50 mg vial too much for lowest dose?


Sep 17, 2024
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I use the lowest dose but want to buy qsc’s 50mg or even the 40mg. I wouldn’t use a vial in a month, and that’s what I’m supposed to do, right? Is there a way to use this that I’m not thinking of? Or do I just need less mg’s?
You could also split the vial into two and keep one aside. less chance of contaminating it. or share it with someone.
I read something about splitting a vial but isn’t there more of a chance with cross contamination doing that vs just using the vial for longer periods? How would you even split it anyway?
I read something about splitting a vial but isn’t there more of a chance with cross contamination doing that vs just using the vial for longer periods? How would you even split it anyway?
If everything is in one vial, you puncture that vial every week. Every puncture is a chance of contamination. But lots of people also have no issue using the same vial for multiple months.

Simplest way is remove half of it after reconstituting and then inject it into a new sterile vial. Personally, I prefer pen cartridges so I use those. Also even better if you add a filter and new needle before injecting into the new vial so it's as sterile as possible.
My tirz from a weight loss clinic said use within 90 days and it's from South Lake Pharmacy.

I personally prep my syringes. My last vial I got 12 doses out of. But I have a process that limits contamination

*NOTE: This is a watered down/simplified summary and is not meant to be used as a guide for sterile process.

*tie back hair and put on mask
*surgical scrub hands
*sanitize my counter
*get out all supplies, set aside but keep close
*don gloves
*use surgical technique to drape my counter with a sterile drape
*wipe vials with alcohol
*doff gloves
*Don fresh gloves
*wipe top of vial with alcohol
*reconstitute. One hand touches the vial, one hand handles the syringes
*draw up dosages, taking caution to never touch the needle to anything
*put syringes in air tight box in fridge

If I'm adding b12 to my tirz, I use a fresh needle and add it to the syringe with the tirz
so I only have to jab once. Sometimes I may use syringes with removable needles and remove them before storage and put on a fresh one for administering
My tirz from a weight loss clinic said use within 90 days and it's from South Lake Pharmacy.

I personally prep my syringes. My last vial I got 12 doses out of. But I have a process that limits contamination

*NOTE: This is a watered down/simplified summary and is not meant to be used as a guide for sterile process.

*tie back hair and put on mask
*surgical scrub hands
*sanitize my counter
*get out all supplies, set aside but keep close
*don gloves
*use surgical technique to drape my counter with a sterile drape
*wipe vials with alcohol
*doff gloves
*Don fresh gloves
*wipe top of vial with alcohol
*reconstitute. One hand touches the vial, one hand handles the syringes
*draw up dosages, taking caution to never touch the needle to anything
*put syringes in air tight box in fridge

If I'm adding b12 to my tirz, I use a fresh needle and add it to the syringe with the tirz
so I only have to jab once. Sometimes I may use syringes with removable needles and remove them before storage and put on a fresh one for administering
Are you a CST? I do very similar. Not a CST but I did technically graduate as one with my cert but ended up going into IT instead 😆
Are you a CST? I do very similar. Not a CST but I did technically graduate as one with my cert but ended up going into IT instead 😆
I worked in an ag genetics lab in college then in a pharmaceutical research lab for awhile. Then worked in the medical field. I'm probably "too" cautious. But gangrene scares me more than my gray market tirz 🤣
If everything is in one vial, you puncture that vial every week. Every puncture is a chance of contamination. But lots of people also have no issue using the same vial for multiple months.

Simplest way is remove half of it after reconstituting and then inject it into a new sterile vial. Personally, I prefer pen cartridges so I use those. Also even better if you add a filter and new needle before injecting into the new vial so it's as sterile as possible.
This is great advice! Thank you!
I worked in an ag genetics lab in college then in a pharmaceutical research lab for awhile. Then worked in the medical field. I'm probably "too" cautious. But gangrene scares me more than my gray market tirz 🤣
I'm scared of cellulitis lol. I had a terrible case from a bug bite that ended up needing 3 rounds of abx. It was on the inside of my elbow and I've got some permanent swelling from it. My dad makes fun of it and calls it my popeye arm 😂😂 (the swelling is mild but noticeable when it's pointed out).
My tirz from a weight loss clinic said use within 90 days and it's from South Lake Pharmacy.

I personally prep my syringes. My last vial I got 12 doses out of. But I have a process that limits contamination

*NOTE: This is a watered down/simplified summary and is not meant to be used as a guide for sterile process.

*tie back hair and put on mask
*surgical scrub hands
*sanitize my counter
*get out all supplies, set aside but keep close
*don gloves
*use surgical technique to drape my counter with a sterile drape
*wipe vials with alcohol
*doff gloves
*Don fresh gloves
*wipe top of vial with alcohol
*reconstitute. One hand touches the vial, one hand handles the syringes
*draw up dosages, taking caution to never touch the needle to anything
*put syringes in air tight box in fridge

If I'm adding b12 to my tirz, I use a fresh needle and add it to the syringe with the tirz
so I only have to jab once. Sometimes I may use syringes with removable needles and remove them before storage and put on a fresh one for administering
Why not use a pen?
I do about 80% of that and I thought I was overkill.

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