LIPO-C with NAD+

I went to Hallandale’s website and for their BioBoost+ they use 1mg/ml concentration. So I will base it off of that since that’s the closet formulation I see to Pegasus. Not sure what concentration of Lido you will be receiving. This is just something I feel comfortable with doing, so I don’t want to give out advice and it’s not really substantiated .
Thanks for the response, My lido HCL is 1% which I believe is dosed at 10mg/ml so if my math is right I would need to add 10 units of lido for every ML left in my vial. (assuming it hasn't crystalized since the last time I checked it).

Also, I reduced my Lypo dose from 1ml to .5ml and the stinging wasn't nearly as bad.
Is it possible that the crystallization problem is the reason that no other vendor (that I have found) offers Lido-C with NAD+?
I found another vendor with NAD.. ordering tomorrow so I will let you know when I get it. I asked about crystals and they had no idea what I was talking about.
I found another vendor with NAD.. ordering tomorrow so I will let you know when I get it. I asked about crystals and they had no idea what I was talking about.
Please let us know! And if it works out could you give us your source?
Received my two bottles of Pegasus from Kimera Chems this morning. Both bottles were amber in color, making it difficult to see inside. With the help of a flashlight, I was able to see a significant amount of crystals inside. I'll be reaching out, requesting a refund.


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Received my two bottles of Pegasus from Kimera Chems this morning. Both bottles were amber in color, making it difficult to see inside. With the help of a flashlight, I was able to see a significant amount of crystals inside. I'll be reaching out, requesting a refund.
I picked up Pegasus from the most recent batch. I best go inspect deeper. Now I'm wondering it there are crystals and that is why my first pin was excruciating.
Damn it Bobby!

Just checked the two vials I received about a week ago and both have crystals. The vial I am currently using is fine (but does smell awful and has a mild burn for several hours after inj).
I did email Kimera and they did respond quickly: "Your Kimera Chems order #xxx has been refunded". Hopefully they figure out their formulation issue.

I am still looking for something to combat the Tirz fatigue that I get at higher doses.
Question: does the Bioboost+ from Hallandale require a prescription?
I did email Kimera and they did respond quickly: "Your Kimera Chems order #xxx has been refunded". Hopefully they figure out their formulation issue.

I am still looking for something to combat the Tirz fatigue that I get at higher doses.
Question: does the Bioboost+ from Hallandale require a prescription?
Kind of, if you order through the groupon it will take you to a telehealth provider. You fill out a questionnaire with medical history (for potential counter-indications) and they ship to you from Hallendale. Takes about 10 minutes,
Caveat... I am ordering from them tonight. I have zero knowledge of how it is. The ingredients are all the same but the amounts differ. Please do your homework before you buy.

Caveat... I am ordering from them tonight. I have zero knowledge of how it is. The ingredients are all the same but the amounts differ. Please do your homework before you buy.

Nice find!

I thought it would be good to compare a few of the potential Lipo-C options and created this summary:


I am not sure which B12 is better but the Hallendale Bioboost has a much higher dosage. The lidocaine is kind of nice too. But no NAD+ in Bioboost and the Pegasus needs to solve the crystaization problem,. I am going to try Carved and see if I notice any difference between the other two (which I currently have in my lab).
Nice find!

I thought it would be good to compare a few of the potential Lipo-C options and created this summary:

View attachment 3311

I am not sure which B12 is better but the Hallendale Bioboost has a much higher dosage. The lidocaine is kind of nice too. But no NAD+ in Bioboost and the Pegasus needs to solve the crystaization problem,. I am going to try Carved and see if I notice any difference between the other two (which I currently have in my lab).
Thank you so much for taking the time to make this comparison chart! It's really helpful!
Nice find!

I thought it would be good to compare a few of the potential Lipo-C options and created this summary:

View attachment 3311

I am not sure which B12 is better but the Hallendale Bioboost has a much higher dosage. The lidocaine is kind of nice too. But no NAD+ in Bioboost and the Pegasus needs to solve the crystaization problem,. I am going to try Carved and see if I notice any difference between the other two (which I currently have in my lab).
You are the best for doing that! Thank you 💖

By the way.. I did email them and their B12 is Methyl. I would rather have that than the Cyano