ASC banned from the StairwayToGray site

This was very apparent to us long before that and I'm not sure why it's scary?
I do like seeing which of the ABCXYZ companies are connected, and I'd love to find out who the actual manufacturers are (though that may not be great since if it's well known they're more likely to be shut down). But the surprise that they are connected is... Something. That's how it works, even with weed dealers- one big fish supplies lots of little fish, who handle the interactions with individuals for them.
I find it scary that multiple vendors knowingly and with coordinated deceit, continue to ship out bunk product.
As @exploitedworkerbee has so eloquently put it before....

Replace 'vendor' with 'drug dealer' and all of a sudden a lot of things make more sense.
It would seem to me that there’d be a financial incentive for grey vendors to consistently sell good product because they acquire a reputation and gain customers over time. It’s very easy to lose them. With that said, I had already heard multiple veterans on this site say that vendors with good reputations tend to start doing shady things after a while. That’s why I was only a little surprised about the ASC garbage tirzepatide. I haven’t heard anything from ASC/Tuk responding to this. I would think they would be immediately responding and sending people new tracking numbers with good product and apologizing profusely. ASC had charged more than many of the Chinese vendors. Yet they had a following.
Krysis from the Swiss did an incredible job getting people to send in photos of the labels from the box that their CN orders came in.

It became appalling clear that LOTS of vendors are using the same stock. A zero-peptide batch had a mishap when printing labels and then multiple vendors were sending out the product all with the same printing glitch. Pretty scary stuff.
I've searched high and low and can't find the Swiss. How do I find an invite?

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