Reta is killing my guts


Research Enthusiast
Oct 10, 2024
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I started off stacking .5mg Reta 2x a week with tirz and felt pretty good. After several weeks I went to 1mg 2x the. 2mg 2x for four weeks then dropped the tirz and went to 6mg once a week for four weeks then up to 8mg. Towards the end of the 6mg I was having diarrhea but just thought I had a bug or something. Now that I’m on 8mg it’s really obvious that it’s the Reta. It’s really bad the 2nd and third day after the shot then sort of tapers off. Diarrhea and stomach pain for like 3 days straight.

I’m not sure what to do, I can drop back to 6mg and see if I adjust or even lower, seems like a lot of the experiences similar to mine were on the initial doses. I started lower than the study dose and moved up slowly enough, I thought, based on the study 2-4-8-12 protocol or whatever it was

I can ride it out at 8 and see if I just acclimate to it but that means another hell week

I can cut the Reta to 1mg 2x a week again and add 3.5mg tirz like I was doing.
Any thoughts? Anyone else with a similar problem? I really feel like shit.
Maybe after seven days I should switch to 4mg twice a week and see what that does?
Maybe after seven days I should switch to 4mg twice a week and see what that does?

Sorry you are feeling so bad. I don't have a lot of experience with Reta, but I would definitely lower the dose (with the possibility of discontinuing it if the symptoms don't improve) until you find a level you can feel decent on. I don't think you should push through this.
I started off stacking .5mg Reta 2x a week with tirz and felt pretty good. After several weeks I went to 1mg 2x the. 2mg 2x for four weeks then dropped the tirz and went to 6mg once a week for four weeks then up to 8mg. Towards the end of the 6mg I was having diarrhea but just thought I had a bug or something. Now that I’m on 8mg it’s really obvious that it’s the Reta. It’s really bad the 2nd and third day after the shot then sort of tapers off. Diarrhea and stomach pain for like 3 days straight.

I’m not sure what to do, I can drop back to 6mg and see if I adjust or even lower, seems like a lot of the experiences similar to mine were on the initial doses. I started lower than the study dose and moved up slowly enough, I thought, based on the study 2-4-8-12 protocol or whatever it was

I can ride it out at 8 and see if I just acclimate to it but that means another hell week

I can cut the Reta to 1mg 2x a week again and add 3.5mg tirz like I was doing.
Any thoughts? Anyone else with a similar problem? I really feel like shit.
I have had pretty bad gas since starting Reta, but I only take 1mg at a time and still think it might be the sugar alcohol in my protein bars or my micobiome adjusting to the higher protein intake.

You could do 3mg of Reta twice a week or go back to 1mg twice and 2-4g Tirz weekly. I am still combining my 2x week Reta (1mg) with 1x week Tirz (2mg).
Feel pretty good today. My second 8mg shot was Saturday so mon/Tuesday were the worst of it. I kind of want to try 8mg again this week and see if it settles a bit but I also don’t
None of the weight loss peps (researched: sema, tirz, Reta) have given me diarrhea. I get the opposite effect. However, some tea that @nonyabizznez recommended is helping.😅
when I was on sema I had terrible terrible constipation. When I started again on tirz and then Reta I started taking mag o7 at night and never had an issue really, even when I wasn’t having the opposite issue

I quit sema because of the constipation it was so bad
If I have more than 1 Quest bar per day, the sugar alcohols in it definitely do that to me. I ate 3 or 4 a day when I was out of town for a few days. Man, it tore up my guts.
I have had pretty bad gas since starting Reta, but I only take 1mg at a time and still think it might be the sugar alcohol in my protein bars or my micobiome adjusting to the higher protein intake.
Any reason why you stopped Tirz at 3.5mg? I would add back Tirz 3.5mg, every 5 days and slowly increase toward 10mg. Been conservative based on feedback from folks having side effects (which is a key reason folks stop GLP's, according to research). Is your body not liking Reta at all? or is dosage jump to aggressive? Based on the studies, I plan to use 12+ weeks to reach 8mg/week on Reta. And expect to plateau by week 22-24. And again. based on studies, the jump from 8 to 12mg a week may only provide 1-2% more weight loss, but more discomfort. Tirz is similar, above 10mg a week is more discomfort and only 3% more loss in general. But each one's mileage will vary. Maybe go back to Reta 2mg,+1mg each 3-4 weeks. Half life is 6 days, so twice a week is a double dose.
Any reason why you stopped Tirz at 3.5mg? I would add back Tirz 3.5mg, every 5 days and slowly increase toward 10mg. Been conservative based on feedback from folks having side effects (which is a key reason folks stop GLP's, according to research). Is your body not liking Reta at all? or is dosage jump to aggressive? Based on the studies, I plan to use 12+ weeks to reach 8mg/week on Reta. And expect to plateau by week 22-24. And again. based on studies, the jump from 8 to 12mg a week may only provide 1-2% more weight loss, but more discomfort. Tirz is similar, above 10mg a week is more discomfort and only 3% more loss in general. But each one's mileage will vary. Maybe go back to Reta 2mg,+1mg each 3-4 weeks. Half life is 6 days, so twice a week is a double dose.
Because there is no reason to use two medications that hit the same 2 of the three receptors Reta does
I started off stacking .5mg Reta 2x a week with tirz and felt pretty good. After several weeks I went to 1mg 2x the. 2mg 2x for four weeks then dropped the tirz and went to 6mg once a week for four weeks then up to 8mg. Towards the end of the 6mg I was having diarrhea but just thought I had a bug or something. Now that I’m on 8mg it’s really obvious that it’s the Reta. It’s really bad the 2nd and third day after the shot then sort of tapers off. Diarrhea and stomach pain for like 3 days straight.

