You have no safety net when you buy on the grey market, except the integrity/competence of the vendor and the ability to call out their behavior on forums like this. And mostly doing a lot of reading before deciding on a vendor.I’m not comfortable with crypto either. It doesn’t give me any safety net if I don’t get what I ordered.
You cannot/should not file complaints or chargebacks against vendors, because (a) PayPal, credit cards etc. will permanently close your account (and block future ones) for trying to buy from underground sellers, and (b) they will also close the vendor accounts, which ruins it for everyone else when vendors in general revert to crypto-only.
The alternative is to buy name-brand pens from a pharmacy for $1,000 a month (or your co-pay). The risk that you'll have to walk away altogether from lost funds usually pencils out well for grey vs brand-name.
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