BBC: Scottish nurse's death linked to tirzepatide


Oct 17, 2024
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"Nurse’s death linked to approved weight-loss drug"

Susan McGowan, 58, took two low-dose injections of tirzepatide [...] over the course of about two weeks before her death on 4 September.

Her death certificate [...] lists multiple organ failure, septic shock and pancreatitis as the immediate cause of death – but "the use of prescribed tirzepatide" is also recorded as a contributing factor.

Days after her second injection she began experiencing severe stomach pains and sickness, so she went to A&E at Monklands - where her colleagues battled to save her life.
the article also suggests a background of kidney problems:
Ms Campbell was told by doctors that her aunt's kidneys were not functioning properly. Days later she went into a coma, and her organs began to fail.
(disclaimer: I'm not a doctor.) it seems to me like she had preexisting conditions on account of her weight.
Tirz causing pancreatitis and pancreatitis causing death is not a stretch, it's a completely logical conclusion.

This medication is not without risks, but the benefits far outweigh the risk.
That's fair but the two week time frame between initial dose and death seems a tad on the fast side for something like pancreatitis. Once again, not a doctor.
I think you will start to see alot more causes of death related to glp's. Either directly linked or indirectly.. Just like Covid.
That's fair but the two week time frame between initial dose and death seems a tad on the fast side for something like pancreatitis. Once again, not a doctor.
Yeah I was surprised she was at her second dose when her health suffered. Sorry for her family’s loss but it might be there was an underlying issue.
They do like to mix up correlation with causation 🤷‍♂️
GLP-1's have to be super dangerous, right? All these fatty's have a moral failing, not a health issue, so the solution should also be a punishment! Making it relatively harmless and easily accessible wouldn't punish them enough!

I expect to see lots of articles demonizing this class of drug. 🫠 Confirmation bias.
GLP-1's have to be super dangerous, right? All these fatty's have a moral failing, not a health issue, so the solution should also be a punishment! Making it relatively harmless and easily accessible wouldn't punish them enough!

I expect to see lots of articles demonizing this class of drug. 🫠 Confirmation bias.
I just don’t get it, if these drugs were magically burning fat like you were michael phelps in the olympics - i would be SUPER sceptical.

But the function of making people eat less (mainly), doesn’t seem very intrusive nor dangerous to me 🤷‍♂️
I just don’t get it, if these drugs were magically burning fat like you were michael phelps in the olympics - i would be SUPER sceptical.

But the function of making people eat less (mainly), doesn’t seem very intrusive nor dangerous to me 🤷‍♂️

But it's a CHEAT CODE. You're just supposed to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and TRY HARDER! It can't possibly be that poorly controlled blood sugar and insulin resistance can make you hungry and fat. Then we'd have to question our preconceived notions on fatness being a lack of self discipline!

Sorry I'll get off my high horse. People want to think it's dangerous because it's hard to believe the fix is this simple and we struggled for nothing.
But it's a CHEAT CODE. You're just supposed to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and TRY HARDER! It can't possibly be that poorly controlled blood sugar and insulin resistance can make you hungry and fat. Then we'd have to question our preconceived notions on fatness being a lack of self discipline!

Sorry I'll get off my high horse. People want to think it's dangerous because it's hard to believe the fix is this simple and we struggled for nothing.

This is my weight loss chart. I didn't start taking Tirz until two weeks ago. I've gone from 300lbs to 200lbs TWICE without Tirz. That's the problem though, unless I am 100% vigilant and restrictive and careful I will regain weight. I always think about food. I love eating. I don't want to have to work this hard anymore and even at 200lbs I'm still considered obese. I'm hoping this will finally give me the tools I need to lose the weight and keep it off instead of yo-yo'ing like I have for the past 10 years.

This is the first time in my life where I wake up in the morning and my first thoughts aren't of what I'm going to eat today. The first time I'm able to eat until I'm satisfied and save the rest as leftovers. The first time I can go out to eat and not order two apps, a main, and a desert. It's incredible.
The first time I'm able to eat until I'm satisfied and save the rest as leftovers. The first time I can go out to eat and not order two apps, a main, and a desert. It's incredible.
It's fun and satisfying to try a lot of things. I wish restaurants would start offering sampler platters. i like the sampler beers some bars offer.

cheat code? A car is a cheat code for walking. Nobody has a problem with that. There are many things in life that are cheat codes.

Naturally thin people are worried that they won't have anything to feel superior about. it's just a matter of time with the technology where there won't be overweight people save for those who prefer to be.
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This is my weight loss chart. I didn't start taking Tirz until two weeks ago. I've gone from 300lbs to 200lbs TWICE without Tirz. That's the problem though, unless I am 100% vigilant and restrictive and careful I will regain weight. I always think about food. I love eating. I don't want to have to work this hard anymore and even at 200lbs I'm still considered obese. I'm hoping this will finally give me the tools I need to lose the weight and keep it off instead of yo-yo'ing like I have for the past 10 years.

This is the first time in my life where I wake up in the morning and my first thoughts aren't of what I'm going to eat today. The first time I'm able to eat until I'm satisfied and save the rest as leftovers. The first time I can go out to eat and not order two apps, a main, and a desert. It's incredible.
It's one of those things that people don't get because they haven't experienced it. Everyone gets sad sometimes! Everyone loses things sometimes! Everyone has anxiety! Everyone is tired sometimes! Everyone runs late sometimes!

Like.... all of that is true, but it's genuinely harder for some people. Isn't the point to make things easier for everyone? To make the world better, more pleasant? Why choose to make someone struggle when we have a solution, right here?
But it's a CHEAT CODE. You're just supposed to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and TRY HARDER! It can't possibly be that poorly controlled blood sugar and insulin resistance can make you hungry and fat. Then we'd have to question our preconceived notions on fatness being a lack of self discipline!

Sorry I'll get off my high horse. People want to think it's dangerous because it's hard to believe the fix is this simple and we struggled for nothing.
I don’t really understand peoples logic 🙃

Headache, paracetamol

Broken arm, cast

Sleepy, sleep

All of the above COULD also be solved with willpower… well, you need sleep at some point.

I don’t see why you should waste 50% of your mental capacity on discipline, when you can take a weekly injection and focus that energy on work, family, loved ones, things that matter 🤷‍♂️

But sure, let’s shame people for opting for the smart solution 😁
I don’t really understand peoples logic 🙃

Headache, paracetamol

Broken arm, cast

Sleepy, sleep

All of the above COULD also be solved with willpower… well, you need sleep at some point.

I don’t see why you should waste 50% of your mental capacity on discipline, when you can take a weekly injection and focus that energy on work, family, loved ones, things that matter 🤷‍♂️

But sure, let’s shame people for opting for the smart solution 😁

Someone said to me at the beginning, "isn't that the easy way out", and I was like yeah I fucking hope so, why wouldn't I want the easiest path to losing weight?

Lmao fully agree, it's literally a superiority complex for them that's under threat

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