What do you expect from a vendor?


Aug 18, 2024
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Vendors tend to take a bit of a beating for various situations, some more than others - I'm not going to go into whether that's fair or not as I don't have the full story and it doesn't really concern me.

But the general amount of shade being thrown isn't really helpful for anyone when there is no clarity. The notion that no one can or should be trusted is just silly... Sure, some vendors might do some shady shit... But the notion that all businesses are out to scam/trick/steal, is so flawed I don't have words... A business that wants to survive long term would need a good or at least a decent reputation, so the businesses goal would to some extent align with the interest of the customer, even it the business is there to make money at the end of the day.

Yes, a vendor can very easily test one product, then send from another batch claiming it to be the same...

A testing group could also test a bunk product on purpose and claim it to belong to a vendor... I don't know who they are or what their motivation is...

An admin can have a clear agenda against a vendor, and that could be to protect the public, or because he has conflicting monetary interests...

Since everyone is anonymous, it's all too easy to spread doubt about intentions and make someone look bad. And it's not really helpful in any way...

So instead of throwing accusations based on assumptions, how about we focus on setting standards and requirements towards vendors that could improve the buyers safety?

(I'm not saying that we should ignore bad/potentially bad behavior - It's perfectly cool to air a suspicion or assumption, but throwing a full on crusade without hard proof, seems a bit off to me).

The truth is that most buyers are probably just looking for a safe option where they can go ahead and order without worrying - And they don't want to spend hours reading or doing the necessary research.

It is a bit odd to tell those people to do research and not to be lazy, but at the same time care about which vendor they end up choosing - we all know that everyone does not want to or have the time to do all that research.

So back to the point, what efforts can vendors do to make the customers both feel, and actually be safer?
(Don't take this list too seriously, it's more like an open ended question - What's important to you?)

* Custom crimp and lid color per batch?
* Full log of tests ordered from Jano under the customer ID/email?
* Purity tests?
* Heavy metal tests?
* Sterility tests?
* Refund/reship guarantee if purity is under x?
* A video from the lab with a hand written note with the vendor name?

Personally I would like to see ewb and dionysos collaborate to do 3rd party tests on behalf of the community - then I'd be very confident there is no collusion.

Other than that, I do like the structure many forums has where there are vendors that sponsor the board - basically pay a monthly fee in order to support development, 3rd party tests etc. Could be something to consider
Not the answer to your questions, but I'm having a hard time sizing what you are, are you a real vendor or? You got the vendor tag but don't promote anything and the site in your signature just does not work
Not the answer to your questions, but I'm having a hard time sizing what you are, are you a real vendor or? You got the vendor tag but don't promote anything and the site in your signature just does not work
i've been on the site a few times. It's a high-end peptides supplier. it's not working right now.
He's got a lot of knowledge and in my opinion very valuable to the GLP1 forum.
Not the answer to your questions, but I'm having a hard time sizing what you are, are you a real vendor or? You got the vendor tag but don't promote anything and the site in your signature just does not work
Our server is currently crashed, our host had a major outage. Should be back up in 12 hours ish 🙃

We are a vendor and sell products. But we mostly sell single vials domestic in the US. So we aren’t the vendor of choice for most members here. But we still find it useful to be here in order to learn.
Very new to this.

  • Tests (purity, sterility. I freaked out about the possibility of heavy metals and I was told there was nothing like that involved in the process so I guess that's worthless)
  • Batch Id, reference to what I'm buying vs. the test. Sure... tests can be faked but if there's a reference number it's better a better lie that nothing at all.
  • easy payment. I'm not going to do crypto or things like that
  • Good comms throughout the process: emails to confirm order, shipping, etc.
  • Good customer service if issues arise (Had none so far but I'd feel better to know someone will solve)
I'm also only about six months into this, but I would love to see vendors adopt some sort of industry-standardized testing methodology/protocol across the board -- x percent of product/vials from each batch are always tested, the product/vials are always selected and randomized in the same way, the batches are clearly marked/identifiable consistently, x tests are always done by y or z vetted testing lab -- so there could be more of an apples to apples situation. Maybe the protocol could be whatever is the best practice for group buys, and vendors could publicly sign off on their adherence to it. Even if that can be fictionalized it would I guess at least signal a willingness to engage with the consumers with some transparency and without changing whatever variables of the testing might be most advantageous to the seller.

