Tirzepitide and Omeprazole-bad acid reflux

Posting an update to my acid reflux and indigestion.

I switched from 6mg every 5 days to 3mg every 3 days with some reduction in indigestion and acid reflux. Did that for 3 weeks. Pinned in belly.

I switched back to 6mg and pinned in my love handle and the indigestion and acid reflux are no longer an issue. I plan to continue this course and titrate up as weightloss has flattened the past few weeks.
I had reflux/gerd horribly for decades.

3 things fixed it -

1) limit caffeine
2) cpap for apnea
3) a 30 day diet rich in fermented foods (pickled veggies, saurcraut, kimchi, kefir.)

1 is obvious
2 is less so, until you get a mask that works and boom no more nighttime gerd
3 emerging science continues to show gut health is a result of “bad” bacteria and yeast outcompeting “good” bacteria. I was totally incredulous on this last one, but in enough pain to try it. Totally fixed me up. Have never had that type of consistent problem since. But every once in a while I do it again. I mean I love the stuff anyway so why not.

Give it a try!
For some people, it reduces nutritional absorption significantly. I was on it for 7 years before realizing I am one of those people. (My eGFR raised to >140 after stopping to take it too)

I've been on it for decades. Just need to check your magnesium

I tried using it for GLP1 acid reflux and it wasn't working too well. Then I started using generic pepcid ac and it's been magical in comparison:

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CLF1QNYP <-- super cheap in comparison
Hi there, I had a similar reaction when I started taking Tirz 1.5yrs ago. I had been on omeprazole since my gall bladder removal surgery in 2009. Omeprazole wasn't taking care of my GERD any more so I did some research and people suggested esomeprazole (Generic Nexium). Took care of it right away. I switched to esomeprazole and haven't had any problems since!
For some people, it reduces nutritional absorption significantly. I was on it for 7 years before realizing I am one of those people. (My eGFR raised to >140 after stopping to take it too)

I tried using it for GLP1 acid reflux and it wasn't working too well. Then I started using generic pepcid ac and it's been magical in comparison:

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CLF1QNYP <-- super cheap in comparison

I’ve seen this recommendation in multiple forums. I’m definitely going to pursue it.
Awesome. I have recommended to others suffering and they have seen big changes also.

I buy my fermented stuff from a Ukrainian store nearby. They have a huge selection and it’s not loaded with preservatives. You def want preservative free (as that would kill the good bacteria.

Try for a month. Good luck.
Hi there, I had a similar reaction when I started taking Tirz 1.5yrs ago. I had been on omeprazole since my gall bladder removal surgery in 2009. Omeprazole wasn't taking care of my GERD any more so I did some research and people suggested esomeprazole (Generic Nexium). Took care of it right away. I switched to esomeprazole and haven't had any problems since!
Is your gerd related to the gallbladder removal you think? I had mine out as well and have gerd. The other night some acid made it through my sinuses and out my nose. It was unpleasant.

My PCP say Pepcid was safe daily but very specifically said Pepcid not some of the proton pump inhibitors

Last time I lost some weight the issue went away so I just need to get there again
Is your gerd related to the gallbladder removal you think? I had mine out as well and have gerd. The other night some acid made it through my sinuses and out my nose. It was unpleasant.

My PCP say Pepcid was safe daily but very specifically said Pepcid not some of the proton pump inhibitors

Last time I lost some weight the issue went away so I just need to get there again
Yes, my GERD was 100% related to my gallbladder removal. Clinically, it makes since since there isn't a place in your body to hold the "gall" so it continually "dumps" into your system. I changed my eating habits (no acidic, greasy foods) post gall bladder surgery and that helped also.

When I started on Tirz the GERD came back with a vengeance and I did enough research to see that Nexium was worth a try. It works, most of the time, for me. In the old days they used to tell people to put the head (headboard) of their beds up on cinder blocks so you sleep at a slight incline. Good ole fashion advice that works and is relative inexpensive.

Pepcid is safe as an H2 antagonist. Its worth a try. In the ER they shoot that in the bags if someone is in anaphylaxis. (you need both and H1 and H2 antagonist). The deal with any of those meds.. proton pump inhibitor or H2 antagonist is that they stop the acid production from happening. Once its already in your system.... tums etc is the only way to neutralize it.

Good luck! That acid into your sinus cavities sounds awful. Bland foods are the way to go and wait a couple of hours before you lay down. Its no fun but better than all that acid!