Fuck it, pin 400 or 500mg of test and split it into 2 injections a week. Hit the gym 3x a week. If ur over 30%bf I'd take a 1mg arimidex once a week.... at 6 or 8 weeks get an estrogen and testosterone test on labs MD or whoever l, cost you maybe 140bucks. Ur testosterone should be over 2000 where normal is 200 to 1000. If ur estrogen is flagged high take 1.5 mg a week arimidex.... run it 14 or 16 weeks assuming ur under 55 and after that wait 3.5 weeks for it to clear then start 50mg clomid 5 to 7 times a week for 3 weeks or 4.... that will get ur natty nuts firing again. Younger u are, quicker recovery.... I know you've been thinking about this for a while.So if you're gonna do it , that's the best advice I can give you....if ur body fat is high like 38 or 40% you'll get to look curved like a powerlifter but not sculpted and watch ur BP after the first month... stay away from deca you'll go water balloon and the oral pills will be tough on the liver, so 1st run if you must I'd go 400mg test cyp or e split in half for 2 doses a week. Ur gonna gain water weight and be constantly starving. Arimidex at 1 to 1.5mg a week to handle water and estrogen. Bloodwork at 6 weeks to check hematocrit, estrogen, lipids if u can (there gonna get bad regardless) that's why u come.off at 14 or 16 weeks.... do u really wanna put on 15 to 30 lbs if we're too heavy to start with?