goals for decades, and I am thinking about stacking my Tirz with Sema, so here's what i've learned so far.

Everyone seems to be aware that Tirz has a dual action at GLP-1 and GIP receptor sites, but what's interesting to note is that it's affinity at GLP-1 is about 5 times weaker than Sema. From what I gather the majority of the appetite suppressing effects are from GLP-1 activation, where as GIP is associated with anti-emetic/anti-nausea effects, along with effects that are neuroprotective, increases bone formation, decreases stomach acid secretion, increases insulin release, stimulates fatty acid synthesis, and it's activity at GLP-1 seems to be strong enough to promote the weight loss effect.

My reasoning is, adding Sema to Tirz (Sema low dose, be careful starting off to avoid nausea) should give the stack that boost in appetite suppression that folks like us feel is a little lacking with Tirz only, while also still providing a lot of the benefits that I listed above that tirz provides.

I've seen people recommend stuff like Cagri to stack for suppression, but with grey Sema being so cheap, I don't see any advantages to justify the extra cost personally, although I am still learning.

I've just bought some Sema to add to my Tirz. My dose of Tirz is only 5mg, I plan to keep both drugs as low as possible for as long as possible, when I add in sema, it'll be at 0.25mg and I will titrate up as required for the appetite suppression i'm seeking.
I'm on the same path as well. Been at 5mg Tirz over a year and at goal. Now added up to
.4 Sema and not getting the front end you've described (GLP-1)... I'm going to increase Sema tomorrow with a midweek jab. I'm basically trying to maintain w/o food noise.

I've also got a couple kits of 5mg Sema to go through in my freezer. It was my plan B in the event Tirz stopped working which never happened. I've also got Cagri and CagriSema so at maintenance I guess I have the freedom to experiment.
I'm on the same path as well. Been at 5mg Tirz over a year and at goal. Now added up to
.4 Sema and not getting the front end you've described (GLP-1)... I'm going to increase Sema tomorrow with a midweek jab. I'm basically trying to maintain w/o food noise.

I've also got a couple kits of 5mg Sema to go through in my freezer. It was my plan B in the event Tirz stopped working which never happened. I've also got Cagri and CagriSema so at maintenance I guess I have the freedom to experiment.
Interesting, when you say you aren't getting the "front end" i've described, do you mean additional appetite suppression ontop of your Tirz dose? That surprises me if that's the case. Sema is almost always described as having profound appetite suppression, whereas I regualrly hear people mirror my personal experience with Tirz not giving that same effect. It sure does make it easier to stick to my chosen calorie deficit, but I do still get mild cravings and mild hunger.

Although, your dose of Sema is still pretty low. I'd be interested to hear how it goes as you ramp up.
I'll keep ya posted. I added Cagri after about 10mos on 5mg Tirz. It seemingly had no effect until I got at about 1mg/wk then I had suppression for 7 days (I've stuck to the once weekly jab because I'm in the camp that the peaks and valleys help weightloss... IMO). No side effects adding Cagri.

Yes, I agree with your description of Sema being the most aggressive on appetite suppression and I thought adding it would emphasize that aspect. So far it's not but I'll add more tomorrow and see what happens. When I added Cagri it was based on adding a new aspect (Amylin) without being redundant. Maybe Tirz + Sema = overlap same receptors or no discernable difference (so far).
I'll keep ya posted. I added Cagri after about 10mos on 5mg Tirz. It seemingly had no effect until I got at about 1mg/wk then I had suppression for 7 days (I've stuck to the once weekly jab because I'm in the camp that the peaks and valleys help weightloss... IMO). No side effects adding Cagri.

Yes, I agree with your description of Sema being the most aggressive on appetite suppression and I thought adding it would emphasize that aspect. So far it's not but I'll add more tomorrow and see what happens. When I added Cagri it was based on adding a new aspect (Amylin) without being redundant. Maybe Tirz + Sema = overlap same receptors or no discernable difference (so far).
Yes, the receptor overlap is an argument i've seen once or twice of why not to stack and Sema and Tirz, that's why I pointed out the 5 times higher affinity with Sema for GLP-1, in theory it should kick Tirz right out of the GLP-1 receptor sites while leaving Tirz action at GIP unchanged.

I have seen some support for this anecdotally, but not a whole lot of people out there stacking so could be more to this picture.

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