Those who violates US laws as to prescription drugs may be punished criminally. Food Drug & Cosmetic Act § 303 (21 U.S.C. § 333) [criminal penalties]. Laws regarding controlled substances are even stricter.
It appears that selling unapproved or misbranded may be punished criminally. That's...
Hatred of an ethnic group is probably, technically speaking, a little different than racism since ethnicity and race and not exactly the same. However, they're pretty close. With apologies to FreeSpectator8, I believe bigotry would have been a better term. Methinks thou doth protest too much.
I don't know who Normal used. I ordered some R30 from Hailey a few days ago. Her response time was slower than normal for her; it is Chinese New Year. However, she still responded in about 16-20 hours. SRY's US warehouse is operating again. It's not closed for CNY.
Back to the original topic, will Indian replace China as a source for GLP-1 drugs? Let me suggest a third possibility: Yes, Trump's actions might make it far more difficult for Chinese vendors to export drugs to the US. Then those same Chinese vendors will then stay in business but they'll...
I don't have any objection, in theory, to disliking a particular way that people from a country act. Folks in Guatemala love their children. however, when I went there for 3 months in 2000, Guatemalans who were wealthy enough to drive cars wouldn't use car seats for young children. I...
I'm not aware of any one ethnic group being more dishonest and less trustworthy than others. If I was aware of one, I'd say so. I do not believe having a belief about an ethnic group is necessarily racist per se. For instance, every now and then someone would ask about what's to keep a Chinese...
You can try this one: I found it by a Google search. I wouldn't use it myself since I know nothing about the vendor.
My inclination would be to avoid making huge changes in the dosages. Try 8 mg tirz and 3 mg reta and see how you feel and if you continue to lose weight. Great job.
The only executive order I saw posted on the White House site concerned Canada. White House officials told the Washington Post that Trump signed two other executive orders. It's hard to say without reading the orders what they mean.
Semi-seriously, I don't think Cain produces a bad product from what I've read; I never ordered from him myself. He's under a great deal of scrutiny. Any of the vendors that people here buy a lot from is probably going to give you a reasonably good product and will likely arrive. Some of...
The only reason people attack Cain is anti-Chinese xenophobia. Hopefully Cain won't leave us. This forum's misogyny drove Tracy away. Hopefully something similar won't happen with Cain. I like the special additives Cain provides.
Exploitedworkerbee made a number of serious allegations of lying by Cain. Then Cain responded with a sarcastic post not denying the allegations. It seems a thread ban is reasonable. This forum ought to issue more bans. I'm number five on the list of people with the most posts. Yet if you...
I also felt no energy on tirzepatide. It's a side effects that's not nearly as universal as the experiencing gastrointestinal distress at some point, but it's still common.
I would like to see specific vendors in China emerge who consistently produce GLP-1 drugs that are high enough in quality that it's okay to forego testing.
Below are multiple invites. I don't know why they sent multiple, but here they are. It's not a particularly exclusive club; they're willing to have me as a member.
If you're thinking of Public Group Buys, I'd say spending more than a 30% premium for them may be worth the cost because the stuff is extensively tested.
Hailey from SRY did get back to me about 20 hours after I sent her a Whatsapp message. I placed another order of reta a few minutes ago. My previous order arrived earlier in the week. SRY appears to still be sending stuff they had in stock at the American warehouse.
I generally agree. With that said, if there is a vendor that you trust more than others, it may be worth paying 10, 20, or 30 percent more than from other vendors. However, don't assume the pricier vendor is more reliable.
It looks like it was TFC (天津芬德化工有限公司), not TCI (天津仓图进出口有限公司).
How long have most companies selling GLP-1 drugs been around? Eli Lilly was founded in 1876. They don't sell retatrutide and probably won't in the next year and a half. Are there any grey companies selling GLP-1 drugs where the company has been around for at least three years? I believe Tracy...
You're in the middle of Chinese New Years celebrations so vendors are a little hard to find right now. I'd stick with one of the larger, more frequently used vendors, such as SRY, ASC, SSA, Amo, or SNP. You'll hear good and bad stuff about all of them. The odds are that if you use any one of...
Off the top of my head, my guesses would be Skye and QSC. Okay, you are probably describing me.
Skye is way expensive. I'll go with QSC. QSC is reliable; they've been around for a long time. Oops. QSC is now gone.
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