That generally means your T3 and T4 are below what they ought to be. Although the numbers for your T3 and T4 are normal for many people, your elevated TSH means that your body is saying that it needs more. Doctors rely primarily on TSH in determining whether your body is making enough T3 and T4. I'm speaking generally. Go to an endocrinologist, who will be more knowledgeable than I am on the subject. Taking too much thyroid medicine can quickly cause severe health problems. Don't try adjusting your thyroid levels yourself; doing so is more dangerous than taking grey market tirzepatide if you're too heavy. Wait until January and visit an endocrinologist.My TSH came at 8 :0 but FT3 and FT4 are in normal ranges, I cant afford a doc yet until Jan.
Can this be related to Tirze? This is my first blood work post Tirz, before that it was in normal range.
My Enzymes and Cholesterol are higher too despite weight loss.