Test now or wait? - Long term pep storage


Oct 6, 2024
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Dallas TX
I am building my pep-ageddon stock pile in the freezer and torn between testing now or waiting to test when I actually plan to research the peps.

I ordered Tirz and a few other peps from 3-4 diifferent suppliers and believe I am set for several years on Tirz.

I am torn....

Test now:
It would be good to test to confirm there are no fill/purity problems so I can try to remedy it with the supplier. However, I may never actually need to research all of the different batches, especially if I were to switch from Tirz to researching XXX for maintenance. There is a good chance testing now would be a waste of $ other than knowing I have good product in the freezer.

Test later:
If I wait to test, I save the testing costs until I am actually ready to research the particular batch and will also have a better idea of the actual strength (after being stored for a few years) to reconstitute and dose appropriately. My (now) dedicated freezer will store at about -8 degrees F so there could be degradation after a few years in storage. I have no idea if this degradation will be visible in the cake appearance or only measurable through testing.

Any advise for me?