PGB Membership

I needed to go to yet another site and make a third profile
You're very smart and special though
Yes 😁
PGB has lost out on purchases from at least 20 people from this forum alone over the last two weeks
Fewer purchasers increases your costs when you purchase from PGB.
Not really
Gatekeeping info the rest of us already have access to from this forum, Youtube, and Reddit and thinking you're special for it is very sad.
Yeah haven't you watched the "How to join PGB" YouTube video? 🙄
I'm trying to participate for everyone's gain
So noble 🫅

You are the one with the problem
to the detriment of the community
No comment.

In the time since I started going back and forth with you, several people have DMed me and I intend on helping them make the jump with guidance and help. Shame you chose this path instead.
Not smart enough to sign up for a discord? Or smart enough not to pay more for fewer options while also having to jumping through hoop after hoop? I just received more product for less money and an incredibly easier payment method.

I gave up on PGB after the second required profile only led me to find out I needed to go to yet another site and make a third profile. Good businesses don't make it as difficult as possible to purchase from them.

You're very smart and special though. Gatekeeping info the rest of us already have access to from this forum, Youtube, and Reddit and thinking you're special for it is very sad. PGB has lost out on purchases from at least 20 people from this forum alone over the last two weeks. Fewer purchasers increases your costs when you purchase from PGB.

Dude, whole point is I'm trying to participate for everyone's gain. Why I've chronicled my purchase from HK in the Alisa thread. You are the one with the problem to the detriment of the community.
Yes pick a fight with one of the longstanding members who has literally written guides to make this shit easier, that's exactly how we keep the good ones around. 🙄

At least I admit I'm lazy.
OK. The instructions worked, it was just like reading stereo instructions was all.

What I can't figure out was why it tells you to buy pyusd, then convert it to Solara, when I could have just bought Solara with debt card to begin with. I had to buy a small amount of solara with debit after buying the Pyusd to cover the fees to convert pyusd to Solara. Confusing/like stereo instructions written in broken Japanese.
just pay with BTC and it will be easier
Shame you chose this path instead.
Yes pick a fight with one of the longstanding members who has literally written guides to make this shit easier, that's exactly how we keep the good ones around. 🙄

At least I admit I'm lazy.
Every thread here ends with the same three super-users being jerk-offs. I'm pretty much done posting here now. Three of you have fun
Not smart enough to sign up for a discord? Or smart enough not to pay more for fewer options while also having to jumping through hoop after hoop? I just received more product for less money and an incredibly easier payment method.

I gave up on PGB after the second required profile only led me to find out I needed to go to yet another site and make a third profile. Good businesses don't make it as difficult as possible to purchase from them.

You're very smart and special though. Gatekeeping info the rest of us already have access to from this forum, Youtube, and Reddit and thinking you're special for it is very sad. PGB has lost out on purchases from at least 20 people from this forum alone over the last two weeks. Fewer purchasers increases your costs when you purchase from PGB.

Dude, whole point is I'm trying to participate for everyone's gain. Why I've chronicled my purchase from HK in the Alisa thread. You are the one with the problem to the detriment of the community.
There is no one forcing you to buy from PGB. Between GB's and direct vendors/distributers there are currently dozens of other choices. Some people like the fast shipping of high quality and thoroughly (both 2p and 3p) tested products. They are not trying to be the cheapest solution, they are more like Nordstrom vs. Walmart. I also suspect they are not trying to rapidly grow in size, the gate keeping helps them to keep their business manageable and crypto only limits newbies, charge backs and reduces their risk.

All vendors have their strengths and weaknesses and once you nail the crypto (which is even easier now that PGB accepts pyUSD) the purchase process is pretty painless.
Funny thing is I don’t even like PGB, I just like whining about reasonable barriers to entry even less.
I dislike PGB for some similar and probably a few different reasons, and I have no vested interest in seeing them succeed any more than you do... but good lord, it's insufferable.

