Still stinging with AmoPure but not as bad.


Mar 27, 2024
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I got my replacement batch after much stinging with my first batch of T10. Did my first injection with almost no sting…. Used same vial a week later, and it stung a bit more…. Not horrible but still stinging. I don’t know what to do. It was a huge order, and I’m hesitant to start all over. I’m feeling fine on it. It’s working well overall… it’s just that dang stinging!
I got my replacement batch after much stinging with my first batch of T10. Did my first injection with almost no sting…. Used same vial a week later, and it stung a bit more…. Not horrible but still stinging. I don’t know what to do. It was a huge order, and I’m hesitant to start all over. I’m feeling fine on it. It’s working well overall… it’s just that dang stinging!
The burning means it's working! ;-)
Sorry this is happening to you. It must be very frustrating and stressful. Hopefully you can get a full refund.
I got my replacement batch after much stinging with my first batch of T10. Did my first injection with almost no sting…. Used same vial a week later, and it stung a bit more…. Not horrible but still stinging. I don’t know what to do. It was a huge order, and I’m hesitant to start all over. I’m feeling fine on it. It’s working well overall… it’s just that dang stinging!
Similar boat. Ordered T60 early September. Reconstituted first vial and get some stinging for about 30 minutes after dosing. Find it's worse if I touch or push the site. I'm not going to lie though, the tirz works better than any other tirz I've used to include pharmacy compounded.

My choice, I'm not sending it back. I gave my excess supply of compounded to my wife to use, so this is what I have before I switch to Ret and Carg. I'm lucky the pain isn't excruciating and it's once a week. I hope you have better luck with other vitals, but it's really a crap shoot with the Amo tirz orders during this period.
@RedSkip, no, I didn't.

One thing I will note is that the tirz reconstituted a little strangely. Normally the pucks will dissolve with the white powder disappearing in an even way. The Amo tirz left a small, clear, and what looked like a gel type substance (not white powder) on the side of the vial which took a bit to dissolve. It did eventually dissolve with rolling, but it took longer than usual.

The dot wasn't very big though, so I didn't think anything about it, especially after it did dissolve.
@RedSkip, no, I didn't.

One thing I will note is that the tirz reconstituted a little strangely. Normally the pucks will dissolve with the white powder disappearing in an even way. The Amo tirz left a small, clear, and what looked like a gel type substance (not white powder) on the side of the vial which took a bit to dissolve. It did eventually dissolve with rolling, but it took longer than usual.

The dot wasn't very big though, so I didn't think anything about it, especially after it did dissolve.
Interesting. 🤨 I don’t have anything to offer other than that sucks. Hopefully the product doesn’t cause you more pain.
@RedSkip, no, I didn't.

One thing I will note is that the tirz reconstituted a little strangely. Normally the pucks will dissolve with the white powder disappearing in an even way. The Amo tirz left a small, clear, and what looked like a gel type substance (not white powder) on the side of the vial which took a bit to dissolve. It did eventually dissolve with rolling, but it took longer than usual.

The dot wasn't very big though, so I didn't think anything about it, especially after it did dissolve.
Mine had left the triz salt crystals against the vial before fully that what you seen maybe ?
Mine had left the triz salt crystals against the vial before fully that what you seen maybe ?
@PeptideJedi, could have been. I've just never seen it before. The solution after reconstitution is perfectly clear. The tirz does it's job extremely well, zero food noise and I have to remind myself to eat throughout the day.
Similar boat. Ordered T60 early September. Reconstituted first vial and get some stinging for about 30 minutes after dosing. Find it's worse if I touch or push the site. I'm not going to lie though, the tirz works better than any other tirz I've used to include pharmacy compounded.

My choice, I'm not sending it back. I gave my excess supply of compounded to my wife to use, so this is what I have before I switch to Ret and Carg. I'm lucky the pain isn't excruciating and it's once a week. I hope you have better luck with other vitals, but it's really a crap shoot with the Amo tirz orders during this period.
It does work so well!!! So much better than an other vendor. The rep told me that stinging is common with most vendors and that mine came from a new batch.
I’m keeping mine too.
So my Amo, both T30 and R10 had prolonged burning after injection (30+min). Injection was done 5mins after reconstitution with hospira.

Now, a week later the injections still sting but no prolonged burning. I’m guessing these Amo peptides take longer to dissolve. Did not have issues with skye.
So my Amo, both T30 and R10 had prolonged burning after injection (30+min). Injection was done 5mins after reconstitution with hospira.

Now, a week later the injections still sting but no prolonged burning. I’m guessing these Amo peptides take longer to dissolve. Did not have issues with skye.
Thankfully my burn was only during actual injection and about 30 seconds after.
@RedSkip, no, I didn't.

One thing I will note is that the tirz reconstituted a little strangely. Normally the pucks will dissolve with the white powder disappearing in an even way. The Amo tirz left a small, clear, and what looked like a gel type substance (not white powder) on the side of the vial which took a bit to dissolve. It did eventually dissolve with rolling, but it took longer than usual.

The dot wasn't very big though, so I didn't think anything about it, especially after it did dissolve.
So my Amo, both T30 and R10 had prolonged burning after injection (30+min). Injection was done 5mins after reconstitution with hospira.

Now, a week later the injections still sting but no prolonged burning. I’m guessing these Amo peptides take longer to dissolve. Did not have issues with skye.
My r10 stung again today. Not terrible, but definitely there. Not sure what to make of it. Last two injections from same vial I didn’t register a sting (could be I wasn’t paying close enough attention). Just first one and this last one for sure. First injection was room temp, last injection was out of the fridge for an hour.
It does work so well!!! So much better than an other vendor. The rep told me that stinging is common with most vendors and that mine came from a new batch.
Which AmoPure rep was that? His name please?

Stinging caused by Tirzepatide is NOT an expected or common result, and his is an incorrect and unacceptable answer.

Stinging at the injection point that persists is much more likely to be caused by Reconstitution Solution that is not correctly pH-balanced. That is common with recon sols from Chinese vendors (looking at YOU QSC) and unfortunately some US retail vendors as well. HOSPIRA Brand "Bacteriostatic Water for Injection (USP)" is the best option as it is known to be very carefully prepared and its production methods carefully monitored.

Stinging that occurs very briefly at the injection point can be caused by a cold injection solution, an excess of alcohol remaining on the skin, or, somewhat rarely, by injecting into scar tissue within the skin. Too long a needle can also cause pain if you nick the muscle layer under your skin.

Doubtless there are other causes but properly produced Tirzepatide is not the most likely cause of stinging.

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