Amopure labor day L60 full review and usage


Aug 20, 2024
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About to reconstitute recent order and inject RS to see if current batch of L60 burns or not.

Package received with no issues or damage. Very discrete package. Only 1 vial had a busted puck but all else looked fine. I will PH test after reconstitution and before injection . Fresh bottle of Hospira Bac to make sure no issues on reconstitution. Perfect vacuum, vaccum pulled 2ml in with no issues . Reconstitution is clear with a few bubbles. Ph looks to be a 4 maybe 5. Injection of 3mg I felt the triz on pressing the plunger maybe a 2 out of 10. Lasted 2-5 min. Sub q lateral thigh. I have an order of Cagrilintide that burns 7 out of 10 so this is good to go for now. I took this dose a few days early so I lowered the dose for science. Will report back tomorrow if i feel the effect. I currently have prescription grade mounjaro i have used for 8 weeks. It does not burn at all. Im happy so far. If i dont respond im prbly dead or busy (i have 4 daughters). (Still feel a little burn but nothing compared to cagri from astropeptide. Added lateral quad sub Q


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About to reconstitute recent order and inject RS to see if current batch of L60 burns or not.

Package received with no issues or damage. Very discrete package. Only 1 vial had a busted puck but all else looked fine. I will PH test after reconstitution and before injection . Fresh bottle of Hospira Bac to make sure no issues on reconstitution. Perfect vacuum, vaccum pulled 2ml in with no issues . Reconstitution is clear with a few bubbles. Ph looks to be a 4 maybe 5. Injection of 3mg I felt the triz on pressing the plunger maybe a 2 out of 10. Lasted 2-5 min. Sub q lateral thigh. I have an order of Cagrilintide that burns 7 out of 10 so this is good to go for now. I took this dose a few days early so I lowered the dose for science. Will report back tomorrow if i feel the effect. I currently have prescription grade mounjaro i have used for 8 weeks. It does not burn at all. Im happy so far. If i dont respond im prbly dead or busy (i have 4 daughters). (Still feel a little burn but nothing compared to cagri from astropeptide
Thanks so much. Question? I grabbed some test bac water from Q.. going to open new vial tomorrow. Should I test water...pep... and after recon? If so or if not.... what exactly should I be looking for far as ph??
Thanks so much. Question? I grabbed some test bac water from Q.. going to open new vial tomorrow. Should I test water...pep... and after recon? If so or if not.... what exactly should I be looking for far as ph??
I would test and document everything. I wanted to use the best Bac I could to rule out that as an issue if it burned. I didn't want any blam going to the bac if the product failed. I'm sure smarter individuals will chime in but staying in the 5-7 range would feel better on injection. Some have said that ph isn't a huge deal and that it may still sting due to inert ingredients. I can't speak on this due to my lack of knowledge. Just good rule of thumb is document your process and share if any issue.

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