Triz from QSC not working

Want to give an update. I initially took 7mg Friday and didn't feel anything. Took 2mg more sat and 2mg more sun and was sick all night. It's now almost 3pm and I'm not hungry. So it looks like it works but I should probably be at 9mg instead of starting at 5.
Well. If you took 7mg on Friday and then a dose again on Sat and again on Sunday you did not let the first injection reach peak before you added more. It takes about 8 to 72 hours for the drug to reach peak levels in your system. You said you were taking 5mg. You essentially (more than) doubled your dose in a 3 day span. Titrating slowly is better to minimize side effects.

Here is a place you can plot your injections and see the concentration of medication in your system.
When I started it the first time I could feel it kick in in hrs, not months.
You should be glad you are not in the hospital. I think jumping around is burning the candle too quickly. From my notes, I stayed 10 weeks at 5mg. Was dropping 1.9 lbs per week average. 0 exercise. The slower you get to 10 or 15mg, the more effective your tirz usage is. Am now at 10mg after 26 weeks. 40 lbs. Now dropping less than 1 lbs per week so started stacking Cagri 0.16mg as my goal is 80 lbs in 52 weeks. Cagri does complement Tirz well. Much better appetite suppression and even slower digestion. Patience.
I bought 20 viles of Triz from QSC (grey tops) and I'm convinced I got a bad batch. What do you do when you get a bad batch? Would taking a higher does make it effective?
Could this be part of the no peptide batch ? I feel my Tirz within hrs after I take it; not hungry at all. It's not QSC, so if this feels different -I agree, test it. What's the mg of the grey tops ?
Anecdotally, yep. But different batch. Ain’t feeling much on the green tops.

Even did 1.5 dose.

Biggest indicator I think something’s awry? After 2 weeks of this batch I’m going to the bathroom normally again. I haven’t done that in a year.

Today I am going to do a vial from storage - different batch that has been working for many months.

Also sending in 2 vials of green tops to test tomorrow as part of tirzhelp group test.

(If anyone had pdts access and results of this I would really appreciate a pm)
I haven't felt much for 2 weeks on my SDRX stuff but I think it must be a phase of the moon or something. Same batch as other vials that did well. I think sometimes the body just has an off week. Took my shot this morning, my mouth is currently watering for food. Normally I'd be unable to think about it
Again it’s just anecdotal. And I probably shouldnt even have chimed in.

It’s much more likely I’m just at a plateau. I’m looking forward to test results just as a confirmation.
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dyslexia strikes again..
Yikes! I'm still at 5mg (Tirz) in my 54th week! Made it to goal at that dose. I've had all the "feels" in that time... That's the way GLP meds work. But seriously thanks for being honest anyway. You knew there would be blowback.

If everyone's expectations were with the right eating habits Tirz could maybe help them lose the weight in the same amount of time it took to gain it. Maybe then people would slow down. People taking script and paying $1000/mo aren't reaching for a 2nd shot when they get hungry. Just my 2c
I have never found a QSC batch to be bad. Never. And I have tried one vial of multiple batches. Maybe you need to just go up in dose.
I’ve never found a batch to not be affective either and sometimes I just change my location of injection. If I feel it’s not working and that seems to solve the problem.
Are those the T30 purples from the Labor Day group buy? I haven't tried mine yet but there was volunteer testing and it checked out fine. I'll link the results below.

Thank you.

I suppose it's likely just tolerance, or perhaps energy expenditure/personal tolerance.

I do find that GLPs work 'in tune' with my body in a sense... if I train hard that day I can happily power through 4000 calories.
I've never had the 'nuked' appetite some describe. Being unable to eat is never a thing for me.

Coming from a background of someone who ate 4500+ calories (all clean, 6-10 meals a day, like 60g of fat a day- so huge volume, alongside athlete level training)

I've always been able to eat a big portion- only difference is now it satiates me, whereas before I could be literally in pain from the stomach stretching- and the switch to say 'stop' was still not activated.

The biggest thing for me is working on portion sizing, with normal foods with normal fat content. To be able to eat half a plate of food and be 'full' is something i've never experienced- even as a child.

I'm still able to go up on Tirz, so i'll use this QSC batch to do just that. I do believe possibly my other batch was slightly overdosed potentially (was T10, which could easily be T12-14 depending, never had tested but seen several times), and QSC is closed to correct, therefore slightly lower

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