I realize this is pipe dreamy. Hard to do this individually let alone as any kind of standard. But I feel like if a group of vendors did this and could verify what they were doing was on the level I would pay more/develop loyalty, and new buyers might be less inclined to be dilettante-ish. Maybe.
I think there’s different expectations from different vendors. I feel like most people have lower expectations for QSC vs Tydes.

In general my favorite vendors that I actually recommend have:

1. Published standards on their testing and process in place when testing standards are not met (For example, GYC earned my respect when they chose to delay a group buy shipment to make a new batch after the planned batch tested <99% on purity)

2. An actual POC for when things go wrong (i.e- I can message on WhatsApp and actually get a response)

3. Solid third party testing record. I like when I check PTDS and other published third party tests and see a trend of good test results. If I see a streak of bad third party tests I tend to avoid a vendor.

4. Not a lot of drama. For me, once a vendor has a 300+ response thread of people debating different controversies it goes on my don’t use list. Simply because I tend to believe that where there is smoke there is fire so I’d rather just steer clear of any nonsense and choose one of the many other vendors with a lot less controversy.

5. Streamlined payment. Whether it’s Alipay or crypto I like for it to be efficient and for payment confirmation to come quickly. It’s obviously the most nerve wracking part of doing these purchases and the simpler it is to confirm payment the happier I am.

6. Competitive pricing - I don’t go with the lowest priced option but I also don’t go for the highest either. At this point I’m happy when tirz is less than $1 per mg but I also buy larger quantities like 40mg or 60mg kits.
I expect them to refrain from manipulating the few checks we have to keep them honest.

I expect them to not use lies and decit to divide communities focused on harm reduction.

I expect them to sell safe products, that are in fact exactly what the vendors portray them to be.

I expect them to own their mistakes, and not try to cover things up with elaborate lies and deception.

I expect them to refrain from taking actions that will gain unnecessary attention from regulatory bodies that might shut us down.

When vendors repeatedly violate all of these over and over for an extended period of time, the people that pay attention are bound to get upset.
If I'm buying us and paying a premium, I expect:

fast shipping
excellent customer service
Sterility test
Product guarantees

Otherwise I'll just send Tracy a message and let him berate me.
You know, some would call that extra service. I heard people pay good money to be humiliated by hot girls online 🤷‍♂️ And both in this case and that case, there is usually a dude behind the keyboard.

Tracy should be charging a premium for it tbh
To be called honey. Also, if I don't receive my product in over a month and ask for a tracking number, I expect them to leak all of my dm's on here and call me a drug addicted fat ass. I'm a simple man.
A testing group could also test a bunk product on purpose and claim it to belong to a vendor... I don't know who they are or what their motivation is...
Regarding testing groups, good ones are structured in a way where it is not possible to reliably do that because the sample is chosen at random from all participating members. It would have to be all shills for that to work. Bad testing groups don’t have this check in place.

to say I am paid by someone to call out bad actors, if you’re informed at all you would be aware of my longer than most history in these communities, and my clear pattern of holding vendors to account including Qsc who think is who you guys are suggesting I am paid by? So lots of evidence to the contrary, while the accusations I’ve made against any vendor are 100% substantiated, i challenge you to show me a single thing I’ve said that isn’t supported by evidence. So maybe let go of this baseless accusation, it looks desperate and makes it clear you don’t actually know anything about the person you’re accusing
I'm one that does a ton of research on this site as well as the other 10,375,329 sites I'm on before pulling the trigger so I don't get buyers regret.

I try to research for:
Payment Options: I don't know shiz about crypto so when vendors have other options besides crypto that's a huge plus for me. Plus on venmo, it may not mean much, but I look at the transaction history of a vendor and that helps put my mind at ease that it's not a scam.
Fast Shipping: I've been very lucky with US domestic vendors with shipping.
Customer Service: good point of contact with any issues and good communication on what is going on with the order. Plus offers a refund.
Purity Test: yes, I know that they could be altered or the test provided could be from another batch that I get, but I would hope that vendors would be honest about testing. When I get a kit I plan on sending one vial out for testing.
Sterility: harder to get before ordering, if anything I will filter before using.

