tested below 99% 😱😮😳


Mar 3, 2025
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North America
Is it ever acceptable to use something with less than 99% purity? I found an oxytocin kit connected to a test that showed a purity of 96-97%. Srry, but I can't provide any sources.

Is it ever acceptable to use something with less than 99% purity? I found an oxytocin kit connected to a test that showed a purity of 96-97%. Srry, but I can't provide any sources.

99% is outstanding!
I read something from Janoshik once that said something about a lack of purity is not correlated to something harmful happening. Lab FAQ Guide with Janoshik Analytical, I'd link to it, but it's on Peppy's and they don't allow distribution outside Peppy's. The concern with a low purity percentage is that what you have may be rapidly decomposing (or whatever is the correct term), making determining the correct amount of BAC water to add difficult. It's the total amount of the target content that matters.
If you test a one year old pep, it may test 95%, or 97% pure, not contaminated necessarily but degraded due to heat, light, etc. in its lyophilized form. There could be excipients (fillers), histidine, heavy metals, or other residuals from the fabrication. How pure is your flu shot? Relatively pure or pure? The acceptable purity of oxytocin may be different than a glp1 or other drugs. Can you find it at 99% purity? How much $$ are you saving? I never accepted glp1 less than 99%. I just wait for another batch.
If you test a one year old pep, it may test 95%, or 97% pure, not contaminated necessarily but degraded due to heat, light, etc. in its lyophilized form. There could be excipients (fillers), histidine, heavy metals, or other residuals from the fabrication. How pure is your flu shot? Relatively pure or pure? The acceptable purity of oxytocin may be different than a glp1 or other drugs. Can you find it at 99% purity? How much $$ are you saving? I never accepted glp1 less than 99%. I just wait for another batch.
I always insist on a minimum of 101% purity. I try for at least 102%.

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