The REAL SCAMMERS. Skye Polaris Aminos Research and many more . All the greedy money grab peppy vetted vendors . YES


Cantides/Cantydes/Jollychica etc.
Jul 2, 2024
Reaction score
Toronto, ON, Canada
Zippity you are a fucking clown joke. You have been morbidly obese all your life and I understand Tirzepatide is the only thing you have going. You have no life except fight on peptide discords all day long. You lost all that weight, you should be able to secure employment now since no one buys your overpriced peptides. Listen and listen good. You have messed with the wrong one this time. Your whole shitbag peppy caucus vendors do not and will never have the monopoly to peptide sales. The peptide world is 1000% bigger than discord or fucking peppys. Peptides have existed before you money hungry bastards and you can’t control the market by making smear campaigns of other vendors and Group buy sellers. My LOW KIT PRICES are here to stay. Keep having sleepless nights over it, stalking and making more smear campaigns. The exposure is actually working good for me. More SALES! Also if you think Cantydes is my only peptide company, you are in for the shock of your life then. Get to work now to find the names of my other peptide websites that are doing massive sales numbers due to the lowest prices TESTED vials and kits in the USA. Don’t choke on your hateful jealous bile! You are not my match! I control the Canadian market and all your USA customers have come to me! They realize how much they are being scammed and extorted by you mongrels.

You all buffoon retards are the REAL SCAMMERS. A single vial of TIRZ 30mg should not cost $275 when a full kit T30 from our Chinese suppliers cost $230-$250 depending on MOQ. My T30 TESTED kit costs $500 and your kit will cost a whopping $2750. The customers have realized ALL the peptides come from China. You greedy fucks have even tried to sideline the Chinese sellers by bogus requirements to make sure only your peptide shit companies are on peppys. Greedy Bastards

Amino research where are your results from your money grab sales??? You sold UNTESTED peptides. Didn’t all peptides need to be tested before sales according to your own rules?, ha! peppy can allow that because YOU FUCKING OWN PEPPYS. you and Skye came to attack me immediately the first day I posted on peppys selling my kits, you could not handle the price competition and tried so hard to get my post deleted. It was deleted twice the first fucking day. I have all my receipts and messages you sent.

Winty told me you guys wanted me banned on discord right away too. WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING SCARED OF? IF YOU CANT HANDLE THE PRICE COMPETITION, THEN LOWER YOUR FUCKING OUTRAGEOUS PRICES and stop posting lies about any company that sells more affordable peptides.

You can delete all you want. I have taken this up to Facebook. I have posted in all the Facebook peptide groups and started a blog about how DANGEROUS and toxic you guys are. The Chinese manufacturers are complaining, everyone on discord knows about you trying to control the market from PEPPYS TO PGB TO PTDS and all the dozen websites your group opened to sell overpriced peptides. I am not backing down until everyone know of what is going on. You imbeciles cannot control Facebook. It is not peppys or discord. I will expose all of your atrocities over there. All the messages I received from amino research , Skye. Polaris, Peppys. Everything uncensored. Buckle your seatbelts for a LONG RIDE. Again you messed with the wrong one. The Alpha Female that will not let ANYONE step on her toes and think they are untouchable. Peptides is not and will never be main business. I will teach you dumbfucks business 101, this is not my first rodeo. Meet me on FACEBOOK


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Guess you missed some facebook groups . At least the good ones
Guess you missed some facebook groups . At least the good ones
Glad you are checking and invested in this show, I got peptides to ship out first and go to my real fucking business that pays me. Check back later when I’m done and have the time.
Meet me on Facebook is like, the least threatening thing a person can say.
Dipshit. They can’t control or ban me over there like they’ve been doing. It’s been one sided, deleting, banning on discord. Let them ban me on Facebook😂 There are over 500 peptide groups on there. Way bigger than them. They are on there too hustling for sales everywhere.
There is really no reason to call me names, I haven't done anything to you. I'm really new here, and these unhinged tirades you're going on are scary. Even if you are objectively 100% right, the optics are bad. You sound insane.
100% insane for sure, and also still owes me $1000 ;)
100% insane for sure, and also still owes me $1000 ;)
Your fucking mother and your entire lineage are the insane ones! You in particular have stirred this shit up from the very beginning egging the egregious ZippIDIOT on to continue attacking my business. Go check all your post. Broke ass nutcase from fucking Malaysia! Can you even speak English or you are using a translator? Now begging for money. Beg harder, get on your fucking knees and I might consider a donation so you don’t starve to death. Retard
Your fucking mother and your entire lineage are the insane ones! You in particular have stirred this shit up from the very beginning egging the egregious ZippIDIOT on to continue attacking my business. Go check all your post. Broke ass nutcase from fucking Malaysia! Can you even speak English or you are using a translator? Now begging for money. Beg harder, get on your fucking knees and I might consider a donation so you don’t starve to death. Retard
yes im on my knees, all 5 of them, now please you almighty send me some bitcoin or ether so I can feed all my useless 50 kids which cant speak even by 1 language

BTC: bc1q3a2macr30ugktnmepvrlzwsc8rntfh7kvj45yk
ETH: 0x72532df902e6Fe0690F6ee6E19E27Af27036189c

once transaction is done I will join you, will be posting like crazy for the next 24 hours, all the dirt against Zippy I can make up

thank you very much

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