I'm glad you made this post so it can stay in one thread. I'm glad of all the helpful information everyone has provided, but to your point I've noticed that there are snide comments about a vendor that has bled outside of the main thread to a few other threads. For example, I was reading a thread about something and then someone made a comment of "don't trust xxmmxx" it brought nothing to the thread and I've seen it in multiple threads. I was lurker here long before I joined and everyone was super nice and helpful, but it's starting to become toxic now. In the end, I'm in charge of my own research and who I order from. If something happens, that's on me and know for next time. I'll share my experience and move on.
Regarding testing groups, good ones are structured in a way where it is not possible to reliably do that because the sample is chosen at random from all participating members. It would have to be all shills for that to work. Bad testing groups don’t have this check in place.

Regarding the admin remark which is an obvious attempt to say I am paid by someone to call out bad actors, if you’re informed at all you would be aware of my longer than most history in these communities, and my clear pattern of holding vendors to account including Qsc who think is who you guys are suggesting I am paid by? So lots of evidence to the contrary, while the accusations I’ve made against any vendor are 100% substantiated, i challenge you to show me a single thing I’ve said that isn’t supported by evidence. So maybe let go of this baseless accusation, it looks desperate and makes it clear you don’t actually know anything about the person you’re accusing.
I am not saying you are paid by anyone, actually I believe you honestly have a problem with the vendors practices/previous practices, and that is fair.

The point I’m making, is that it’s very easy to throw shade in an environment where everyone is anonymous and proof is hard to come by - and it only makes the market harder to navigate, not easier.

I did not make an accusation, i made several senseless statements that could look true, or not - depends on the reader. But I will admit that I clearly targeted you, I apologise for that - it was a way of underlining a point about how baseless accusations are hard to disprove and easily looks real.

So instead of focusing on the bad and hypotheticals - let’s focus on what vendors can do to gain trust.

And about testing groups - I do not know how they work, and I probably will not spend any time getting into any - as my motivation would definitely be questioned, and it would be a waste of my time.

I think testing groups is a great thing, I only wish they found a way to make tests more available without losing funding - hence my suggestion about vendors sponsoring a pot for such purposes in order to be on the forum (though I think more members would be needed to make that work).
I am not saying you are paid by anyone, actually I believe you honestly have a problem with the vendors practices/previous practices, and that is fair.

The point I’m making, is that it’s very easy to throw shade in an environment where everyone is anonymous and proof is hard to come by - and it only makes the market harder to navigate, not easier.

I did not make an accusation, i made several senseless statements that could look true, or not - depends on the reader. But I will admit that I clearly targeted you, I apologise for that - it was a way of underlining a point about how baseless accusations are hard to disprove and easily looks real.

So instead of focusing on the bad and hypotheticals - let’s focus on what vendors can do to gain trust.

And about testing groups - I do not know how they work, and I probably will not spend any time getting into any - as my motivation would definitely be questioned, and it would be a waste of my time.

I think testing groups is a great thing, I only wish they found a way to make tests more available without losing funding - hence my suggestion about vendors sponsoring a pot for such purposes in order to be on the forum (though I think more members would be needed to make that work).
To answer the top line of your question, what I expect from a vendor is simply provide clarity on what they are committing to, and a track record that makes be believe they will deliver on those commitments. That gives me what I need to make an informed decision in an environment of endless trade-offs. If they don’t commit to batch numbers I have no reason to expect them. If they do commit to pre-testing every batch multiple times (aminos research springs to mind) then i have an expectation that that happens. If theyre ambiguous and refuse to clarify something when asked, then I’ll probably move on.
What about a reach around? Asking too much!
I was gonna say hand job (at most domestic prices) but that would be crude.

The OP says we're not his customers... No offense but who are? People who like HUGE markups? People who can't search or do math? All the margin isn't to pay for testing and I bet none for legal fees because domestic's will bow out when threatened (as they should)

I guess a link next to a vendor name that actually works to show us your offerings would be a start 🤷‍♂️
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