To Stack or Not to Stack? That is the question... Tirz + Reta?

I'm now on 1.5mg tirz+100mcg cagri weekly and far prefer it to anything that includes reta. I tried twice and it's just not for me.
Yeah what's the difference between the two stacks that you don't like?
What did your RS not like about Reta?
It caused blood sugar issues for me - and I don't have glucose issues normally (I'm not diabetic or pre-diabetic, fasting glucose is 80 without any peps). Reta caused much spiker blood sugar during the day and nearly a 10 point average increase in glucose (90 to 98); but then it would drop below 70 at night indicating hypoglycemia (I was using a CGM to track this). I also felt terrible, which is not surprising given what was happening with my glucose.
Yeah what's the difference between the two stacks that you don't like?
Cagri is an entirely different mechanism of action, and actually helps regulate glucagon, versus reta which stimulates glucagon.
4 weeks in at 1.5mg of reta alone and I can't wait to increase the dosage next week. Appetite is there for sure, although it'd have been worse with nothing at all.

I still somehow lost weight but I really need to control myself especially during those munchies
I'm currently on tirz. Considering stacking reta or AOD. Pros and cons? Is there a stack that works better? I do like the idea of reta so I wouldn't have to inject every single day. But the jabs don't bother me that badly. I'm currently on 6mg tirz weekly. But I get awful nausea. (I'm very prone to nausea anyway. My husband jokes that I can get motion sick sitting at the dinner table). I'm hesitant to up my tirz but I'm at a stall. I've read that reta has fewer side effects. I have also been considering splitting my dose as the food noise comes back on day 5ish. Even on low dose tirz (3mg) I had zero food noise until day 5. Considering doing 3mg every 4 days? Wanted to consult the masses here.
If you added reta to your tirz, what was your offset? Was your progress more significant after adding reta?
Have you tried splitting your dose of Tirz? I split mine and have no nausea
I think I'm going source a couple singles of cagri and reta and see what happens! I don't want to get a whole kit of cagri since a 5mg kit would be 166 doses at 300mcg 😅

As always, I appreciate your insight! Your willingness to help us newbies out isn't taken for granted.
Can I ask where you get your kits?

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