Thoughts on testing vs not testing?


New Member
Oct 16, 2024
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I’ve been ordering through Skye for over a year now and am about to transition to gray (unless Skye is considered gray??🤣). Joined a Telegram and a few Discord groups last night and after further studying: do you all typically test your vials even if reviews have been posted and look good? I know of the testing groups and how that process works. I guess maybe it’s a preference thing, but I’m looking for all opinions and feedback.
There are many good GB groups available if you look around, most of them make it pretty painless other than normal CN vendor issues. Peptidechat is a great resource for finding these places

Additionally you can find B/S/T groups where people sell extra kits and vials from GB's so you dont have to wait for testing and shipping if you are ok with a slight premium.
The only thing I don't like about GB's is it can take a long time (1-3 months) to complete the ordering, receiving and 3rd party testing process. I typically steer clear of them now because this, but I am sure I will jump back in for the right pep/deal.
The only thing I don't like about GB's is it can take a long time (1-3 months) to complete the ordering, receiving and 3rd party testing process. I typically steer clear of them now because this, but I am sure I will jump back in for the right pep/deal.
Yeah for sure, thats why I recommend the B/S/T groups to get around that. You can find decent people selling tested peps for decent prices, but you gotta go with known members and be careful of scammers.
The only thing I don't like about GB's is it can take a long time (1-3 months) to complete the ordering, receiving and 3rd party testing process. I typically steer clear of them now because this, but I am sure I will jump back in for the right pep/deal.
Johnny 5 still waiting on their GB from early November. It's a T30 kit for $180. Mind you this was from BEFORE THANKSGIVING.

It's fucking insanity. IT'S GOING TO BE 4 MONTHS BEFORE IT REACHES ANYBODY. Imagine wasting 4 months of your life tracking this shit.

It's always ZYH as well. A bunch of other GBs are still waiting on their ZYH gb. And the crazy part is that Johnny put up 7 more group guys from ZYH that's active at this moment.
Johnny 5 still waiting on their GB from early November. It's a T30 kit for $180. Mind you this was from BEFORE THANKSGIVING.

It's fucking insanity. IT'S GOING TO BE 4 MONTHS BEFORE IT REACHES ANYBODY. Imagine wasting 4 months of your life tracking this shit.

It's always ZYH as well. A bunch of other GBs are still waiting on their ZYH gb. And the crazy part is that Johnny put up 7 more group guys from ZYH that's active at this moment.
yeah some of these GB's pick the most random vendors it feels like.
Harm reduction or safety.

As a Healthcare professional when I administer medications, no matter what the route of administration, I assume the pharmacy has some kind of third party testing to ensure quality, purity and sterility. For Patient Safety.

As a purchaser of gray market peptides for personal use, I can not trust or rely on anyone to take care of me. I have to take care of myself.

When I realized I couldn't rely on my insurance to cover the cost of glp meds a couple years ago, I decided to take matters into my own hands and do what I had to to become not obese.

I went down the rabbit hole and discovered other things along the way.

Tracy et. al. have pushed gray glp drug prices so low that it is affordable to purchase the med and DO the testing. Jano is about $300 for glps. If your dose is 10mg/week and you spend $250 for a Tirz 40mg kit +$300 for testing your total cost for a 9 month supply is about $600 total. Considering that branded meds can be about 1K a month or higher, this is a fantastic deal!

If you don't do your homework on the sources and you don't do the testing, you are a LAZY IDIOT.

And you are probably a "glpKaren Fishsteak"
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If you don't do your homework on the sources and you don't do the testing, you are a LAZY IDIOT.

And you are probably a "glpKaren Fishsteak"
Had me up until the end.

You're testing one vial out of 10 or more and absorbing the total cost. That's 10% assurance on a vial you're not getting back. You would assume all vials come off the same "run". Now amplify that run to a large group of recipients. Your 1 in 10 now becomes 1 in maybe 1000. If you accept that your remaining 9 vials are identical to the tested one then it would translate the 997 remaining vials also represent the tested usually few. So your $300 testing on a $50 Sema kit is now $3.

Looks like I'm making an argument for group buys. Maybe I am now that I've got enough stash to anticipate needs months in advance (years🤣). I'm happy to help finance tests for those submitting from my assumed "run" and I'm a sucker for matching crimp/lid colors. I know certain vendors and buyers say lid colors don't matter but I'm sure we all look for them in test reports. I also factor in testing results posted by our kind forum members in purchasing decisions even if I'm paying a bit more for piece of mind.
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Had me up until the end.

