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  1. ZippityDooDah

    If the Gonk is here so am I

    I’m thinking of starting a cult. First I have to pick out uniforms.
  2. ZippityDooDah

    How much have you hoarded?!

    Yep. I switched to 5-day dosing I think on my 4th week of 2.5mg MJ pens after I found myself starving on days 5 & 6 and discovering the half-life data. I've stuck with it since and it's worked very well for me.
  3. ZippityDooDah

    How much have you hoarded?!

    I calculate my "holdings" based on 15mg every 5 days even though I'm still at 10mg. Like you I figure 2 years after hitting goal is a good place to be, especially if maintenance ends up being a lower dose.
  4. ZippityDooDah

    How much have you hoarded?!

    I started hoarding when QSC had the 10.18mg batch back in June and bought enough for a year at that time, but I've been slowing increasing my hoard since then. I think I currently have TZ from 8 different overseas suppliers plus some SAF and Arctic as well. I'm not super concerned about a major...
  5. ZippityDooDah

    Hello fellow pincushions!

    Welcome! Hopefully we'll avoid the roid rage here lol!
  6. ZippityDooDah

    Testing discord shitshow cool achieve

    IMHO it's all a bunch of nothing, but here's a synopsis: 1. The original admin who started the first testing discord (Gpa1971) made a deal with Cool Achieve (CA) to be their US re-shipper, and was called out for it. He then disclosed his involvement, and while remaining an admin handed over the...
  7. ZippityDooDah

    Testing discord shitshow cool achieve

    And you know who that person is that posted it right? Hint: not an admin on any of the testing discords.
  8. ZippityDooDah

    Testing discord shitshow cool achieve

    I don't see it. The two main admins seem to be doing a good job keeping everything under control and have given me no reason to distrust them. The group buy wasn't their idea and they've already said that future group buys will have to be managed elsewhere so I can't really see how they are in...
  9. ZippityDooDah

    Trying to make sense of the label?

    Haha, I hear that! It's amazing (and frightening) to see the loss of verbal communication skills between generations.
  10. ZippityDooDah

    Get your Reta tested!

    Janoshik reports that two supposed Retatrutide samples they were sent for testing turned out to be AOD. For professional reasons they can't identify the supplier or who sent in the sample, but obviously this is something to watch out for with this new peptide! Don't trust, and always verify!
  11. ZippityDooDah

    Trying to make sense of the label?

    Half the battle is getting people to actually pick up the phone and make that call. Of course the other half is getting the pharmacy to be helpful lol.
  12. ZippityDooDah

    QSC Orders

    The way the shipping works with the re-ship service can be a bit puzzling at times, including how newer orders can be delivered before older orders. I suspect it has to do with the routing methods used to get the larger packages containing the individual orders into the US for final distribution...
  13. ZippityDooDah

    If the Gonk is here so am I

    Nobody likes that guy. He's fat and obnoxious! But still, welcome! :cool:
  14. ZippityDooDah

    Trying to make sense of the label?

    This is correct. Try not to think in "units" as much as ml. With a U100 insulin syringe, 15 units is .15ml. Units are specifically a measurement of insulin, and even though a lot of syringes still only have units, it's better to get comfortable with the milliliter scale for better understanding...
  15. ZippityDooDah

    Lab test showing degradation of reconstituted GLP1/GLI over several months.

    The shady underside of peptide sellers long before GLP-1's and routine independent testing was to promote the fallacy that peptides are fragile and have limited shelf life etc. so they could conveniently explain away bad product. Now some of the most common questions are related to storage...
  16. ZippityDooDah

    ISR when changing injection location

    Has anyone tried topical Benadryl? Knock on wood I've yet to have an ISR, but any little itchy abrasion etc. it works great for me.
  17. ZippityDooDah

    Cheat day?

    NY style pizza (plain cheese please) is my #1 comfort food. Ironically, I haven't had any pizza (nor even really a craving) since I started MJ in April. I told myself when I hit the 50lbs lost mark that I would celebrate with a pizza, but that came and went and I haven't really had the desire...
  18. ZippityDooDah

    Cheat day?

    I thoroughly enjoy everything I eat during the week (except for the shrimp scampi I had Tuesday that I think gave me food poisoning!), but as a long-time fast food whore that one 'cheat' meal a week is usually enough salt & carbs to give me a brief zen kind of feeling and still remind me why I...
  19. ZippityDooDah

    Price Lists

    Here is a price list I got from Anna at Hebei Dongdu. I have not ordered from them (yet); there are a handful of people who have but have yet to receive their orders. There are also a couple of crowd-funded tests for their 10mg and 15mg TZ in progress, but the results will not be available for...
  20. ZippityDooDah

    Cheat day?

