T120 @ 420$


Scarlett Johansson
Sep 26, 2024
Reaction score
Have you seen this new vendor in town?

They were primarily selling raw and bulk but now turned to retail.

They currently only have Tirz (30, 60, 120), but Reta 100 is in the making for 750$.

I think we have a new low and some properly sized vials aha
i would venture the cost of the lophilization (spelling is wrong and i don't give a fuck) is the major cost.

i bet they could do these big doses for a few pennies more. its a huge boon for them in that case.
Yeah, raw is cheap, but not stable for long. All the machines they use to make them into vials tho cost a fortune
So the new vendor has a good history with legit / tested / good shipping bulk & raw products and is now starting retail? In which case they should be fairly legit of they have been in the space for a while? This isn't just a random new vendor?

How do we order? What payments do they take? They on Discord? Do they offer reshipping of package doesn't make it?

Tysm for sharing the info... I think $420 USD for a 10 pack/ kit of tirz 120mg is about the best price I've seen in a while... that is about 10 month supply of using 30mg/week or 20month supply is using 15mg/week.

If we are thinking it doesn't have a long shelf life, what would a good solution be?
Like, if we are taking 10-30mg/week, will reconstituted go bad too fast? Or keep powder in fridge?
Not a random new company. They are supposed to be an actual legit manufacturer and I read that they are most likely a provider to many of the alphabet soup vendors. They have Jano COA's with good overfill and at 99%+. There was a practice group that has received orders and are doing a group test now. They have both Discord and Telegram (not sure if I can post them directly here).

They also offer custom manufacturing of both tirz and reta, MOQ of 50 kits. There are some already talking about doing a group buy.

I think Jano did some tests and there was little degradation 2-3 months after recon. Would be perfect for multiple user households.

I think this price is what I paid for my first month of compound tirz 🤣
So the new vendor has a good history with legit / tested / good shipping bulk & raw products and is now starting retail? In which case they should be fairly legit of they have been in the space for a while? This isn't just a random new vendor?

How do we order? What payments do they take? They on Discord? Do they offer reshipping of package doesn't make it?

Tysm for sharing the info... I think $420 USD for a 10 pack/ kit of tirz 120mg is about the best price I've seen in a while... that is about 10 month supply of using 30mg/week or 20month supply is using 15mg/week.

If we are thinking it doesn't have a long shelf life, what would a good solution be?
Like, if we are taking 10-30mg/week, will reconstituted go bad too fast? Or keep powder in fridge?
They take crypto only, they say BTC and USDT, but I asked for USDC and they said it's fine too. So they may support more than the 2 they say.

Reship to everywhere as far as I know, 47$ shipping for Canada and 37$ for the US.

Here's what I know, they were vetted by the mods of STG, the vendor first wanted to sell raw to retail, but STG convinced them to sell kits instead.

They supposedly were in this space before, not with that name however since the domain, discord and telegram was registered recently. If it's true, they must've 2 companies or 2 names at least.

They ran a test sale first, so some already received their kits and testing are already underway.

Lyophilized GLP1, done and stored properly, have good shelf life, so no worry there.

Telegram: @wheat_madz
Discord: https://discord.gg/2Wn3wUzR
Not a random new company. They are supposed to be an actual legit manufacturer and I read that they are most likely a provider to many of the alphabet soup vendors. They have Jano COA's with good overfill and at 99%+. There was a practice group that has received orders and are doing a group test now. They have both Discord and Telegram (not sure if I can post them directly here).

They also offer custom manufacturing of both tirz and reta, MOQ of 50 kits. There are some already talking about doing a group buy.

I think Jano did some tests and there was little degradation 2-3 months after recon. Would be perfect for multiple user households.

I think this price is what I paid for my first month of compound tirz 🤣
OK thank you for the info, I think that helps people :). Reta will be good too or sema and cagri. I will try to find the name of them on discord/telegram.
More vendors & retail sellers, the better! It sounds like they will be a good addition to the space to keep prices down now that Tracey is gone.
If the reconstituted vial is what degrades, I'm not super worried (should be able to use it up!) as long as the powder stays OK (maybe in the fridge or freezer?).

I've noticed that most vendors & group buys seem to have the same price list, I was guessing they came from the same main manufacturer. Obv I have no way of comfirming.

I'm looking for more diversity, tbh. Like gbk basic, pinelon, epithalon, cerebry, aod, slu, poly caprilactone (PCL), t0x, generic kybella... everything Tracey used to have and more south Korean type products. The pinebottle/lemon bottle grey china sales don't seem to be a very good 'sale' as it's about the same price on white market from south korea.

Have you gotten anything from Ava? Has it tested me reshipped? I was sad to see chatter that Ava/ Lianshui Peilun/LSPL is banned?? :/ She was the most responsive vendor on discord that I saw, was one of the few who offered free reship that I was messaging, and offered shipping to locations that others don't ship to...

I'm wondering if there is a way we can work with her to get her up to par...?? I've watched her on discord for a while and I feel like she is just new, overwhelmed, and didn't mean to make such a bannable offense. Or possibly didn't know she could be banned for offering free items for reviews?
I've gotten a variety of products from China/asian type companies and MANY offer free products/ discounts for reviews, even on amazon, when they are new, to get an established presence. I only provide good reviews for good products when it is warranted. Maybe she thought it was normal practice. It actually is normal practice for influencers in south Korean beauty space to get discounts/free trips. Even in US/Can, I've seen big companies deleting any reviews that aren't 5 stars.

