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  1. M

    Alright, let’s talk poop

    I like to use it once or twice a week. Normally the night before an off day that I don't plan on being out and about. I don't like to poo but the mag07 poos are very nice!
  2. M

    Cautionary Tale

    How are you feeling after this? hows the relationship between you and the other person now?
  3. M

    3d printed vacuum jar vial insert: cool

    yeffo has a pretty neat barbasol vinyl decal for hydropeak
  4. M

    I miss the nausea

    same with people who need blood pressure meds? Insulin?
  5. M


    did you go new or used?
  6. M

    Hit goal, now what?

    why not just stay where you are? Still Dropping?
  7. M

    Will anything ever bring the early magic back?

    I'm at a good weight to be goal weight now. I have noticed the same for the past maybe two months. I am starting to crave sugar like before. I get hungry and start thinking about food out of nowhere. I am eating more, more often but it seems like I still get full where before I never did. I...
  8. M

    My Favorite Reta Supplier

    how does shorting the bac increase the mg of reta? I think I misunderstood.
  9. M

    My freezer list... what's next?

    3 years at current dose or the suggested clinical max dose
  10. M

    Are you guys buying BAC every month?

    seems like all of this is kinda playing games. ordering a powder from China and shooting up.
  11. M

    Are you guys buying BAC every month?

    You buy a case from medex. add some needles for free shippings
  12. M

    How to avoid postprandial fat accumulation

    what kind of job is that?
  13. M

    Anyone order from QSC in Dec? Help?

    do not contact this person
  14. M

    Triz from QSC not working

    going by just "feels" the longer I am on glp1's I notice different foods can affect my hunger feelings for the day. Usually corn syrup items. I still get full faster but its different from months ago when I started.
  15. M

    So like, how much of a stockpile do you have of your peptides?

    Those are good for grow tents
  16. M

    So like, how much of a stockpile do you have of your peptides?

    Thank God I'm not snorting the stuff off my cases. Gonna look up some silicone vial holders.
  17. M

    QSC communication?

    Number 6 is so true
  18. M

    So like, how much of a stockpile do you have of your peptides?

    Every time I think I am finished buying a gb will come along with random testing included that has a better price. I end up with another kit.
  19. M

    Average GB Markup

    That's where I'm sitting, the lower prices are killing me.
  20. M

    What's your current GLP-1?

    Once you get comfortable it's easy enough to find you somehow ordered several 60mg kits
  21. M

    This forum is far superior to facebook

    Forums have always been superior to Facebook. If you are ever into anything look for the forums. Better organized and so much more real info. The only thing Facebook seems to be better at is real time with amusement parks.
  22. M

    Things You Said You’ll Never Do

    Never would I pin myself with anything. Three to five pins a day
  23. M

    Will peptide Tirz go away?

    Yeah, that's a bit of money.
  24. M

    Will peptide Tirz go away?

    My first purchase was sema from skye. I paid 550 for 10 vials of 5mg. About 2 weeks ago I paid $210 for 40 vials of 5mg. From China It's worth it to figure out buying from China. You have plenty to get you through until you are comfortable and prices will keep coming down. Black/grey...
  25. M

    Injector Pen

    It's 14.71 for me currently
  26. M

    Harm Reduction - Still Air Box

    If you want a still air box to become normalized in this area post over at meso under the name ghoul and somehow you will see people talking about it in every social forum with peptides.
  27. M

    Injector Pen

    My favorite feature of the savvio is when you vial is getting lower you can twist the end and as long as it's under 60 units it stops at how much you have left. An example. This morning I only had 21 units left in my vial and last night I didn't know if I needed to make a new cart. I checked...
  28. M

    Injector Pen

    The Ergo is cheaper...
  29. M

    Injector Pen

    If you use more than one peptide you will end up with more pens. Aliexpress has a good price on what ezpens sells as v2 pen.
  30. M

    QSC Nightmare $670 5 weeks saying they not received Payment

    You told a vendor to stop announcing their promo because you didn't like seeing it. Not very polite
  31. M


    Time to get a few more pens.
  32. M

    Show and Tell- Show me your peptide cases!

    He makes and sells them
  33. M

    Are people still using AR?

    Not since I went with Tracy
  34. M

    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    So you don't keep up with a vendor that is known currently to have crazy deals and that's not on you at all?
  35. M

    Stock up now or wait until Black Friday/XMas? + S/T/R/C chat

    So for you, you still get full much faster than before any glp?
  36. M

    Stock up now or wait until Black Friday/XMas? + S/T/R/C chat

    One thing that helped to slow my hoarding was to add up how many months I have at max clinical dose. That would give you a idea of where you are at and when you might need to start getting some deals in.
  37. M

    QSC Nightmare $670 5 weeks saying they not received Payment

    Be careful sending directly from cashapp in the future. It may get your account closed.