Tesamorelin Ipamorelin Blend


Jun 21, 2024
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Hello out there. I've been lurking and reading here since June or July and need some help. I've been successful taking a Reta/Sema stack and have lost 21 lbs in 5 months. Only about 5 more pounds to go! Trying to stick to ~1lb a week. I'm noticing muscle loss and wondering about the above blend, Tesamorelin/Ipamorelin Blend. My son in law also recently lost about 25-30lbs (too fast) by cutting out all snacking. He's young, 37 years old. He lost way more muscle than he wanted and I want to help him. I can't find a bulk ie 10 vials at a time supplier like I have for my Reta/Sema non-blend. I've been using Amopure and also have found Nexaph but neither have a blend. Nexaph has both peptides, but the Tesmorelin is out of stock and they don't have a blend. If anyone could message me a current trusted supplier they use or know of that stocks a blend, I would GREATLY appreciate it.

I've had Hashimotos for about 25 years and at age 63 started gaining about a pound a week with no amount of walking/exercise/dieting would stop. I was so glad to find out about the peptides that are available. It is changing my life for the better for sure.

Any advise is appreciated on how to locate this blend or I could just do them separate. I guess I need to know dosing - but I can research that.

Kind Regards,
You can buy them separately and make your own blend. Some people also take it at different times. I've heard tesamorelin before bed then ipamorelin in the morning. It's also easier to adjust the dosage depending on your needs.
Thanks very much Vicki. Maybe that is the way to go. I'd be able to vary the dosage of each with more control. Just need to find bulk stock of the two.
Some of the Chinese suppliers sell ipa and tesa by the kit. I've been using ipa for a couple of months now and it's been great. Big calorie deficit and gaining muscle with good nutrition and resistance training. Haven't tried tesa
Thanks so much @mostlydamp because of your response here I ordered the ipa only and will see how that works out before moving to the double peptide Tesa and ipa protocol. Would you mind telling me your dosage schedule? If not, I can do more research, no problem. Thank you again!
Thanks so much @mostlydamp because of your response here I ordered the ipa only and will see how that works out before moving to the double peptide Tesa and ipa protocol. Would you mind telling me your dosage schedule? If not, I can do more research, no problem. Thank you again!
Sure, I have been using ipa 200 mcg at a time. At first I did once daily for a day or two to see how it went. Then twice a day, and now 3 times a day. I've been at 3 times a day for the last 10 weeks and will probably cycle off some time soon. It may not be necessary considering there's no actual evidence that cycling is necessary or that you need to skip 2 days a week but the theory is enough to make me quit for a while. Some people say that you have diminishing returns above 100mcg/dose but I'm ok with that so it's 200mcg for me.

I always take it before bed on an empty stomach which has been kind of tough on a glp1. I have to let at least 2 hours go by before the ipa, meaning that my eating window during the day is limited using it 3x/day. So I take it right when I wake up, middle of the day, and right before bed.

I just bought cjc no dac to add to the next cycle too! I'm looking forward to it. As someone who trains like crazy and has (thanks to tirzepatide) a nearly perfect diet, I feel like an absolute beast when it comes to weights and running both! It definitely helps recovery. Good luck with it!
You are so very kind to share your information. Not very many people are so inclined to. It’s exactly what I needed! It will probably be helpful to many others who stumble upon it here also. Thank you so very much!!!
I'm noticing muscle loss and wondering about the above blend, Tesamorelin/Ipamorelin Blend.
Tesa/Ipa will work for your son but everything I’ve read states that it has diminishing returns over age 40 (reduced HGH production by pituitary gland) and would not be effective at your age. I was considering that route myself (61) but will supplement with HGH when I get close to goal weight. I follow Dr Kyle Gillett and Dr Peter Attia and they both recommend HGH injection over tesa/ipa at my age.
Some of the Chinese suppliers sell ipa and tesa by the kit. I've been using ipa for a couple of months now and it's been great. Big calorie deficit and gaining muscle with good nutrition and resistance training. Haven't tried tesa
I have ipamorelin. Do I have to workout? Will I gain weight?
Tesa/Ipa will work for your son but everything I’ve read states that it has diminishing returns over age 40 (reduced HGH production by pituitary gland) and would not be effective at your age. I was considering that route myself (61) but will supplement with HGH when I get close to goal weight. I follow Dr Kyle Gillett and Dr Peter Attia and they both recommend HGH injection over tesa/ipa at my age.
what i'm noticing about tesa is that after the break for a few days i get an initial surge of feel-good that peters out over the next day or 2. Like you're giving time for the gland to build up some storage but then tesa makes it release then you're done.
Tesa/Ipa will work for your son but everything I’ve read states that it has diminishing returns over age 40 (reduced HGH production by pituitary gland) and would not be effective at your age. I was considering that route myself (61) but will supplement with HGH when I get close to goal weight. I follow Dr Kyle Gillett and Dr Peter Attia and they both recommend HGH injection over tesa/ipa at my age.
Getting old sure does STINK! I'll check out the Docs you recommended. Thank you so much!
Tesa still out of stock at Nexaph. Was hoping to get it from there due to the quick shipping they have. I'll wait it out for my son in law.