I’m not sure what to do, I can drop back to 6mg and see if I adjust or even lower, seems like a lot of the experiences similar to mine were on the initial doses. I started lower than the study dose and moved up slowly enough, I thought, based on the study 2-4-8-12 protocol or whatever it was

I can ride it out at 8 and see if I just acclimate to it but that means another hell week

I can cut the Reta to 1mg 2x a week again and add 3.5mg tirz like I was doing.
Any thoughts? Anyone else with a similar problem? I really feel like shit.
I am three weeks into Reta at 2 mg. I thought i might have norovirus but after reading this and a few other posts, I don’t know. I’m going to stop for a few weeks and then start again to see if it is the Reta.
If I have more than 1 Quest bar per day, the sugar alcohols in it definitely do that to me. I ate 3 or 4 a day when I was out of town for a few days. Man, it tore up my guts.
Yep, those Quest bars are delicious in the moment and troubling later on. I’m taking all kinds of digestive enzymes, ACV, etc, but they don’t do much for sugar alcohols. I’ve found that maltitol is the worst culprit.
Yep, those Quest bars are delicious in the moment and troubling later on. I’m taking all kinds of digestive enzymes, ACV, etc, but they don’t do much for sugar alcohols. I’ve found that maltitol is the worst culprit.
I don’t eat a lot of sugar alcohols but I have been happy with the NOW brand super enzymes. I started taking them when I’d intermittent fast so I wouldn’t shit my guts immediately after my first meal
Backed off to 4mg this week. Different vial from a different supplier and no issues. The second 4mg dose is tomorrow so hopefully no issues though I don’t have the hunger suppression I did with 8mg 1x weekly

From one extreme to the other, I guess
I had planned to switch to Reta for maintenance but reading this thread has me thinking that maybe I should just stay on Tirz.
so I started reta on October 31st. after reading the phase 2 study and seeing that they started participants on 2mg and 4mg I decided to start with 2mg and then every 3 days do an extra 1 mg. that would basically be 3mg a week which is in-between the study starting dosage. after my 3rd shot. so a Total of 4mg in a period of 7 days I experienced extreme side effects Nausea, diarrhea, sulfur burps etc .. it got so bad that I went to the ER for basically an IV because of dehydration and I couldn't keep water down. I then went a full 7 days without a shot and just stuck to 2mg for 3 more weeks then upped it to 4mg. I'm currently at 6mg and have had zero side effects since that initial week.
so I started reta on October 31st. after reading the phase 2 study and seeing that they started participants on 2mg and 4mg I decided to start with 2mg and then every 3 days do an extra 1 mg. that would basically be 3mg a week which is in-between the study starting dosage. after my 3rd shot. so a Total of 4mg in a period of 7 days I experienced extreme side effects Nausea, diarrhea, sulfur burps etc .. it got so bad that I went to the ER for basically an IV because of dehydration and I couldn't keep water down. I then went a full 7 days without a shot and just stuck to 2mg for 3 more weeks then upped it to 4mg. I'm currently at 6mg and have had zero side effects since that initial week.
Holy shit man. Yeah I’d imagine so.
so I started reta on October 31st. after reading the phase 2 study and seeing that they started participants on 2mg and 4mg I decided to start with 2mg and then every 3 days do an extra 1 mg. that would basically be 3mg a week which is in-between the study starting dosage. after my 3rd shot. so a Total of 4mg in a period of 7 days I experienced extreme side effects Nausea, diarrhea, sulfur burps etc .. it got so bad that I went to the ER for basically an IV because of dehydration and I couldn't keep water down. I then went a full 7 days without a shot and just stuck to 2mg for 3 more weeks then upped it to 4mg. I'm currently at 6mg and have had zero side effects since that initial week.
It's funny, I knew what to do if I got extreme diarrhea. Or so I thought. But when I got it, I was in a hotel room and was unable to drive to the ER. So I did nothing. I ended up passing out and even scratched up my face a bit. When I regained consciousness, I couldn't stand but was able to crawl to the phone. The diarrhea was from an infection; I had high white blood cells. However, I very much doubt that I would have experienced such extreme diarrhea without the tirzepatide. That's not a medical opinion, but I had never experienced anything like that before. When a person experiences severe dehydration, their ability to think rationally goes way down. I should have called 9-1-1 long before I did. My BP was 60/42 when EMS arrived.
so I started reta on October 31st. after reading the phase 2 study and seeing that they started participants on 2mg and 4mg I decided to start with 2mg and then every 3 days do an extra 1 mg. that would basically be 3mg a week which is in-between the study starting dosage. after my 3rd shot. so a Total of 4mg in a period of 7 days I experienced extreme side effects Nausea, diarrhea, sulfur burps etc .. it got so bad that I went to the ER for basically an IV because of dehydration and I couldn't keep water down. I then went a full 7 days without a shot and just stuck to 2mg for 3 more weeks then upped it to 4mg. I'm currently at 6mg and have had zero side effects since that initial week.
Why are you keen on increasing the dose? Or starting higher?