Tirzepitide and Omeprazole-bad acid reflux

Posting an update to my acid reflux and indigestion.

I switched from 6mg every 5 days to 3mg every 3 days with some reduction in indigestion and acid reflux. Did that for 3 weeks. Pinned in belly.

I switched back to 6mg and pinned in my love handle and the indigestion and acid reflux are no longer an issue. I plan to continue this course and titrate up as weightloss has flattened the past few weeks.
I had reflux/gerd horribly for decades.

3 things fixed it -

1) limit caffeine
2) cpap for apnea
3) a 30 day diet rich in fermented foods (pickled veggies, saurcraut, kimchi, kefir.)

1 is obvious
2 is less so, until you get a mask that works and boom no more nighttime gerd
3 emerging science continues to show gut health is a result of “bad” bacteria and yeast outcompeting “good” bacteria. I was totally incredulous on this last one, but in enough pain to try it. Totally fixed me up. Have never had that type of consistent problem since. But every once in a while I do it again. I mean I love the stuff anyway so why not.

Give it a try!

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