To filter or not to filter a 10mg vial

I’m trying to decide how I’d do it I guess. Draw bac, remove and waste needle. Apply filter. Push bac out, remove filter, draw pep with fresh needle. Waste second needle. Apply filter and fresh needle I guess.
There are a couple of people who have been working on guides for peptide filtering, hopefully I'll be able to share some of that info here once it's available. If not I'll try to put something together myself next time I'm sitting in an airport terminal during an extended layover or delay.
I’m trying to decide how I’d do it I guess. Draw bac, remove and waste needle. Apply filter. Push bac out, remove filter, draw pep with fresh needle. Waste second needle. Apply filter and fresh needle I guess.
I haven’t actually used my filters yet but I did practice with bac water when I was loading pens. This is a cut and paste from discussion with a someone else about their method.

“I pre-wet my 13mm filters with .5mL of BAC, reconstitute with 2.5mL, and filter into a cartridge with an air purge at the end. I wind up with 3mL of solution in the cartridge every single time.”

Peptide Test has also made instructional videos which I think are on his website.

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