Tweeker Poll

How Many Peptides Per PepTweeker Here?

  • Just the ONE

    Votes: 16 36.4%
  • TWO works for me

    Votes: 11 25.0%
  • THREE is a minimum

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • FOUR is my lucky number

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • I need FIVE 'cause I've got skin issues - blame Anela's GLOW

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • SIX just kinda accumulated... I could get rid of a couple

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • It may seem excessive to some but SEVEN isn't. Really, it's NOT.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • EIGHT. You've got one more than dionysus. You MIGHT consider getting help...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • MORE THAN EIGHT !?! We'll schedule that intervention right away!!

    Votes: 2 4.5%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2024
Reaction score
SoHIP Dallas

How Many Peptides Per Tweeker Here​

7 Is My Number And I Am NOT Ashamed​

I Know I Can Stop At Any Time​

Really, anytime... I Can. I really, really MEAN IT !



  • peptides-in-a-row.JPEG
    220.7 KB · Views: 64
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are HGH, HCG, M1T, test-c peptides? If so i'm up to 9 being about 3 months into it.

I was looking at the SRY price list the other day like i was a kid in a candy store.

Oh shit, I'm hearing all my mom's coming out of the house calling me.
What do you do for work?
Currently: Tirz, DSIP, Ipam, and BPC. I tried SS-31 and MotsC but didn't really have luck with those. The DSIP seems to be helping me sleep better. Still a bit too early to see benefits with the Ipam and BPC.
Currently Tirz

But have cycled through TB-500, BPC, AOD, MotsC, GHK-CU also in the past :p

Side Note... PLEASE someone point me in the right direction for how to create a poll...
I really what to add this option to my tool box and have not found the right button to push. 😂
I was really feeling stupid for a minute because I couldn't get it to show me the poll option when I was starting a thread...

Then I finally relized it doesn't show if you start the thread from the top of the categories....You have to use the orange POST THREAD button

Thank you!
I was really feeling stupid for a minute because I couldn't get it to show me the poll option when I was starting a thread...
View attachment 1898

Then I finally relized it doesn't show if you start the thread from the top of the categories....You have to use the orange POST THREAD button
View attachment 1899

Thank you!
Weird! It shows up for me both ways. 🤔
Weird! It shows up for me both ways. 🤔
Not surprised...
Pretty sure my computer hates me.
Or loves me and just really likes screwing with me.

Actually you made me think about it with your reply so I turned off my ABP adblocker and Disconnect extensions and now it shows up if I start the thread either way.

😂 I would like to say this is ABSOLUTELY the first time I got caught by these extensions not letting stuff load know!
I was really feeling stupid for a minute because I couldn't get it to show me the poll option when I was starting a thread...
View attachment 1898

Then I finally relized it doesn't show if you start the thread from the top of the categories....You have to use the orange POST THREAD button
View attachment 1899

Thank you!
Helpful Hint from my experience.
Images in POLL posts are problematic; they have a completely different image handling dialog from normal posting. If you attempt to place one as per the usual method it EXCLUDES/COVERS the Poll itself.

Get the poll question and answers in place FIRST. Then when you attempt to place an image the new dialog will be presented and walk you through the process.
Well ... PepTweakers Anon is about the only twelve-step program I haven't been a happily-recovering member of for the past 20+ years. So sure, sign me up. I'll make a pot of coffee and arrange the folding chairs in a circle.

PS. And to answer the incorrigible instigator @dionysos' question, for me it's just the Big 3 GLPs. Really grateful to have discovered them. (And this place, too.)
Well ... PepTweakers Anon is about the only twelve-step program I haven't been a happily-recovering member of for the past 20+ years. So sure, sign me up. I'll make a pot of coffee and arrange the folding chairs in a circle.

PS. And to answer the incorrigible instigator @dionysos' question, for me it's just the Big 3 GLPs. Really grateful to have discovered them. (And this place, too.)


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