Tracy says to stock up…


Aug 8, 2023
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Alright. What does this mean when Tracy..of the famous QSC…tells you “stock up”?

I wonder if it’s too late already.

Any thoughts? I’m thinking I’m done collecting. It’s time to head to the fallout shelter.
I’m not trying to lose money. It’s already happening with other sources.
They want that you buy more

I sense Tracy and his assistants have been doing more than enough business lately, that they don't really need to goose the numbers further currently. Also, it appears that he's less concerned about being able to keep the GLP-1 peptides in stock or available for shipping, especially for countries where they are having a domestic warehouse. The concern seems to be more for the raw powders used for AAS if they need to be shipped from originating in China, that it might become extremely difficult to get those out of China and that would cause significant delays for those shipments. I don't think the vast majority of users here are interested in buying raw steroid powders at the moment though :D.

My thoughts: If you're someone who would be significantly hurt by losing money due to any sort of issue with ordering, or shipping issues, or would have a problem with waiting an extended period for an order to arrive (even beyond the 3 weeks that one should always be prepared to wait for an order from China IMO), right now is probably not the best time to be buying. If you're in that group and you can wait a month or two before needing to order again, wait. If you're in that group and you need something to arrive within the next, I'll make up a number and say 6-8 weeks, and you don't have a warehouse in your country, I'd buy now. Americans, we are probably fine for a good while. Even if shipping from China were to be halted for a stretch now for some reason, the stocks in the QSC USA warehouse seem fairly decent, so we should be fine for quite a while.

Personally, I'm stocked up quite a bit, so I'm just going to hold back for now and wait.
Since I got into this hobby it seems like late summer and fall are often when we'll see disruptions in the supply lines whether it be by government actions, Chinese holidays, high-profile events like the Asian Games, Olympics, etc. or a variety of other unknown factors. Trying to predict or understand it is usually an exercise in futility and being well-stocked on our favorite products is always a wise idea.

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