LIPO-C with NAD+

I had killer stinging and a red bump for a couple of hours. I felt great though! I had energy and my mood felt elevated.
Ooooo now I wanna try it!
I get such fatigue from Tirz…. but small price to pay. 🤣
Is there any other possible route besides injecting (for NAD) maybe nasally? Or how about plugging LOL 🤣
Just joking on the last part…..kinda lol 🫣
Nuts. I just ordered two bottles on Sunday. They shipped via FedEx this morning. You would think that they might have stopped the shipment if they knew there was a problem with the product. I guess I’ll find out in a couple of days.
Don't worry at all. Within minutes of emailing I had a refund. No communication, but the refund was processed immediately.
I would be surprised if they add lidocaine to an RC, Hallandale does it because it’s for human consumption whereas Pegasus is not sold for human consumption
Do you all have clear vials? Mine is dark brown so even if I had crystals I would never know... I had only pinned twice and have only done .5ml at a time.... two times last week. No stinging. And I forgot to do it this week.
Mine is also a dark vial but I held it up and looked with a flashlight on the bottom
Same… tirzep fatigue, and my sleep sucks. By 4 I’m completely mentally checked out, come home eat something and straight to a shower and pjs …working on some pep additions to help.
I’m going to try this sleep stack


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I’m going to skip this one and make my own Lipo-C +NAD
Good idea! Let us know if you have good results 🤞🏼
So do you think it’s the Tirz that’s messing with your sleep schedule?
I don’t have any issues with sleeping on it but I do get the most bizarre dreams, sometimes nightmares….and it’s rare that I can remember much of them…unless I were to write it down or text someone about it or tell me partner like right away when I wake up otherwise I forget most of it. It’s really weird. I’d say it happens at least 5 nights outta the week. I remember a while back reading in a fb group I think of a couple people mentioning there really vivid dreams.
It’s wild how Tirz can effect people so differently. I just kinda goes to show how each of us is unique in our own way(s) 😀 😊
I will say I feel Super lucky that I’m Not one of the people that don’t respond to the treatment n don’t lose any weight or have unbearable side effects and can’t continue on the 💉 😬 😳
For the most part It really has been a game changer tho for soooo many people! I’m just really uneasy about getting off of it completely now that I’ve hit my goal weight. Like some drs will say slowly wean off of it, and then I’ve heard some medical professionals say it’s a “life long” thing that you will have to stay 🤔 one extreme to the other LOL
Guess that means the “Research” is up to us hehehehe
Does anyone else vial of pegasus smell? I smelled it when I opened the package that it was shipped in and there is a very strong smell that has not gone away. Also when I popped the vial cap off there was liquid already on the top of the stopper.
I noticed a few drops came out of the top once I pooped it. But nothing still leaking. BUT I Injected today and it stung. I’m planning on adding some Lido to the vial and testing the PH.
Just a quick heads-up: when I took off the cap, part of the metal from the vile crown got stuck on the cap. This morning, I found the vial leaking and it smells really bad.

I reached out to Kimera , and they’re sending a replacement. If you notice any smell, double-check the vial for leaks.

Thanks for the heads up!
Yes! I just got mine today and tons of crystals. I just emailed them and told them I was not comfortable taking it and they sent me a refund no questions asked - minus the shipping. May be worth a shot to ask if you’re not comfortable taking it.

To those that have been taking it - did y’all’s have crystals and you’ve survived them? lol
I received mine yesterday and see no crystals. I’m guessing the crystals are from the NAD+? I do plan on adding some Lidocaine 2% to my vial though. My BioBoost+ had lido in it and never felt anything from that.
My RS has been using the Pegasus blend as well. SQ of .5ml 3 times a week. Currently on 1st week. RS reports major stinging, like injecting acid. Also lasts about 30-60 mins. Is it advised to add lidocaine? Or perhaps doing it IM on buttocks? RS is unsure if they can continue if the stinging happens every time. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I’m going to test the PH then add Lido to mine.
I received mine yesterday and see no crystals. I’m guessing the crystals are from the NAD+? I do plan on adding some Lidocaine 2% to my vial though. My BioBoost+ had lido in it and never felt anything from that.
How much Lido will you add? I have a few vials of lido that are due to arrive on Monday and would like to give it a try but not sure of the ratio.
I took some of my recently acquired Pegasus just about 5 hours ago. I was a little nervous about it and it was later in the day so i only took .25ml. It did not sting going in but I did get a few stinging twinges on and off for about 10 min.

I did see some tiny tiny bubble/bead like things floating around the bottom but I shook the shit out of it and took my chances lol. I do feel a little more energized, not a big noticeable difference by any means, but I am so far happy with the purchase.
I'm thinking next time ill up my dose, but may split it into two injections to avoid any more stinging than I already felt.
How much Lido will you add? I have a few vials of lido that are due to arrive on Monday and would like to give it a try but not sure of the ratio.
I went to Hallandale’s website and for their BioBoost+ they use 1mg/ml concentration. So I will base it off of that since that’s the closet formulation I see to Pegasus. Not sure what concentration of Lido you will be receiving. This is just something I feel comfortable with doing, so I don’t want to give out advice and it’s not really substantiated .

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