Switching to Tirz - order from Guruite

I deleted it because I wasn’t sure if I could name it out here. Is that okay to name names? I definitely don’t want to gate keep but want to follow the tules as well.

If you don’t mind me asking, who is your new source? I’ve been using Guruite and I think it’s not as strong as I had hoped. Only at 5mg and will bump up next week to 7.5. I’m still searching.
i understand if you dont want to reply. Thank You
I am more confident with the second vendor. Nantong Guangyuan Chemical.
Better suppression at RS normal maintenance dose. So much so that I have ordered again to have a good stock.
Na'ah. I really haven't been enforcing it while I figure out what the best thresholds are to automatically "promote" members to "research expert" to be able to access the appropriate sections. For now it's the wild west except for vendors who can't follow the rules, and anybody who thinks that soccer is a real sport.
Thanks for responding.
I deleted it because I wasn’t sure if I could name it out here. Is that okay to name names? I definitely don’t want to gate keep but want to follow the tules as well.
Would you mind sending me the name? I have had a stash from HT since Feb/March and feels like the red and blue 10 I got have stopped helping with food noise and hunger.. I get paid this week and wanted to find something new to try if there is better. I haven't really had time to read thru everything yet to find sources especially since I know they are starting to shut things down? I am scared to say much so I try to stick to reading :)
Now that I've used 7 vials, here are my observations about the red cap Tirz 10 from Guruite

Recap & Summary
RS had stalled for several months at 2.4mg Sema and had not taken Tirz previously. I had to increase RS to a 10mg dose before noticing any effects. Having said that, RS has lost 5 pounds since May 24th after a multi-month stall. RS is at a BMI of 33 and typically loses fairly slowly

-The powder seems more coarse/crystallized than others I've had.
-I always have some flakes after re-hydrating and have to shake the vial to get everything fully dissolved.
-Once dissolved, the solution is clear.
-RS is on a 5-day cycle because appetite control is completely gone by day 6.
-RS reports positive anti-inflammatory effects & decreased pain in old injuries.
-I don't have 3rd party test results, but subjective observations and feedback from other users indicate this product is likely under-dosed.
I tested Great Peptides 15 mg by Janoshik and second batch at a college . The first Janoshik is from GP the second is mine


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The second batch I ordered of 15 mg tirz from GP I sent to a college and had it tested. They used a super advanced hitachi AA sequencer. it tested the appropriate mg…. I also sent raw 10 mg tirz from another company to test


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I was having excellent results from Henan so continued with it. My next dose will be the Guruite 15mg purple caps. I’ll update in a couple weeks.
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... and anybody who thinks that soccer is a real sport.
@ZippityDooDah my dad was a gambler and a bookmaker who would bet on horses, football, baseball, basketball...
Had an 8ft satellite dish before anybody knew what that was about, and, he watched four TVs at the same time.

He would take a bet, or make one, on any sport EXCEPT SOCCER.
Said he couldn't possibly understand or set a betting line on a sport where nobody falls on a loose ball :oops:
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RS started the 10mg red tops at 7.5 with zero noticeable effects.

Second dose @ 10 seems to be the magic number! Appetite suppression is strong, food noise is near zero, and RS achieves satiety with minimal food intake.
So does it seem that you have to dose up with the product from this vendor?
Does Jerry ever have sales on Triz? Where would that be posted?
The second batch I ordered of 15 mg tirz from GP I sent to a college and had it tested. They used a super advanced hitachi AA sequencer. it tested the appropriate mg…. I also sent raw 10 mg tirz from another company to test
The second test submitted, 15mg vs 10mg means what? The amino acid profile is 16% the other is 87%. Tot peps are what is claimed. Not sure what this test is supposed to confirm. Do you have any further insight? Thanks for posting
The second test submitted, 15mg vs 10mg means what? The amino acid profile is 16% the other is 87%. Tot peps are what is claimed. Not sure what this test is supposed to confirm. Do you have any further insight? Thanks for posting
The second test confirmed the total mg of tirz was correct from 15 mg great peptides order. The 10 mg was a different company and was a pure raw tirzepatide and mentioned only because it was in the sheet…. Roughly 16 percent tirzepatide and the rest buffering agents…
Took 12.5 dose Sunday night. Side effects the same as in the first two mornings could feel it. Appetite suppression definitely doesn’t feel as good as Henan but this is my 5th week at a 12.5 dose and with me I normally titrate up every 4 weeks. When I eat I’m able to eat more but I’m snacky earlier in the day not at all at night. Wondering if it’s the GP or doses don’t last for me past a month which I’m kind of worried about :(
Nanjing Guruite Technology aka Great Peptides: Website no longer active. Entry removed from Alibaba.com. Apparently they are no longer in business.
I asked about that too last week, and someone told me he had just talked to Tim, that they had just been removed from Alibaba, so maybe they are still working, I just don't know how
Nanjing Guruite Technology aka Great Peptides: Website no longer active. Entry removed from Alibaba.com. Apparently they are no longer in business.
So, that must be different from https://www.greatpeptide.com/ Guruite Biotechnology Co., Ltd (which is working, also missing an S - peptide vs. peptideS)...I really struggle to keep up with all these names. Very thankful for your spreadsheets, D!
Try the GLP1 Vendors China link in my signature line or on my Profile page. It may help you.
Hi Dionysos - I just tried clicking on the links in your signature (as I often do, many thanks, as usual) and I am getting your USA spreadsheet for both the CN and the USA links. Did you recently update? I may be doing something wrong, but thought I would mention.

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