Didn't TFC sell lipo-C that tested as having nothing but red dye in it? If you're planning on buying from her, you can just skip the testing knowing that you're getting red dye. Ava has recently started selling a lot. I believe her stuff has tested well but even by the standards of grey vendors, she is quite new. I heard some complaints that Ava doesn't give great customer service, but the details of the complaints that I read made it sound like the customers were hoping for Amazon-like service.
2025-03-12, 9:21 Pacific Time, Edit: After making the above post, I received a direct message from Alice from TFC saying: "I would like to help you solve the problem you are having with Lipo-c." I personally hadn't ordered from her, therefore, there is nothing for her to fix as to me. Since she may have been correcting things, I'll quit commenting on the Lipo-C situation with her and let any people who were actually affected do so instead. She may have corrected issue. Since I don't know, I'm not going to criticize her anymore. I do go by the assumption that with most or all grey vendors, there is a possibility that they'll end up sending something that doesn't contain what it should. If a vendor does fix the situation, that's better than many grey vendors and is a good sign.