Everyone else: I'm more interested in helping you than helping PGB. My DMs are still open, @Panda King
It's a good, well-written document. However, I still couldn't get PayPal to send Paypal USD to Exodus using the Solana network. Finally, I read a post from someone else saying to start with small amounts. I sent $50 and it worked. The post said to keep sending a small amount every day until it gets used to you sending things. In any event, my Exodus wallet received the money. I won't actually need to make any purchases for a while. I do hate dealing with crypto. However, your guide did make things easier. I thank you for compiling it. It's easy to criticize what others do. It's more difficult to write stuff that will make things easier for other people.
I think I've had my PayPal account for long enough that I wasn't subject to the limits that some people seem to be running into, so that was an unexpected hurdle. I should probably update that thing again with that info.
I'm glad it worked out for you in the long run, and thank you for the kind words 🙂
I think I've had my PayPal account for long enough that I wasn't subject to the limits that some people seem to be running into, so that was an unexpected hurdle. I should probably update that thing again with that info.
I'm glad it worked out for you in the long run, and thank you for the kind words 🙂
Hey at least you are not banned from Coinbase and Paypal BTC- Venmo for beating the feds in court on how you moved BTC around.
Hey at least you are not banned from Coinbase and Paypal BTC- Venmo for beating the feds in court on how you moved BTC around.
Jokes on you, I was banned from coinbase before I could even join! I just kept getting rejected with no explanation or recourse.
How did you "beat the feds"? What did you do!?
Jokes on you, I was banned from coinbase before I could even join! I just kept getting rejected with no explanation or recourse.
How did you "beat the feds"? What did you do!?
I was a vendor on the dark web Silk Road and Agora and several other marketplaces I imported class one drugs from Europe into the US for over 10 years with no issues. We made a business packaging that looked identical to a Danish electrical parts company that was shipping electrical components to the US daily And in mass quantities so we just cloned the packaging and shipped like we were shipping through customs their components but they had drugs in them. We went to go try a new vendor out from the Netherlands and we were shipping out of Germany at the time and this vendor decided to ship from the Netherlands and not Germany or Belgium so we had one package get flagged in customs in Chicago. The feds tried to do a controlled delivery but we knew that the package was hot because it never processed through customs it just showed up so we knew it was not okay so we deny the package and they came in search one of my properties which had no drugs no money or any type of contraband so the state was dropping the case but then the feds decided to try to get me on money laundering and try to convict me of money laundering with Bitcoin but they spent six months and never got anywhere because of how we were using the Crypto and cash process. This problem with the government made the major cryptocurrency holders and sellers ban me permanently from buying crypto on their platforms
Every thread here ends with the same three super-users being jerk-offs. I'm pretty much done posting here now. Three of you have fun
I disagree with your description of the other two super-users. However, as to me, your description is 100% accurate.
I was a vendor on the dark web Silk Road and Agora and several other marketplaces I imported class one drugs from Europe into the US for over 10 years with no issues. We made a business packaging that looked identical to a Danish electrical parts company that was shipping electrical components to the US daily And in mass quantities so we just cloned the packaging and shipped like we were shipping through customs their components but they had drugs in them. We went to go try a new vendor out from the Netherlands and we were shipping out of Germany at the time and this vendor decided to ship from the Netherlands and not Germany or Belgium so we had one package get flagged in customs in Chicago. The feds tried to do a controlled delivery but we knew that the package was hot because it never processed through customs it just showed up so we knew it was not okay so we deny the package and they came in search one of my properties which had no drugs no money or any type of contraband so the state was dropping the case but then the feds decided to try to get me on money laundering and try to convict me of money laundering with Bitcoin but they spent six months and never got anywhere because of how we were using the Crypto and cash process. This problem with the government made the major cryptocurrency holders and sellers ban me permanently from buying crypto on their platforms
You have a great story for why you had trouble with crypto. I experienced some troubles using crypto at first (and even have some now) but I have no accompanying great story.
I was a vendor on the dark web Silk Road and Agora and several other marketplaces I imported class one drugs from Europe into the US for over 10 years with no issues. We made a business packaging that looked identical to a Danish electrical parts company that was shipping electrical components to the US daily And in mass quantities so we just cloned the packaging and shipped like we were shipping through customs their components but they had drugs in them. We went to go try a new vendor out from the Netherlands and we were shipping out of Germany at the time and this vendor decided to ship from the Netherlands and not Germany or Belgium so we had one package get flagged in customs in Chicago. The feds tried to do a controlled delivery but we knew that the package was hot because it never processed through customs it just showed up so we knew it was not okay so we deny the package and they came in search one of my properties which had no drugs no money or any type of contraband so the state was dropping the case but then the feds decided to try to get me on money laundering and try to convict me of money laundering with Bitcoin but they spent six months and never got anywhere because of how we were using the Crypto and cash process. This problem with the government made the major cryptocurrency holders and sellers ban me permanently from buying crypto on their platforms
Yeah I can see why you would have trouble these days. jesus
Every thread here ends with the same three super-users being jerk-offs. I'm pretty much done posting here now. Three of you have fun
Testing adds to the cost of PGB. Product in hand FedEx in a few days add to the cost of PGB. My mail order pharmacy Centerwell can't deliver as fast. PGB assures you're getting what you paid for. NO China vendor does that regardless of their "guarantees" and if you do get lucky and a vendor backs up their "guarantee" it won't be without a $300 Janoshik test. You gonna pay that on your $50 Sema kit?

I'm not a shill for PGB and they represent a minor fraction of my stash but I totally value their business model and the price difference in kits is pennies per pin!

If I were you I'd make like a Chinese Vendor and rebrand yourself and come back. Your approach as "Panda King" sucks.

Jerk Off Number 4
Testing adds to the cost of PGB. Product in hand FedEx in a few days add to the cost of PGB. My mail order pharmacy Centerwell can't deliver as fast. PGB assures you're getting what you paid for. NO China vendor does that regardless of their "guarantees" and if you do get lucky and a vendor backs up their "guarantee" it won't be without a $300 Janoshik test. You gonna pay that on your $50 Sema kit?

I'm not a shill for PGB and they represent a minor fraction of my stash but I totally value their business model and the price difference in kits is pennies per pin!

If I were you I'd make like a Chinese Vendor and rebrand yourself and come back. Your approach as "Panda King" sucks.

Jerk Off Number 4
At this point PGB is just a worse version of Nexaph

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