    Any time I've been working to lose weight, I've always included a cheat day where I get either a couple of hamburgers and a small fry from McD's or a French dip from Arby's. Either is pretty much about 100% of my carbs most weeks. Well let me tell you, I've been having GI issues for the past 3...
  21. ZippityDooDah


    Thanks for joining us!
  22. ZippityDooDah

    QSC Retatrutide

    Just posted on bookface:
  23. ZippityDooDah

    ISR when changing injection location

    I've never had one so I can say for sure, but I seem to recall some of the "reddit people" who have posted about ISR's mentioning it only happening in one place. There's also a lot of people who report it just starting randomly after they've been on one of these meds for a while. Seems like the...
  24. ZippityDooDah

    nature's tirz? (not berberine!)

    If it rhymes with bacon, sign me the bleep up! 🥓🥓🥓
  25. ZippityDooDah

    Oh hai!

    I truly think that the ability of overseas enterprises to be able to accurately duplicate and mass-produce these kinds of meds is going to eventually cause a significant change to how future drugs are priced and distributed.
  26. ZippityDooDah


    These GLP-1s really are a miracle. As the future unfolds I think society will be looking back on this period of time as the point when the whole approach to medicine and health took a gigantic leap forward!
  27. ZippityDooDah

    Hey now!

    "I reconstituted my 3ml vial with 6 gallons of bacteria water so that should last me a year if I take 23.6334 units a week, right?"
  28. ZippityDooDah

    Another platform is popping up.

    There's definitely some grey area, but I'm more worried about people unwittingly opening themselves up to scammers, or worse there was apparently a customer whose personal details were doxxed on another platform by a Chinese vendor. It's already so easy for these Chinese vendors to join most...
  29. ZippityDooDah

    Another platform is popping up.

    There's always going to be other platforms popping up and that's cool. I prefer the forum format which is why this is here, and I piddle around in the reddit, discord and preppy groups occasionally. I've only got so much time in my day so trying to be on every platform was something I stopped...
  30. ZippityDooDah

    Today's Adventures in Reddit Madness

    The devil made me do it, the power of the pentagram is strong.
  31. ZippityDooDah

    Livestream Event with Anela, Sunday 8/20/23 at 4 PM Eastern

    I'm pretty anti-censorship so I'm not going to tell anyone what they can or can't say or start deleting posts, but I have no need or desire to get in a platform vs. platform pissing contest with anyone. There's enough room out there for people to find the places they find the most helpful and...
  32. ZippityDooDah

    Powder Peptides?

    I think it ultimately depends on the dose. If it's something dosed at like 50 or 100mg where you can be +/- 20% and still get effects (and not die) it's probably pretty straightforward, but when you start getting into mcg's or something like SG or TZ where you're working with <15mg or even...
  33. ZippityDooDah

    Testing discord shitshow cool achieve

    Experimenting with and discussing these meds is all new to everyone. I've also owned and been an admin or mod on multiple forums over the years, but maybe none of those guys have before. Time will tell how it all works out, and hopefully people will learn from this episode.
  34. ZippityDooDah

    Powder Peptides?

    Working with bulk powder when trying to measure exact doses is not an easy DIY undertaking. There are guides on how to do it with specialized scoops, precision scales, etc. It's also important to remember that anything raw needs to be filtered through a 0.22 μm filter to sterilize the solution...
  35. ZippityDooDah

    Testing discord shitshow cool achieve

    Meh, I'm not too concerned about any of it. I've had friendly conversations with most of the discord mods and they've never given me any reason to think they've got bad intentions. The opportunity to make money can be seductive and with these GLP-1's there are a lot of people trying to turn it...
  36. ZippityDooDah

    Vial storage & labeller

    Same here. Even a short disruption could be devastating to progress, so I want to keep my fate in my own hands.
  37. ZippityDooDah

    Hello & Greetings

    Well null right back atcha! ;) Welcome!
  38. ZippityDooDah

    New Drugs Alter the Debate on the Cause of Obesity

    From today's WSJ
  39. ZippityDooDah

    Gas/Belching/Sulfur Burps

    I'm fortunate that I've never had any of the gas and sulphur burps from TZ. I tried a 'bump' of SG from .25mg Wegovy pens a couple of times and holy crap they were unpleasant!