OK thank you for the info, I think that helps people

. Reta will be good too or sema and cagri. I will try to find the name of them on discord/telegram.
More vendors & retail sellers, the better! It sounds like they will be a good addition to the space to keep prices down now that Tracey is gone.
If the reconstituted vial is what degrades, I'm not super worried (should be able to use it up!) as long as the powder stays OK (maybe in the fridge or freezer?).
I've noticed that most vendors & group buys seem to have the same price list, I was guessing they came from the same main manufacturer. Obv I have no way of comfirming.
I'm looking for more diversity, tbh. Like gbk basic, pinelon, epithalon, cerebry, aod, slu, poly caprilactone (PCL), t0x, generic kybella... everything Tracey used to have and more south Korean type products. The pinebottle/lemon bottle grey china sales don't seem to be a very good 'sale' as it's about the same price on white market from south korea.
Have you gotten anything from Ava? Has it tested me reshipped? I was sad to see chatter that Ava/ Lianshui Peilun/LSPL is banned?? :/ She was the most responsive vendor on discord that I saw, was one of the few who offered free reship that I was messaging, and offered shipping to locations that others don't ship to...
I'm wondering if there is a way we can work with her to get her up to par...?? I've watched her on discord for a while and I feel like she is just new, overwhelmed, and didn't mean to make such a bannable offense. Or possibly didn't know she could be banned for offering free items for reviews?
I've gotten a variety of products from China/asian type companies and MANY offer free products/ discounts for reviews, even on amazon, when they are new, to get an established presence. I only provide good reviews for good products when it is warranted. Maybe she thought it was normal practice. It actually is normal practice for influencers in south Korean beauty space to get discounts/free trips. Even in US/Can, I've seen big companies deleting any reviews that aren't 5 stars.
I was going to order from her prior to the ban, unsure now - what to respect the group's decisions... I haven't ordered from her yet or had testing done... I guess I feel sorry for her; she seems overwhelmed with the administrative aspects and I know she was targeted by opposition suppliers who were pretending to be her in DMs and whatever. She didn't seem to expect that.
She could maybe be a good player in the future, or maybe someone like Skye... I think she just needs someone to guide her a bit with things??? Rather than closing her off?
Just my thoughts as I have just seen the news, but maybe my sympathies are misplaced!