Zepbound-- lowest dose, etc


May 11, 2024
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Is 0.125 too low a dose to start at? Will it be effective? I'm trying to minimize side effects.
As Peacebog mentioned, the ZB pens start at 2.5mg doses. You can inject the pens into sterile vials to adjust the doses if desired, but it takes a little effort and is not something most people do.

I usually suggest people try the starting dose for at least a month to see how it effects them. For the vast majority of people the established dosing regimen works just fine. Some people do have more noticeable side-effects than others, but most also adjust to them pretty well in the first month or two without much difficulty. IMHO too many people get hung up worrying about potential side-effects and risk starting off in the wrong mindset.

For me the side-effects were noticeable but completely tolerable and didn't interfere with daily life in any way. The biggest one for me was the constant feeling of fullness, as if I had just eaten a very large meal, and occasional nausea that was easily controlled with Meclizine. I also learned quickly that the nausea was directly related to the quality of food I ate; anything greasy was my main trigger.
For me Tirzepatide/Zepbound has had far fewer side effects than Semaglutide/Wegovy.
Currently I've titrated up to 7.5mg weekly and have experienced no unwanted side effects at all.
The common reported experience with this drug is very positive Approach.
Certainly YMMV.
I'll throw in a counter experience. I started Tirz at 1.25mg, and intentionally moved up very slowly. I did 1.25mg every 5 days for 7 doses, before going up to 1.66mg every 5 days for 10 doses. 1.66mg every 5 days, over a 5 week period, is roughly the same total amount as 2.32mg weekly for 5 weeks, for reference. During this time, I had no "feels" or side effects beyond some lessened desire to eat and some extra stomach fullness feeling. I lost 15 pounds during this time, roughly 15 weeks. My weight loss seems to be slower than most, as even now at higher doses I'm still losing about a pound a week on average. I'm losing weight so slowly that nobody has noticed or said anything...other than my wallet buying new smaller clothes :ROFLMAO:

So, 1.25 can still be efficacious, though with hindsight I likely would have upped the dose a bit sooner. But my goal overall was to avoid any dose-to-dose increase greater than 50%, to try to limit any potential side effects. From my reading of the studies and user reports, the 2.5mg to 5.0mg seems to cause the most side effects for most users of Tirz/Zepbound, and I wanted to avoid that as much as I could. There's a decent I would have been fine on the typical Zepbound schedule, I tend to tolerate medications pretty well with few side effects, but my slower increase left me with basically zero side effects from Tirz itself.
Hallo, ich bin seit 16 Wochen dabei Mounjaro zu spritzen, angefangen mit 2,5 mg und jetzt bei 7,5 mg. Habe zwischenzeitlich 21 kg abgenommen und würde jetzt gerne langsam auf eine Erhaltungsdosis umstellen. Per Zufal habe ich dieses Forum entdeckt. Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ich dazu hier Ratschläge und Produktempfehlungen bekommen würde. Vielen Dank.
Habe ich jetzt etwas falsch gepostet - Berjamen?
Willkommen! Da wir hier hauptsächlich Amerikaner sind, müssen wir einen zusätzlichen Schritt unternehmen, um Nachrichten ins Englische zu übersetzen.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Ihrem Gewichtsverlust! Die Hersteller dieser Medikamente haben keine Anweisungen zur Erhaltungsdosierung veröffentlicht, sodass die meisten Menschen selbst experimentieren müssen, um die richtige Dosierung und Häufigkeit für den Erfolg zu finden.

Die in letzter Zeit häufigste Empfehlung besteht darin, bei der gleichen Dosierung zu bleiben, aber zwischen den Dosen mehr Tage zu warten. Wenn Sie Mounjaro jetzt alle 7 Tage einnehmen, sollten Sie versuchen, auf alle 9 Tage umzusteigen und zu sehen, was passiert.

For anyone who doesn't speak German or have Google translate handy...

Welcome! We are mostly American here so we have to take an extra step to translate messages into English.

Congratulations on your weight loss! The makers of these drugs have not released any instructions for maintenance dosing so most people have to experiment on their own to find the right dosage and frequency for success.

The most common recommendation recently is to remain at the same dosage but to begin waiting more days between doses. If you are taking Mounjaro every 7 days now, you may want to try switching to every 9 days and see what happens.
Thank you very much for the prompt response. It's overwhelming how much information is available here. Would it be possible for you to name a reliable supplier or, simply put, where do you source your items from? That would be very kind, and thank you very much.
I noticed that you have written the most posts in this forum, so you probably have the most experience. Do you have any advice on which provider I should order my Tirzepatide or Retatrutide from? There are many providers online with significant price differences, and I assume this price variation might be related to the quality of the products. I would be very grateful if you could support me in this matter.

Best regards from Saarland,
Werner Gog
Yesterday, I read a study in which a professor wrote that different medications affect people differently and, especially at too high a dosage, can cause side effects such as mood swings, increased heart rate, and even arrhythmias. This led me to think of the following solution to the problem:
if 5 mg does not provide the sufficient effect, to administer a second injection of 5 mg? If this would double the effect, I would also try this with Retatrudite or Tirzepatide. Then I could order the correct dosage of 5 or 10 mg injections in the future. Is this possible?
Yesterday, I read a study in which a professor wrote that different medications affect people differently and, especially at too high a dosage, can cause side effects such as mood swings, increased heart rate, and even arrhythmias. This led me to think of the following solution to the problem:
if 5 mg does not provide the sufficient effect, to administer a second injection of 5 mg? If this would double the effect, I would also try this with Retatrudite or Tirzepatide. Then I could order the correct dosage of 5 or 10 mg injections in the future. Is this possible?
Please forgive me. My two years of German instruction will barely get me a beer and a bratwurst. And so in English…

I have been called “Bold” many times in my career. In regard to injected medications, especially research peptides, I am cautious.

For me, doubling a dosage is too large a step to take while titrating. I think this is true for many users of Mounjaro.
Strong negative side effects are commonly reported in forums at the 2.5mg to 5mg upgrade.

When migrating from research Semaglutide at 2.5mg to research Tirzepatide at 10mg I did so in small increments.
First doses were at 1.25mg, then 2.5mg, 3.75mg, 5mg, 6.25mg, 7.5mg and then to 10mg
where I finally achieved “appetite suppression”.

NOTE: I did this transition quickly, in about 4 weeks, by taking split doses every 3.5 days.

There have been no side effects whatever.

As someone who had a very minor cardiac issue made very much worse
by a prescription drug - no side effects is just exactly what I wanted.
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I noticed that you have written the most posts in this forum, so you probably have the most experience. Do you have any advice on which provider I should order my Tirzepatide or Retatrutide from? There are many providers online with significant price differences, and I assume this price variation might be related to the quality of the products. I would be very grateful if you could support me in this matter.

Best regards from Saarland,
Werner Gog
Since you are in Europe I believe you may have the best luck with @Qingdao Sigma

They are on this forum in the Vendor Connection section. Their contact information and price lists are posted there, and unlike many suppliers they have established good shipping lines to EU plus they have an EU warehouse as well.