I was going to order from her prior to the ban, unsure now - what to respect the group's decisions... I haven't ordered from her yet or had testing done... I guess I feel sorry for her; she seems overwhelmed with the administrative aspects and I know she was targeted by opposition suppliers who were pretending to be her in DMs and whatever. She didn't seem to expect that.

She could maybe be a good player in the future, or maybe someone like Skye... I think she just needs someone to guide her a bit with things??? Rather than closing her off?

Just my thoughts as I have just seen the news, but maybe my sympathies are misplaced!
OK thank you for the info, I think that helps people :). Reta will be good too or sema and cagri. I will try to find the name of them on discord/telegram.
More vendors & retail sellers, the better! It sounds like they will be a good addition to the space to keep prices down now that Tracey is gone.
If the reconstituted vial is what degrades, I'm not super worried (should be able to use it up!) as long as the powder stays OK (maybe in the fridge or freezer?).

I've noticed that most vendors & group buys seem to have the same price list, I was guessing they came from the same main manufacturer. Obv I have no way of comfirming.

I'm looking for more diversity, tbh. Like gbk basic, pinelon, epithalon, cerebry, aod, slu, poly caprilactone (PCL), t0x, generic kybella... everything Tracey used to have and more south Korean type products. The pinebottle/lemon bottle grey china sales don't seem to be a very good 'sale' as it's about the same price on white market from south korea.

Have you gotten anything from Ava? Has it tested me reshipped? I was sad to see chatter that Ava/ Lianshui Peilun/LSPL is banned?? :/ She was the most responsive vendor on discord that I saw, was one of the few who offered free reship that I was messaging, and offered shipping to locations that others don't ship to...

I'm wondering if there is a way we can work with her to get her up to par...?? I've watched her on discord for a while and I feel like she is just new, overwhelmed, and didn't mean to make such a bannable offense. Or possibly didn't know she could be banned for offering free items for reviews?
I've gotten a variety of products from China/asian type companies and MANY offer free products/ discounts for reviews, even on amazon, when they are new, to get an established presence. I only provide good reviews for good products when it is warranted. Maybe she thought it was normal practice. It actually is normal practice for influencers in south Korean beauty space to get discounts/free trips. Even in US/Can, I've seen big companies deleting any reviews that aren't 5 stars.

I was going to order from her prior to the ban, unsure now - what to respect the group's decisions... I haven't ordered from her yet or had testing done... I guess I feel sorry for her; she seems overwhelmed with the administrative aspects and I know she was targeted by opposition suppliers who were pretending to be her in DMs and whatever. She didn't seem to expect that.

She could maybe be a good player in the future, or maybe someone like Skye... I think she just needs someone to guide her a bit with things??? Rather than closing her off?

Just my thoughts as I have just seen the news, but maybe my sympathies are misplaced!
No don't include LSPL aha
No don't include LSPL aha
OK, that is probably fair, I'm just wondering what exactly Ava did that makes her unpopular?
Was it mainly the free gifts for reviews or is the product not testing well/not pure/not being delivered?
You're definitely more informed that I am, and probably right on the topic as I haven't purchased from her/tested the product...
I'm just not clear why people don't like Ava/L S P L?
Sorry, if it's already well known to most people!!!

I appreciate the larger community sharing their experiences with Tracey; I know to avoid him based on many many community reviews and feedback across * all * the forums/discords.

I just don't know the low down on Ava lol. What's the scoop?? Do people not get their purchases? Is it a pure scam? Sorry, also, again, if it's a sensitive situation to people!! Don't want to hurt anyone's feelings :/ .... you're better informed, and I respect that... I'm just curious & so I know how to judge better in the future....
OK, that is probably fair, I'm just wondering what exactly Ava did that makes her unpopular?
Was it mainly the free gifts for reviews or is the product not testing well/not pure/not being delivered?
You're definitely more informed that I am, and probably right on the topic as I haven't purchased from her/tested the product...
I'm just not clear why people don't like Ava/L S P L?
Sorry, if it's already well known to most people!!!

I appreciate the larger community sharing their experiences with Tracey; I know to avoid him based on many many community reviews and feedback across * all * the forums/discords.

I just don't know the low down on Ava lol. What's the scoop?? Do people not get their purchases? Is it a pure scam? Sorry, also, again, if it's a sensitive situation to people!! Don't want to hurt anyone's feelings :/ .... you're better informed, and I respect that... I'm just curious & so I know how to judge better in the future....
Ava is not bad, but we have better. She can be very pushy and weird at time. They're reseller like 90% of all vendors, this is why they all look like copying each other's, because they actually do.

Also, I am fairly confident that resellers were buying at the same price Wheat is selling bulk at, we were just not aware.

A seemingly true finisher bringing awareness of what it costs and most likely how other unknown (to us) finishers sell, will definitely drag down the price.

Think about it, we now know middle man are charging double, just to do middle man job, in a country with cheap labor. It's no good news for them.

They had all the reasons to keep it secret, to keep the price up, but like Eli lilly, they knew it was just a matter of time before they were forced to sell for cheap
I want to add that this is my opinion, from things I could see and things I could guess, don't take my words and do your research if you have any doubt.

I think it's good to talk about this, so we can exchange opinions and bring awareness

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