ASC first Purchase will be in a few days. Has anyone used ASC?

i'll jump in as well. I have ordered from QSC, ASC, Amolist/Amopure/Guns-n-Amo (or whatever they are called these days) and others.

Once the shipping labels is created it can take a few days to get updates, and don't be surprised if things just sit for several days with no updates, or you seem to get an update that says it was received by X, departed X facility but then just sits. It will move. I am learning to be more patient. Also, depending on who the vendor may use for shipping, that can also affect things.

I hear complaints about QSC and responsiveness; however, they have replied to me usually within 24 hours. Again be patient (I should talk!).

ASC, Amo-whatever, and a few others are a bit faster as far as replies. I have another one that I am trying for CJC/Ipamorelin and I'll see how they are. They also have the other peptides too, and I only now oder from those I see on the forum.
To the more experienced forum members here, may I ask which vendor provides the highest quality peptides? Pick your vendor whether it is ASC or QYC or GYC or QSC or SSA or ZYH or TFI or whoever else you may know. Who provides the most consistent and best grade peptides?
Hey guys, I’ve been really quiet on this form for a while but I do want to post an update now that I’ve been using ASC products for about 3 months.

Their Tirz has been good quality (Orange caps) so far. My initial doses didn’t have the feelings I was used to previously (huge food noise suppression), however my body has been liking the Tirz and I’ve been gaining results (I’m 5 lbs from my goal weight and have lost 40!). My initial post might have thrown people off from purchasing from ASC and that wasn’t my intention.

Now that I’m back on posting, I just got the black caps Tirz 30mg. I’ll report back when I start them in 2 weeks.