You're testing one vial out of 10 or more and absorbing the total cost. That's 10% assurance on a vial you're not getting back. You would assume all vials come off the same "run". Now amplify that run to a large group of recipients. Your 1 in 10 now becomes 1 in maybe 1000. If you accept that your remaining 9 vials are identical to the tested one then it would translate the 997 remaining vials also represent the tested usually few. So your $300 testing on a $50 Sema kit is now $3.

Looks like I'm making an argument for group buys. Maybe I am now that I've got enough stash to anticipate needs months in advance (years🤣). I'm happy to help finance tests for those submitting from my assumed "run" and I'm a sucker for matching crimp/lid colors. I know certain vendors and buyers say lid colors don't matter but I'm sure we all look for them in test reports. I also factor in testing results posted by our kind forum members in purchasing decisions even if I'm paying a bit more for piece of mind.
You do You. I'll do Me.

I am unconcerned about collaborating with other people. I am capable of all kinds of drama all by myself. I don't need other glpkaren fishsteaks to help me go bat guano cray cray. And yes, I absorb all testing costs. I do not share my results because they only pertain to the kit from which I cut a vial.

Even then, the vendors could be selling me products from 10 different batches. So really, that testing result is only good for the vial that was tested. It's a bit of Russian Roulette really. Which one will be over loaded?which have the wrong peptide or no peptide? which one will be contaminated?

People who do not do some kind of testing are not very smart human beings and are going to hurt themselves.
You do You. I'll do Me.

I am unconcerned about collaborating with other people. I am capable of all kinds of drama all by myself. I don't need other glpkaren fishsteaks to help me go bat guano cray cray. And yes, I absorb all testing costs. I do not share my results because they only pertain to the kit from which I cut a vial.

Even then, the vendors could be selling me products from 10 different batches. So really, that testing result is only good for the vial that was tested. It's a bit of Russian Roulette really. Which one will be over loaded?which have the wrong peptide or no peptide? which one will be contaminated?

People who do not do some kind of testing are not very smart human beings and are going to hurt themselves.
People who do not do some kind of testing have created a value proposition on their means and the value of their health vs. that risk to think that is an OK tradeoff.

If you have $100 of disposable income per month, and you've been saving up for half a year to get 2-3 years of GLP's, then testing is INSANE in terms of financial risk.

The overall odds of getting an actual "bad" result from the "normal" vendors is like below 5% easily (probably below 2% realistically if we did a conglomeration of testing).

You are making a blanket statement based on your perception of reality and what people have as financial risks vs. health risks.

I personally send my supplies in for testing on every buy (and I personally don't participate in group buys if I can't tag along my own vials and chuck the cost in for it). That being said, I have the financial means and the risk vs. cost would be stupid FOR ME, as the cost of testing is minuscule vs. the potential loss of income from bad product (literally, I've done the math, it's just a bad tradeoff).

In the example I used above, and you are making something like $2500/month net in a moderately costed environment, then I actually think it really make sense to use vendor COA's and be OK with that.

Let's do some of that math above so you can understand, at $20/hour, and assuming you might be WORST case scenario sick for a month if you happen to take a "bad" drug (most of the time it's underdosed/bunk, so no actual reaction, just no effect). So we take 180 hours (assumes 4.5 weeks of work) * 5% (very aggressive guess at risk) * $20 per hour = $180 of risk for this person if they injected themself with a "bad" drug.

In fact, I would say the person in that example would be straight up silly to spend $300 + shipping to get a product tested rather than accept a normal sourced vendor COA. What they SHOULD do is some research on the vendors, a few hours of research would pay spades in risk mitigation before the purchase is made, probably lowering that risk factor by half at LEAST.
You do You. I'll do Me.

I am unconcerned about collaborating with other people. I am capable of all kinds of drama all by myself. I don't need other glpkaren fishsteaks to help me go bat guano cray cray. And yes, I absorb all testing costs. I do not share my results because they only pertain to the kit from which I cut a vial.
That's fine. Everything in my post except "you had me until the end" were my thoughts on the topic at hand testing versus not testing. Your position on collaboration seems to have evolved since you posted this:

Will it help with finding a testing lab and maybe cost sharing for testing from various vendors?
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In fact, I would say the person in that example would be straight up silly to spend $300 + shipping to get a product tested rather than accept a normal sourced vendor COA. What they SHOULD do is some research on the vendors, a few hours of research would pay spades in risk mitigation before the purchase is made, probably lowering that risk factor by half at LEAST.
What they should do, is join group tests and only pay $10 for variance testing on the suspected batch. There isn't anyone for where that cost is not worth the risk reduction.

Instead I see people injecting from group buys that included vendor testing before those test results are even back... those people ARE stupid.
People who do not do some kind of testing are not very smart human beings and are going to hurt themselves.

I've seen probably >100 AMO tests over the past 6 months, all good to go. Constant groups testing their T30 & T60 posting results. I've never tested mine. I haven't hurt myself, and I'm not going to lmao also get off the high horse with the whole intelligence thing. Your vial could be full up of who knows what contaminants and you have no idea, you aren't paying for and testing for it. All you're learning is tirz = tirz or sema = sema and how much of that is in the vial. That's it. Besides those two things, you're still taking all of the same risks lmao
You do You. I'll do Me.

I am unconcerned about collaborating with other people. I am capable of all kinds of drama all by myself. I don't need other glpkaren fishsteaks to help me go bat guano cray cray. And yes, I absorb all testing costs. I do not share my results because they only pertain to the kit from which I cut a vial.

Even then, the vendors could be selling me products from 10 different batches. So really, that testing result is only good for the vial that was tested. It's a bit of Russian Roulette really. Which one will be over loaded?which have the wrong peptide or no peptide? which one will be contaminated?

People who do not do some kind of testing are not very smart human beings and are going to hurt themselves.

I didn't personally test the Boeing 747 Max I flew on the other day, despite some recent scare stories and clueless regulators. I didn't personally test the Indian lamb dish I ate last night to make sure there was no bacteria in some of the more tender cooked meat - and knowing that my local food safety inspectors do about 1 inspection per year.

Living in a society of other people who care about plane crashes and food poisoning we pool our risks and make many assumptions that if other people aren't getting sick or dying then we probably won't - just like we do in this community (and many others) with sample tests and a mass of review feedback.

There are probably people on here who have (or had) very high BMIs, will likely get medical complications in later life (if not already) and who can't afford to spend thousands to prevent those complications. I'm willing to bet the benefits of taking drugs from grey suppliers - and not personally testing - outweigh the health risks of not doing anything to change.
What you should take away from all of my posts is this:

"If you don't do your homework on the sources and you don't do the testing, you are a LAZY IDIOT."


"People who do not do some kind of testing are not very smart human beings and are going to hurt themselves."

Whether it is on your own or in a group buy there should absolutely 💯 be some kind of testing done.

Blindly trusting without verification where there is no safety net is foolish.
What you should take away from all of my posts is this:

"If you don't do your homework on the sources and you don't do the testing, you are a LAZY IDIOT."


"People who do not do some kind of testing are not very smart human beings and are going to hurt themselves."

Whether it is on your own or in a group buy there should absolutely 💯 be some kind of testing done.

Blindly trusting without verification where there is no safety net is foolish.

I think those 2 sentences from your posts are exactly the points that invite conflict. You're not just laying out your personal risk profile and reasoning - you're saying everyone who has differences in risk profiles are lazy idiots and not very smart. Which is just like, your opinion, man.
Yes testing for me is important. I am also part of PTDS, the private testing server, and regularly participate (and pay obviously) for the testing of peps whether I have them or not. For me, being part of the community includes participating in testing for the greater good and for harm reduction. That being said, I have grown so tired of freeloaders in the ISO channels and elsewhere demanding TESTED ONLY - I get it, but they aren't paying for that testing, nor have they waited not only for delivery, which these days takes forever, but also the wait for the testing results. And also frankly, people should stop complaining if someone who has tested what they're selling includes a pro rata share of that testing to the price of a vial, 1/2 kit, or kit. The testing costs add up and the buyer is ahead of the game by paying a little more for a tested vial/kit.

Most testing is only mass/purity - so you know what's in the vial is the pep you've bought and not something else or nothing at all. The mass testing matters to me because I reconstitute almost exclusively based on tested mgs - either a single vial that's been tested, or an average of the tested mgs if 2 or more vials have been tested. Vials are like the Schroedinger's cat thought exercise, whatever info is gleaned from that single tested vial only applies to that particular vial, which, of course, is lost to testing, but seeing enough test results provides some clarity regarding how a particular vendor's vials are usually filled. I've run into several newbies recently who are reconstituting their GLPs based only on stated mgs. To reconstitute a 30mg vial of tirz that tested at 37mg is not intelligent.

The purity of course matters as well, although I've used a pep that had 98 something purity and it was great.

Most peps aren't regularly being tested for sterility - and that should become a regular part of all testing, in every GB, just as every GB ought to be testing more than a single vial. The GBOs are making quite a lot of money on every single kit they sell to us, and though a very few GBOs do multiple vials and sterility testing, most do not know, and I think that's where GB buyers ought to start speaking up - multiple vial testing and sterility testing.

There is a conundrum that results with sterility testing as well - if it fails, do you use the vial? Is the failure of sterility actually a major issue, does filtering take care of it? Two different peps I've had failed sterility, and I never used the first one, and I'm still debating whether I will or won't use the second one.